138 research outputs found

    A parallel integration method for solar system dynamics

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    We describe how long-term solar system orbit integration could be implemented on a parallel computer. The interesting feature of our algorithm is that each processor is assigned not to a planet or a pair of planets but to a time-interval. Thus, the 1st week, 2nd week,..., 1000th week of an orbit are computed concurrently. The problem of matching the input to the (n+1)-st processor with the output of the n-th processor can be solved efficiently by an iterative procedure. Our work is related to the so-called waveform relaxation methods in the computational mathematics literature, but is specialized to the Hamiltonian and nearly integrable nature of solar system orbits. Simulations on serial machines suggest that, for the reasonable accuracy requirement of 1" per century, our preliminary parallel algorithm running on a 1000-processor machine would be about 50 times faster than the fastest available serial algorithm, and we have suggestions for further improvements in speed.Comment: Submitted to AJ, 12 page

    Explicit exactly energy-conserving methods for Hamiltonian systems

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    For Hamiltonian systems, simulation algorithms that exactly conserve numerical energy or pseudo-energy have seen extensive investigation. Most available methods either require the iterative solution of nonlinear algebraic equations at each time step, or are explicit, but where the exact conservation property depends on the exact evaluation of an integral in continuous time. Under further restrictions, namely that the potential energy contribution to the Hamiltonian is non-negative, newer techniques based on invariant energy quadratisation allow for exact numerical energy conservation and yield linearly implicit updates, requiring only the solution of a linear system at each time step. In this article, it is shown that, for a general class of Hamiltonian systems, and under the non-negativity condition on potential energy, it is possible to arrive at a fully explicit method that exactly conserves numerical energy. Furthermore, such methods are unconditionally stable, and are of comparable computational cost to the very simplest integration methods (such as Störmer-Verlet). A variant of this scheme leading to a conditionally-stable method is also presented, and follows from a splitting of the potential energy. Various numerical results are presented, in the case of the classic test problem of Fermi, Pasta and Ulam and for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations, including those describing high amplitude vibration of strings and plates