201,258 research outputs found

    Algebraic symbolism as a conceptual barrier in learning mathematics

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    The use of symbolism in mathematics is probably the mostly quoted reason people use for explaining their lack of understanding and difficulties in learning mathematics. We will consider symbolism as a conceptual barrier drawing on some recent findings in historical epistemology and cognitive psychology. Instead of relying on the narrow psychological interpretation of epistemic obstacles we use the barrier for situating symbolism in the ‘ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny’-debate. Drawing on a recent study within historical epistemology we show how early symbolism functioned in a way similar to concrete operational schemes. Furthermore we will discuss several studies from cognitive psychology which come to the conclusion that symbolism is not as abstract and arbitrary as one considers but often relies on perceptually organized grouping and concrete spatial relations. We will use operations on fractions to show that the reliance on concrete spatial operations also provides opportunities for teaching. We will conclude arguing that a better conceptual understanding of symbolism by teachers will prepare them for possible difficulties that students will be confronted with in the classroom

    Where did Words Come from? A Linking Theory of Sound Symbolism and Natural Language Evolution

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    Where did words come from? The traditional view is that the relation between the sound of a word and its meaning is arbitrary. An alternative hypothesis, known as sound symbolism, holds that form-meaning correspondence is systematic. Numerous examples of sound symbolism exist across natural language phyla. Moreover, cross-linguistic similarities suggest that sound symbolism represents a language universal. For example, many unrelated languages affix an "ee" sound to words in order to emphasize size distinctions or express affection (e.g., look at the teeny weeny baby); other such phonetic universals are evident for object mass, color, brightness, and aggression. We hypothesize that sound symbolism reflects sensitivity to an ecological law (i.e., Hooke's Law) governing an inverse relation between object mass and acoustic resonance. In two experiments healthy adults showed high agreement in matching pure tones to color swatches and nonwords to novel objects as linear functions of frequency and luminance. These results support a degree of non-arbitrariness in integrating visual and auditory information. We discuss implications for sound symbolism as a factor underlying language evolution

    Sound Symbolism in Foreign Language Phonological Acquisition

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    The paper aims at investigating the idea of a symbolic nature of sounds and its implications for in the acquisition of foreign language phonology. Firstly, it will present an overview of universal trends in phonetic symbolism, i.e. non-arbitrary representations of a phoneme by specific semantic criteria. Secondly, the results of a preliminary study on different manifestations of sound symbolism including emotionally-loaded representations of phonemes and other synaesthetic associations shall be discussed. Finally, practical pedagogical implications of sound symbolism will be explored and a number of innovative classroom activities involving sound symbolic associations will be presented


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    Abstract To analyze “Philosophy and Symbolism of Ketupat” (Rice cake boiled in a rhombus-shaped packet of plaited young coconut leaves) a aesthetics study. The first explained the mean of philosophy as a love wisdom also at Hinduism called Tattwa is secret of divinity with Their Manifestation about secret of universe and life. Symbolism of Ketupat is extending conscience Hinduism to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa (Powerful of god) and Their Manifestation example Ketupat Linggih, made from leave of coarse grass, usage for “Banten Panca Lingga” carried out of “Nelinggihang Dewa Pitra” ceremony or honorable ancestors. While Philosophy and symbolism of Ketupat a aesthetics study as extending a love wisdom Hinduism based on art of “Ulat-ulatan” kind of Ketupat, but a aesthetics study as strike to feel of beauty in inspirins, understanding, and stable Hinduism always based on Weda

    Raising Awareness about Water Issues: The Role of Water Symbolism and Proverbs

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    Sustainable water management is one of the global grand challenges of our time. Tackling this challenge through corrective actions would require the participation of the general public, a public with sound awareness of the challenge and commitment. One such awareness raising intervention could be through the use of water symbolism and proverbs, targeted to particular society. Water has the different symbolism and levels of importance to people, depending of their personal characteristics and socio-demographic factors (e.g. gender, age, occupation, residence). Similarly, water proverbs can also demonstrate attitudes towards water among communities, ethnic groups and whole nations. Such meanings and symbolism could help determine attitude and be a powerful tool towards education. In this context, we describe and propose a psychological Health Belief Model (HBM) as a way to explain behaviour and stimulate sustainable water management practice

    Georg von der Gabelentz and 'das lautsymbolische Gefühl': a chapter in the history of iconicity research

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    In any future history of iconicity research, a chapter will have to be reserved to a singular figure in the history of linguistics: Georg von der Gabelentz (1840–1893). Only few scholars have paid attention to Gabelentz’ views on iconicity. Coseriu (1967: 97) mentions Gabelentz’ “interesting and fertile ideas” on sound symbolism, without further discussion, like Schuchardt (1897: 205) had done before him. The most comprehensive reference to date is a two-page summary of Gabelentz’ views on sound symbolism in Jakobson & Waugh (1987: 181-183). For the rest, it seems that Gabelentz’ observations have gone largely unnoticed in modern scholarship. In this article I therefore discuss some of his observations on sound symbolism as they can be found in his magnum opus 'Die Sprachwissenschaft' ([1891] 1901). Although reflections on the expressive values of sounds have a long tradition in Western thinking, Gabelentz is among the first scholars who turned the previously mostly intuitive and unsystematic presentations of this aspect of language into a more systematic approach based on a number of insightful conceptual distinctions. After Gabelentz, the role of sound symbolism has been increasingly discussed by scholars, e.g. Paul ([1880] 1909), Wundt (1900), Leskien (1902/1903), Rubinyi (1913), among others. However, it seems that the importance and the proper place of Gabelentz in this historical development has not been duly appreciated

    The Messianic Zeal: A Case of Radical Aesthetics in Black Cultural Production

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    This essay examines artwork by popular artists D’Angelo, Kanye West, Kendrick Lamar and 2pac Shakur and compares their articulations to a larger discourse of messianic symbolism in (black) American popular culture. In this paper, messianic symbolism is a discursive chain of symbols that invoke the Black experience. Artists extend the legacy of earlier representations of black messianism by similarly representing themselves as Jews, saviors or folk heroes with a specific mission to save a world burdened by racial strife and oppression. These qualities manifest in lyrics, album covers, and other late 20th century rhetoric

    Where Have All the Symbols Gone?: A Study of Sufis and Sufi Symbolism in Ottoman Miniature Paintings

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    Ottoman miniature paintings represent some of the best preserved and documented works of Islamic art still extant. They differ critically from other forms of miniature painting, such as Persian miniature painting, by not representing Sufi symbolism. In the two potential sources of such symbolism, Ottoman Sufism and Persian miniature painters in the Ottoman Empire, appear to have not critically influenced Ottoman miniature painting to produce Sufi symbols, do to political, religious, and cultural factors. Instead, political factors of the Ottoman imperial state and the economics and standards of production in the empire produced an art medium where Ottoman Sufi symbols were not introduced


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    This paper discusses my thesis piece Dear...,. It describes how the piece was put together and the deeper symbolism of aspects of the music

    Book Review: \u3ci\u3eThe Divine Body in History: A Comparative Study of the Symbolism of Time and Embodiment in St. Augustine and Rāmānuja.\u3c/i\u3e

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    Book review of, The Divine Body in History: A Comparative Study of the Symbolism of Time and Embodiment in St. Augustine and Rāmānuja. by Ankur Barua