2,334 research outputs found

    Movement Analytics: Current Status, Application to Manufacturing, and Future Prospects from an AI Perspective

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    Data-driven decision making is becoming an integral part of manufacturing companies. Data is collected and commonly used to improve efficiency and produce high quality items for the customers. IoT-based and other forms of object tracking are an emerging tool for collecting movement data of objects/entities (e.g. human workers, moving vehicles, trolleys etc.) over space and time. Movement data can provide valuable insights like process bottlenecks, resource utilization, effective working time etc. that can be used for decision making and improving efficiency. Turning movement data into valuable information for industrial management and decision making requires analysis methods. We refer to this process as movement analytics. The purpose of this document is to review the current state of work for movement analytics both in manufacturing and more broadly. We survey relevant work from both a theoretical perspective and an application perspective. From the theoretical perspective, we put an emphasis on useful methods from two research areas: machine learning, and logic-based knowledge representation. We also review their combinations in view of movement analytics, and we discuss promising areas for future development and application. Furthermore, we touch on constraint optimization. From an application perspective, we review applications of these methods to movement analytics in a general sense and across various industries. We also describe currently available commercial off-the-shelf products for tracking in manufacturing, and we overview main concepts of digital twins and their applications

    Differentiable world programs

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    L'intelligence artificielle (IA) moderne a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives prometteuses pour la création de robots intelligents. En particulier, les architectures d'apprentissage basées sur le gradient (réseaux neuronaux profonds) ont considérablement amélioré la compréhension des scènes 3D en termes de perception, de raisonnement et d'action. Cependant, ces progrès ont affaibli l'attrait de nombreuses techniques ``classiques'' développées au cours des dernières décennies. Nous postulons qu'un mélange de méthodes ``classiques'' et ``apprises'' est la voie la plus prometteuse pour développer des modèles du monde flexibles, interprétables et exploitables : une nécessité pour les agents intelligents incorporés. La question centrale de cette thèse est : ``Quelle est la manière idéale de combiner les techniques classiques avec des architectures d'apprentissage basées sur le gradient pour une compréhension riche du monde 3D ?''. Cette vision ouvre la voie à une multitude d'applications qui ont un impact fondamental sur la façon dont les agents physiques perçoivent et interagissent avec leur environnement. Cette thèse, appelée ``programmes différentiables pour modèler l'environnement'', unifie les efforts de plusieurs domaines étroitement liés mais actuellement disjoints, notamment la robotique, la vision par ordinateur, l'infographie et l'IA. Ma première contribution---gradSLAM--- est un système de localisation et de cartographie simultanées (SLAM) dense et entièrement différentiable. En permettant le calcul du gradient à travers des composants autrement non différentiables tels que l'optimisation non linéaire par moindres carrés, le raycasting, l'odométrie visuelle et la cartographie dense, gradSLAM ouvre de nouvelles voies pour intégrer la reconstruction 3D classique et l'apprentissage profond. Ma deuxième contribution - taskography - propose une sparsification conditionnée par la tâche de grandes scènes 3D encodées sous forme de graphes de scènes 3D. Cela permet aux planificateurs classiques d'égaler (et de surpasser) les planificateurs de pointe basés sur l'apprentissage en concentrant le calcul sur les attributs de la scène pertinents pour la tâche. Ma troisième et dernière contribution---gradSim--- est un simulateur entièrement différentiable qui combine des moteurs physiques et graphiques différentiables pour permettre l'estimation des paramètres physiques et le contrôle visuomoteur, uniquement à partir de vidéos ou d'une image fixe.Modern artificial intelligence (AI) has created exciting new opportunities for building intelligent robots. In particular, gradient-based learning architectures (deep neural networks) have tremendously improved 3D scene understanding in terms of perception, reasoning, and action. However, these advancements have undermined many ``classical'' techniques developed over the last few decades. We postulate that a blend of ``classical'' and ``learned'' methods is the most promising path to developing flexible, interpretable, and actionable models of the world: a necessity for intelligent embodied agents. ``What is the ideal way to combine classical techniques with gradient-based learning architectures for a rich understanding of the 3D world?'' is the central question in this dissertation. This understanding enables a multitude of applications that fundamentally impact how embodied agents perceive and interact with their environment. This dissertation, dubbed ``differentiable world programs'', unifies efforts from multiple closely-related but currently-disjoint fields including robotics, computer vision, computer graphics, and AI. Our first contribution---gradSLAM---is a fully differentiable dense simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) system. By enabling gradient computation through otherwise non-differentiable components such as nonlinear least squares optimization, ray casting, visual odometry, and dense mapping, gradSLAM opens up new avenues for integrating classical 3D reconstruction and deep learning. Our second contribution---taskography---proposes a task-conditioned sparsification of large 3D scenes encoded as 3D scene graphs. This enables classical planners to match (and surpass) state-of-the-art learning-based planners by focusing computation on task-relevant scene attributes. Our third and final contribution---gradSim---is a fully differentiable simulator that composes differentiable physics and graphics engines to enable physical parameter estimation and visuomotor control, solely from videos or a still image

    Cognitive Reasoning for Compliant Robot Manipulation

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    Physically compliant contact is a major element for many tasks in everyday environments. A universal service robot that is utilized to collect leaves in a park, polish a workpiece, or clean solar panels requires the cognition and manipulation capabilities to facilitate such compliant interaction. Evolution equipped humans with advanced mental abilities to envision physical contact situations and their resulting outcome, dexterous motor skills to perform the actions accordingly, as well as a sense of quality to rate the outcome of the task. In order to achieve human-like performance, a robot must provide the necessary methods to represent, plan, execute, and interpret compliant manipulation tasks. This dissertation covers those four steps of reasoning in the concept of intelligent physical compliance. The contributions advance the capabilities of service robots by combining artificial intelligence reasoning methods and control strategies for compliant manipulation. A classification of manipulation tasks is conducted to identify the central research questions of the addressed topic. Novel representations are derived to describe the properties of physical interaction. Special attention is given to wiping tasks which are predominant in everyday environments. It is investigated how symbolic task descriptions can be translated into meaningful robot commands. A particle distribution model is used to plan goal-oriented wiping actions and predict the quality according to the anticipated result. The planned tool motions are converted into the joint space of the humanoid robot Rollin' Justin to perform the tasks in the real world. In order to execute the motions in a physically compliant fashion, a hierarchical whole-body impedance controller is integrated into the framework. The controller is automatically parameterized with respect to the requirements of the particular task. Haptic feedback is utilized to infer contact and interpret the performance semantically. Finally, the robot is able to compensate for possible disturbances as it plans additional recovery motions while effectively closing the cognitive control loop. Among others, the developed concept is applied in an actual space robotics mission, in which an astronaut aboard the International Space Station (ISS) commands Rollin' Justin to maintain a Martian solar panel farm in a mock-up environment. This application demonstrates the far-reaching impact of the proposed approach and the associated opportunities that emerge with the availability of cognition-enabled service robots

    Task-adaptable, Pervasive Perception for Robots Performing Everyday Manipulation

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    Intelligent robotic agents that help us in our day-to-day chores have been an aspiration of robotics researchers for decades. More than fifty years since the creation of the first intelligent mobile robotic agent, robots are still struggling to perform seemingly simple tasks, such as setting or cleaning a table. One of the reasons for this is that the unstructured environments these robots are expected to work in impose demanding requirements on a robota s perception system. Depending on the manipulation task the robot is required to execute, different parts of the environment need to be examined, the objects in it found and functional parts of these identified. This is a challenging task, since the visual appearance of the objects and the variety of scenes they are found in are large. This thesis proposes to treat robotic visual perception for everyday manipulation tasks as an open question-asnswering problem. To this end RoboSherlock, a framework for creating task-adaptable, pervasive perception systems is presented. Using the framework, robot perception is addressed from a systema s perspective and contributions to the state-of-the-art are proposed that introduce several enhancements which scale robot perception toward the needs of human-level manipulation. The contributions of the thesis center around task-adaptability and pervasiveness of perception systems. A perception task-language and a language interpreter that generates task-relevant perception plans is proposed. The task-language and task-interpreter leverage the power of knowledge representation and knowledge-based reasoning in order to enhance the question-answering capabilities of the system. Pervasiveness, a seamless integration of past, present and future percepts, is achieved through three main contributions: a novel way for recording, replaying and inspecting perceptual episodic memories, a new perception component that enables pervasive operation and maintains an object belief state and a novel prospection component that enables robots to relive their past experiences and anticipate possible future scenarios. The contributions are validated through several real world robotic experiments that demonstrate how the proposed system enhances robot perception

    The {RDF}-3X Engine for Scalable Management of {RDF} Data

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    RDF is a data model for schema-free structured information that is gaining momentum in the context of Semantic-Web data, life sciences, and also Web 2.0 platforms. The ``pay-as-you-go'' nature of RDF and the flexible pattern-matching capabilities of its query language SPARQL entail efficiency and scalability challenges for complex queries including long join paths. This paper presents the RDF-3X engine, an implementation of SPARQL that achieves excellent performance by pursuing a RISC-style architecture with streamlined indexing and query processing. The physical design is identical for all RDF-3X databases regardless of their workloads, and completely eliminates the need for index tuning by exhaustive indexes for all permutations of subject-property-object triples and their binary and unary projections. These indexes are highly compressed, and the query processor can aggressively leverage fast merge joins with excellent performance of processor caches. The query optimizer is able to choose optimal join orders even for complex queries, with a cost model that includes statistical synopses for entire join paths. Although RDF-3X is optimized for queries, it also provides good support for efficient online updates by means of a staging architecture: direct updates to the main database indexes are deferred, and instead applied to compact differential indexes which are later merged into the main indexes in a batched manner. Experimental studies with several large-scale datasets with more than 50 million RDF triples and benchmark queries that include pattern matching, manyway star-joins, and long path-joins demonstrate that RDF-3X can outperform the previously best alternatives by one or two orders of magnitude
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