6 research outputs found

    Representations and symbolic computation of generalized inverses over fields

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    This paper investigates representations of outer matrix inverses with prescribed range and/or none space in terms of inner inverses. Further, required inner inverses are computed as solutions of appropriate linear matrix equations (LME). In this way, algorithms for computing outer inverses are derived using solutions of appropriately defined LME. Using symbolic solutions to these matrix equations it is possible to derive corresponding algorithms in appropriate computer algebra systems. In addition, we give sufficient conditions to ensure the proper specialization of the presented representations. As a consequence, we derive algorithms to deal with outer inverses with prescribed range and/or none space and with meromorphic functional entries.Agencia Estatal de investigaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    Grobner Basis Computation of Drazin Inverses with Multivariate Rational Function Entries

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    In this paper we show how to apply Grobner bases to compute the Drazin inverse of a matrix with multivariate rational functions as entries. When the coeficients of the rational functions depend on parameters, we give suficient conditions for the Drazin inverse to specialize properly. In addition, we extend the method to weighted Drazin inverses. We present an empirical analysis that shows a good timing performance of the method

    Representations and geometrical properties of generalized inverses over fields

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    In this paper, as a generalization of Urquhart’s formulas, we present a full description of the sets of inner inverses and (B, C)-inverses over an arbitrary field. In addition, identifying the matrix vector space with an affine space, we analyze geometrical properties of the main generalized inverse sets. We prove that the set of inner inverses, and the set of (B, C)-inverses, form affine subspaces and we study their dimensions. Furthermore, under some hypotheses, we prove that the set of outer inverses is not an affine subspace but it is an affine algebraic variety. We also provide lower and upper bounds for the dimension of the outer inverse set.Agencia Estatal de InvestigaciónUniversidad de Alcal

    Computation of Moore-Penrose generalized inverses of matrices with meromorphic function entries

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    J.R. Sendra is member of the Research Group ASYNACS (Ref.CT-CE2019/683)In this paper, given a field with an involutory automorphism, we introduce the notion of Moore-Penrose field by requiring that all matrices over the field have Moore-Penrose inverse. We prove that only characteristic zero fields can be Moore-Penrose, and that the field of rational functions over a Moore-Penrose field is also Moore-Penrose. In addition, for a matrix with rational functions entries with coefficients in a field K, we find sufficient conditions for the elements in K to ensure that the specialization of the Moore-Penrose inverse is the Moore-Penrose inverse of the specialization of the matrix. As a consequence, we provide a symbolic algorithm that, given a matrix whose entries are rational expression over C of finitely many meromeorphic functions being invariant by the involutory automorphism, computes its Moore-Penrose inverve by replacing the functions by new variables, and hence reducing the problem to the case of matrices with complex rational function entries.Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadEuropean Regional Development Fun

    Aplicaciones de las inversas generalizadas

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    In this paper we start out the study of the generalized inverse of a matrix and some of its applications. These applications appear in different areas where it is necessary the computation of an analogous object to the inverse of a matrix. Mainly, we set out two problems. The first one is to solve problems of system of linear equations with constraints, where it is used the Bott-Duffin inverse of a matrix. The second one is to give a closed formula for the solution of a system of linear differential equations, and the Drazin inverse is defined to express the solution. Some examples and bibliographical references are given for each problem.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Matemática

    Symbolic Computation of Drazin inverses by specializations

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    In this paper, we show how to reduce the computation of Drazin inverses over certain computable fields to the computation of Drazin inverses of matrices with rational functions as entries. As a consequence we derive a symbolic algorithm to compute the Drazin inverse of matrices whose entries are elements of a finite transcendental field extension of a computable field. The algorithm is applied to matrices over the field of meromorphic functions, in several complex variables, on a connected domain and to matrices over the field of Laurent formal power series