18 research outputs found

    Speeding up the cyclic edit distance using LAESA with early abandon

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    The cyclic edit distance between two strings is the minimum edit distance between one of this strings and every possible cyclic shift of the other. This can be useful, for example, in image analysis where strings describe the contour of shapes or in computational biology for classifying circular permuted proteins or circular DNA/RNA molecules. The cyclic edit distance can be computed in O(mnlog m) time, however, in real recognition tasks this is a high computational cost because of the size of databases. A method to reduce the number of comparisons and avoid an exhaustive search is convenient. In this work, we present a new algorithm based on a modification of LAESA (linear approximating and eliminating search algorithm) for applying pruning in the computation of distances. It is an efficient procedure for classification and retrieval of cyclic strings. Experimental results show that our proposal considerably outperforms LAESAWork partially supported by the Spanish Government (TIN2010-18958), and the Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEOII/2014/062)


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    ABSTRACT: The paper discusses an approach involving digital image processing and geometric logic for recognition of two dimensional shapes of objects such as squares, circles, rectangles and triangles as well as the color of the object. This approach can be extended to applications like robotic vision and computer intelligence. The methods involved are three dimensional RGB image to two dimensional black and white image conversion, color pixel classification for object-background separation, area based filtering and use of bounding box and its properties for calculating object metrics. The object metrics are compared with predetermined values that are characteristic of a particular object's shape. The recognition of the shape of the objects is made invariant to their rotation. Further, the colors of the objects are recognized by analyzing RGB information of all pixels within each object. The algorithm was developed and simulated using MATLAB. A set of 180 images of the four basic 2D geometric shapes and the three primary colors (red, green and blue) were used for analysis and the results were 99% accurate

    On hidden Markov models and cyclic strings for shape recognition

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    Shape descriptions and the corresponding matching techniques must be robust to noise and invariant to transformations for their use in recognition tasks. Most transformations are relatively easy to handle when contours are represented by strings. However, starting point invariance is difficult to achieve. One interesting possibility is the use of cyclic strings, which are strings that have no starting and final points. We propose new methodologies to use Hidden Markov Models to classify contours represented by cyclic strings. Experimental results show that our proposals outperform other methods in the literature

    On the Dynamic Time Warping of Cyclic Sequences for Shape Retrieval

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    In the last years, in shape retrieval, methods based on Dynamic Time Warping and sequences where each point of the contour is represented by elements of several dimensions have had a significant presence. In this approach each point of the closed contour contains information with respect to the other ones, this global information is very discriminant. The current state-of-the-art shape retrieval is based on the analysis of these distances to learn better ones. These methods are robust to noise and invariant to transformations, but, they obtain the invariance to the starting point with a brute force cyclic alignment which has a high computational time. In this work, we present the Cyclic Dynamic Time Warping. It can obtain the cyclic alignment in O(n2 log n) time, where n is the size of both sequences. Experimental results show that our proposal is a better alternative than the brute force cyclic alignment and other heuristics for obtaining this invariance

    DTW-Radon-based Shape Descriptor for Pattern Recognition

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present a pattern recognition method that uses dynamic programming (DP) for the alignment of Radon features. The key characteristic of the method is to use dynamic time warping (DTW) to match corresponding pairs of the Radon features for all possible projections. Thanks to DTW, we avoid compressing the feature matrix into a single vector which would otherwise miss information. To reduce the possible number of matchings, we rely on a initial normalisation based on the pattern orientation. A comprehensive study is made using major state-of-the-art shape descriptors over several public datasets of shapes such as graphical symbols (both printed and hand-drawn), handwritten characters and footwear prints. In all tests, the method proves its generic behaviour by providing better recognition performance. Overall, we validate that our method is robust to deformed shape due to distortion, degradation and occlusion