5 research outputs found

    Facial recognition using deep learning

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    In this article, the researcher presented the results of recognition of four emotional states (happy, sad, angry, and disgust) based on facial expressions. A deep learning method with a Convolutional Neural Network algorithm for recognizing problems has been proven very effective way to overcome the recognition problem. A comparative study is carried out using MUAD3D dataset from Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak for evaluating accuracy performance of this dataset. More discussion is provided to prove the effectiveness of the Convolutional Neural Network in recognition problems

    System of gender identification and age estimation from radiography: a review

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    Under extreme conditions postmortem, dental radiography examinations can play an essential role in individual identification. In forensic odontology, individual identification traditionally compares antemortem dental records radiographs with those obtained on postmortem examination. As such, these traditional methods are vulnerable to oversights or mistakes in the individual identification of unidentified bodies. Digital technology can develop forensic odontology well. An automatic individual identification system is needed to support the forensic odontology process more easily and quickly because there are still opportunities to be created. We aimed to review the complete range of recent developments in identifying individuals from panoramic radiographs. We study methods in gender identification, age estimation, radiographic segmentation, performance analysis, and promising future directions

    Automatic Segmentation of Mandible from Conventional Methods to Deep Learning-A Review

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    Medical imaging techniques, such as (cone beam) computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging, have proven to be a valuable component for oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS). Accurate segmentation of the mandible from head and neck (H&N) scans is an important step in order to build a personalized 3D digital mandible model for 3D printing and treatment planning of OMFS. Segmented mandible structures are used to effectively visualize the mandible volumes and to evaluate particular mandible properties quantitatively. However, mandible segmentation is always challenging for both clinicians and researchers, due to complex structures and higher attenuation materials, such as teeth (filling) or metal implants that easily lead to high noise and strong artifacts during scanning. Moreover, the size and shape of the mandible vary to a large extent between individuals. Therefore, mandible segmentation is a tedious and time-consuming task and requires adequate training to be performed properly. With the advancement of computer vision approaches, researchers have developed several algorithms to automatically segment the mandible during the last two decades. The objective of this review was to present the available fully (semi)automatic segmentation methods of the mandible published in different scientific articles. This review provides a vivid description of the scientific advancements to clinicians and researchers in this field to help develop novel automatic methods for clinical applications


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