4,399 research outputs found

    Channel Estimation for Two-Way Relay Networks in the Presence of Synchronization Errors

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    This paper investigates pilot-aided channel estimation for two-way relay networks (TWRNs) in the presence of synchronization errors between the two sources. The unpredictable synchronization error leads to time domain offset and signal arriving order (SAO) ambiguity when two signals sent from two sources are superimposed at the relay. A two-step channel estimation algorithm is first proposed, in which the linear minimum mean-square-error (LMMSE) estimator is used to obtain initial channel estimates based on pilot symbols and a linear minimum error probability (LMEP) estimator is then developed to update these estimates. Optimal training sequences and power allocation at the relay are designed to further improve the performance for LMMSE based initial channel estimation. To tackle the SAO ambiguity problem, the generalized likelihood ratio testing (GLRT) method is applied and an upper bound on the SAO detection error probability is derived. By using the SAO information, a scaled LMEP estimation algorithm is proposed to compensate the performance degradation caused by SAO detection error. Simulation results show that the proposed estimation algorithms can effectively mitigate the negative effects caused by asynchronous transmissions in TWRNs, thus significantly outperforming the existing channel estimation algorithms.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Synchronisation of the superimposed training method for channel estimation in the presence of DC-offset

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    The superimposed training method estimates the channel from the induced first-order cyclostationary statistics exhibited by the received signal. In this paper, using vector space decomposition, we show that the information needed for training sequence synchronisation, and for DC-offset estimation, can be extracted from the first-order cyclostationary statistics as well. Necessary and sufficient conditions for channel computation and equalisation are derived, when training sequence synchronisation and DC-offset removal are required. The computational burden of the practical implementation of the method presented here is much lighter than for existing algorithms. At the same time, simulation results show that the performance, in terms of the MSE of the channel estimates and BER, is not diminishedwhen compared to these existing algorithms

    Short Packet Structure for Ultra-Reliable Machine-type Communication: Tradeoff between Detection and Decoding

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    Machine-type communication requires rethinking of the structure of short packets due to the coding limitations and the significant role of the control information. In ultra-reliable low-latency communication (URLLC), it is crucial to optimally use the limited degrees of freedom (DoFs) to send data and control information. We consider a URLLC model for short packet transmission with acknowledgement (ACK). We compare the detection/decoding performance of two short packet structures: (1) time-multiplexed detection sequence and data; and (2) structure in which both packet detection and data decoding use all DoFs. Specifically, as an instance of the second structure we use superimposed sequences for detection and data. We derive the probabilities of false alarm and misdetection for an AWGN channel and numerically minimize the packet error probability (PER), showing that for delay-constrained data and ACK exchange, there is a tradeoff between the resources spent for detection and decoding. We show that the optimal PER for the superimposed structure is achieved for higher detection overhead. For this reason, the PER is also higher than in the preamble case. However, the superimposed structure is advantageous due to its flexibility to achieve optimal operation without the need to use multiple codebooks.Comment: Accepted at ICASSP 2018, special session on "Signal Processing for Machine-Type Communications

    Coded DS-CDMA Systems with Iterative Channel Estimation and no Pilot Symbols

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    In this paper, we describe direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) systems with quadriphase-shift keying in which channel estimation, coherent demodulation, and decoding are iteratively performed without the use of any training or pilot symbols. An expectation-maximization channel-estimation algorithm for the fading amplitude, phase, and the interference power spectral density (PSD) due to the combined interference and thermal noise is proposed for DS-CDMA systems with irregular repeat-accumulate codes. After initial estimates of the fading amplitude, phase, and interference PSD are obtained from the received symbols, subsequent values of these parameters are iteratively updated by using the soft feedback from the channel decoder. The updated estimates are combined with the received symbols and iteratively passed to the decoder. The elimination of pilot symbols simplifies the system design and allows either an enhanced information throughput, an improved bit error rate, or greater spectral efficiency. The interference-PSD estimation enables DS-CDMA systems to significantly suppress interference.Comment: To appear, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Channel estimation with TCH codes for machine-type communications

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    TCH codes possess several properties that allow us to use them efficiently in various applications. One of these applications is channel estimation and, in this dissertation, it is studied the performance of TCH codes to estimate the channel in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing system, regarding Machine-Type Communications. Bit error rate performance results were obtained by executing simulations that allowed the evaluation of the impact of using two different pilot techniques, such as data multiplexed and implicit pilots, different pilot power levels and different modulations, QPSK and 64-QAM. Pilots based on TCH codes are also compared with other conventional pilots. Results show that TCH codes have a very positive and reliable performance. Joint timing synchronization and channel estimation is also performed using different sparse based approaches, such as Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, L1- regularized and Iterative Reweighted L1. TCH codes are compared against different sequence types, namely Zadoff-Chu sequences and pseudorandom codewords, and variations in the pilot size, the channel length and the observation window size are executed in order to understand their effects. Results ultimately illustrate that TCH codes can be effectively used in joint channel estimation and synchronization, managing to withstand worst simulation conditions better than its counterparts. It is also proven that compressed sensing can successfully be utilized in joint synchronization and channel estimation, an area where its use has not been very explored.Os códigos TCH possuem várias propriedades que nos permitem usá-los eficientemente em diversas aplicações. Uma delas é a estimação de canal e nesta dissertação é estudado o desempenho dos códigos TCH em estimação de canal num sistema OFDM, tendo em conta as comunicações Machine-Type. Resultados que ilustram a taxa de erro de bit foram obtidos através de simulações que permitem avaliar o impacto de usar diferentes técnicas de pilotos, nomeadamente multiplexados e implícitos, diferentes valores de potência para os pilotos e diferentes modulações, QPSK e 64-QAM. Também é feita a comparação entre os pilotos TCH e pilotos convencionais. Os resultados mostram que os pilotos TCH tem um desempenho muito positivo e confiável, dentro dos parâmetros testados. Também é efetuado o estudo de sincronização e estimação de canal conjunta usando métodos esparsos como o OMP, o L1-regularized e o Iterative Reweighted L1. Os códigos TCH são comparados com outros tipos de sequências, tais como as sequências Zadoff-Chu e os códigos pseudo-aleatórios. São consideradas variações no tamanho dos pilotos, no comprimento do canal e no tamanho da janela de observação para perceber quais são os seus efeitos no desempenho. Os resultados demonstram que os códigos TCH podem ser utilizados com sucesso em estimação de canal e sincronização conjunta e conseguem aguentar condições adversas de simulação melhor que os outros pilotos utilizados. Também é provado que compressed sensing pode ser utilizado com sucesso em sincronização e estimação conjunta, que é uma área onde o seu uso ainda não foi explorado aprofundadamente