594 research outputs found

    Switching in heteroclinic networks

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    We study the dynamics near heteroclinic networks for which all eigenvalues of the linearization at the equilibria are real. A common connection and an assumption on the geometry of its incoming and outgoing directions exclude even the weakest forms of switching (i.e. along this connection). The form of the global transition maps, and thus the type of the heteroclinic cycle, plays a crucial role in this. We look at two examples in R5\mathbb{R}^5, the House and Bowtie networks, to illustrate complex dynamics that may occur when either of these conditions is broken. For the House network, there is switching along the common connection, while for the Bowtie network we find switching along a cycle

    Heteroclinic switching between chimeras

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    Functional oscillator networks, such as neuronal networks in the brain, exhibit switching between metastable states involving many oscillators. We give exact results how such global dynamics can arise in paradigmatic phase oscillator networks: higher-order network interaction gives rise to metastable chimeras - localized frequency synchrony patterns - which are joined by heteroclinic connections. Moreover, we illuminate the mechanisms that underly the switching dynamics in these experimentally accessible networks

    Almost complete and equable heteroclinic networks

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    Heteroclinic connections are trajectories that link invariant sets for an autonomous dynamical flow: these connections can robustly form networks between equilibria, for systems with flow-invariant spaces. In this paper we examine the relation between the heteroclinic network as a flow-invariant set and directed graphs of possible connections between nodes. We consider realizations of a large class of transitive digraphs as robust heteroclinic networks and show that although robust realizations are typically not complete (i.e. not all unstable manifolds of nodes are part of the network), they can be almost complete (i.e. complete up to a set of zero measure within the unstable manifold) and equable (i.e. all sets of connections from a node have the same dimension). We show there are almost complete and equable realizations that can be closed by adding a number of extra nodes and connections. We discuss some examples and describe a sense in which an equable almost complete network embedding is an optimal description of stochastically perturbed motion on the network

    Designing heteroclinic and excitable networks in phase space using two populations of coupled cells

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    We give a constructive method for realizing an arbitrary directed graph (with no one-cycles) as a heteroclinic or an excitable dynamic network in the phase space of a system of coupled cells of two types. In each case, the system is expressed as a system of first order differential equations. One of the cell types (the pp-cells) interacts by mutual inhibition and classifies which vertex (state) we are currently close to, while the other cell type (the yy-cells) excites the pp-cells selectively and becomes active only when there is a transition between vertices. We exhibit open sets of parameter values such that these dynamical networks exist and demonstrate via numerical simulation that they can be attractors for suitably chosen parameters

    Spiralling dynamics near heteroclinic networks

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    There are few explicit examples in the literature of vector fields exhibiting complex dynamics that may be proved analytically. We construct explicitly a {two parameter family of vector fields} on the three-dimensional sphere \EU^3, whose flow has a spiralling attractor containing the following: two hyperbolic equilibria, heteroclinic trajectories connecting them {transversely} and a non-trivial hyperbolic, invariant and transitive set. The spiralling set unfolds a heteroclinic network between two symmetric saddle-foci and contains a sequence of topological horseshoes semiconjugate to full shifts over an alphabet with more and more symbols, {coexisting with Newhouse phenonema}. The vector field is the restriction to \EU^3 of a polynomial vector field in \RR^4. In this article, we also identify global bifurcations that induce chaotic dynamics of different types.Comment: change in one figur

    Resonance bifurcations of robust heteroclinic networks

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    Robust heteroclinic cycles are known to change stability in resonance bifurcations, which occur when an algebraic condition on the eigenvalues of the system is satisfied and which typically result in the creation or destruction of a long-period periodic orbit. Resonance bifurcations for heteroclinic networks are more complicated because different subcycles in the network can undergo resonance at different parameter values, but have, until now, not been systematically studied. In this article we present the first investigation of resonance bifurcations in heteroclinic networks. Specifically, we study two heteroclinic networks in R4\R^4 and consider the dynamics that occurs as various subcycles in each network change stability. The two cases are distinguished by whether or not one of the equilibria in the network has real or complex contracting eigenvalues. We construct two-dimensional Poincare return maps and use these to investigate the dynamics of trajectories near the network. At least one equilibrium solution in each network has a two-dimensional unstable manifold, and we use the technique developed in [18] to keep track of all trajectories within these manifolds. In the case with real eigenvalues, we show that the asymptotically stable network loses stability first when one of two distinguished cycles in the network goes through resonance and two or six periodic orbits appear. In the complex case, we show that an infinite number of stable and unstable periodic orbits are created at resonance, and these may coexist with a chaotic attractor. There is a further resonance, for which the eigenvalue combination is a property of the entire network, after which the periodic orbits which originated from the individual resonances may interact. We illustrate some of our results with a numerical example.Comment: 46 pages, 20 figures. Supplementary material (two animated gifs) can be found on http://www.maths.leeds.ac.uk/~alastair/papers/KPR_res_net_abs.htm