7 research outputs found

    Optimal routing for automated emergency vehicle response for incident intervention in a traffic network

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    Congestion constitutes a major problem in modern urban traffic networks if not well managed. Its monstrous effects, on occasions, can paralyze a traffic network eating deep into the productive hours of commuters as well as vehicles and persons on essential services. Particularly affected are incidence-intervention vehicles such as emergency vehicles and fire-fighting vehicles. Whatever the cause of the congestion, its effect is counter-productive and an indication of an inefficient traffic network. This work, as presented in this paper, is concerned about the issue of traffic route management for emergency service (emergency vehicle) for which a delay of few minutes may cause tremendous loss of lives and properties. The route management scheme built for this purpose integrates information obtained from the use of Radio Frequency Signals for Traffic Light Preemption at Intersections in a Proteus Simulator environment and the use Arc GIS as a mode of routing the emergency vehicle from base to the incidence location, then to Health Facilities and from thence back to the emergency vehicle base in an optimal routing time. Traffic information are loaded into the Arc GIS environment which predicts the required tri-legged optimal routing and its duration using Dijkstra’s algorithm. Different scenarios of emergency vehicle, incidence and health facility locations were exploited using the scheme and compared with situations without their implementation. The proposed scheme outperforms the trial and error routing of emergency vehicles and can be embedded into traffic advisory system or as stand-alone emergency vehicle management system.Keywords: GIS, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Facility Location, Emergency-Vehicle, Optimal Routin

    The multi-depot VRP with vehicle interchanges

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    In real-world logistic operations there are a lot of situations that can be exploited to get better operational strategies. It is important to study these new alternatives, because they can represent significant cost reductions to the companies working with physical distribution. This thesis defines the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Vehicle Interchanges (MDVRPVI). In this problem, both vehicle capacities and duration limits on the routes of the drivers are imposed. To favor a better utilization of the available capacities and working times, it is allowed to combine pairs of routes at predefined interchange locations. The objective of this thesis is to analyze and solve the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem adding the possibility to interchange vehicles at predefined points. With this strategy, it is possible to reduce the total costs and the number of used routes with respect to the classical approach: The Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP). It should be noted that the MDVRP is more challenging and sophisticated than the single-depot Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). Besides, most exact algorithms for solving the classical VRP are difficult to adapt in order to solve the MDVRP (Montoya-Torres et al., 2015). From the complexity point of view, the MDVRPVI is NP-Hard, since it is an extension of the classical problem, which is already NP-Hard. We present a tight bound on the costs savings that can be attained allowing interchanges. Three integer programming formulations are proposed based on the classical vehicle-flow formulations of the MDVRP. One of these formulations was solved with a branch-and-bound algorithm, and the other two formulations, with branch-and-cut algorithms. Due to its great symmetry, the first formulation is only able to solve small instances. To increase the dimension of the instances used, we proposed two additional formulations that require one or more families of constraints of exponential size. In order to solve these formulations, we had to design and implement specific branch-and-cut algorithms. For these algorithms we implemented specific separation methods for constraints that had not previously been used in other routing problems. The computational experience performed evidences the routing savings compared with the solutions obtained with the classical approach and allows to compare the efficacy of the three solution methods proposed.En les operacions logístiques del món real es donen situacions que poden ser explotades per obtenir millors estratègies operacionals. És molt important estudiar aquestes noves alternatives, perquè poden representar una reducció significativa de costos per a les companyies que treballen en distribució de mercaderies. En aquesta tesi es defineix el Problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles amb Múltiples Dipòsits i Intercanvi de Vehicles (MDVRPVI). En aquest problema, es consideren tant la capacitat dels vehicles com els límits de duració de les rutes dels conductors. Per tal de millorar la utilització de les capacitats i temps de treball disponibles, es permet combinar parelles de rutes en punts d'intercanvi predefinits. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és analitzar i resoldre el problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles amb Múltiples Dipòsits, on es permet l'intercanvi de vehicles. Amb aquesta estratègia, és possible reduir els costos totals i el nombre de les rutes utilitzades respecte l'enfocament clàssic: el problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles amb Múltiples Dipòsits (MDVRP). Cal assenyalar que el MDRVP és més desafiant i sofisticat que el problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles d'un únic dipòsit (VRP). A més, molts algoritmes exactes per resoldre el VRP clàssic son complicats d'adaptar per resoldre el MDVRP (Montoya-Torres et al., 2015). Des del punt de vista de la complexitat, el MDRVPVI és NP-Dur, perquè és una extensió del problema clàssic, que també ho és. Presentem una cota ajustada de l'estalvi en els costos de distribució que es pot obtenir permetent els intercanvis. Es proposen tres formulacions de programació sencera basades en la formulació clàssica “vehicle-flow” del MDVRP. La primera formulació, degut a la seva grandària i la seva simetria, només permet resoldre instàncies molt petites. Per augmentar la dimensió de les instàncies abordables, es proposen dues formulacions addicionals que requereixen una o vàries famílies de restriccions de mida exponencial. Per això, per tal de resoldre el problema amb aquestes formulacions, ha calgut dissenyar i implementar sengles algorismes de tipus branch-and-cut. En aquests algorismes s'han implementat mètodes de separació específics per a les restriccions que no s'havien utilitzat prèviament en altres problemes de rutes. L’experiència computacional realitzada evidencia els estalvis obtinguts comparació amb les solucions corresponents l'enfocament clàssic. També es compara l’eficàcia dels tres mètodes propostes a l'hora de resoldre el problema.Postprint (published version

    The multi-depot VRP with vehicle interchanges

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    In real-world logistic operations there are a lot of situations that can be exploited to get better operational strategies. It is important to study these new alternatives, because they can represent significant cost reductions to the companies working with physical distribution. This thesis defines the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem with Vehicle Interchanges (MDVRPVI). In this problem, both vehicle capacities and duration limits on the routes of the drivers are imposed. To favor a better utilization of the available capacities and working times, it is allowed to combine pairs of routes at predefined interchange locations. The objective of this thesis is to analyze and solve the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem adding the possibility to interchange vehicles at predefined points. With this strategy, it is possible to reduce the total costs and the number of used routes with respect to the classical approach: The Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP). It should be noted that the MDVRP is more challenging and sophisticated than the single-depot Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP). Besides, most exact algorithms for solving the classical VRP are difficult to adapt in order to solve the MDVRP (Montoya-Torres et al., 2015). From the complexity point of view, the MDVRPVI is NP-Hard, since it is an extension of the classical problem, which is already NP-Hard. We present a tight bound on the costs savings that can be attained allowing interchanges. Three integer programming formulations are proposed based on the classical vehicle-flow formulations of the MDVRP. One of these formulations was solved with a branch-and-bound algorithm, and the other two formulations, with branch-and-cut algorithms. Due to its great symmetry, the first formulation is only able to solve small instances. To increase the dimension of the instances used, we proposed two additional formulations that require one or more families of constraints of exponential size. In order to solve these formulations, we had to design and implement specific branch-and-cut algorithms. For these algorithms we implemented specific separation methods for constraints that had not previously been used in other routing problems. The computational experience performed evidences the routing savings compared with the solutions obtained with the classical approach and allows to compare the efficacy of the three solution methods proposed.En les operacions logístiques del món real es donen situacions que poden ser explotades per obtenir millors estratègies operacionals. És molt important estudiar aquestes noves alternatives, perquè poden representar una reducció significativa de costos per a les companyies que treballen en distribució de mercaderies. En aquesta tesi es defineix el Problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles amb Múltiples Dipòsits i Intercanvi de Vehicles (MDVRPVI). En aquest problema, es consideren tant la capacitat dels vehicles com els límits de duració de les rutes dels conductors. Per tal de millorar la utilització de les capacitats i temps de treball disponibles, es permet combinar parelles de rutes en punts d'intercanvi predefinits. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és analitzar i resoldre el problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles amb Múltiples Dipòsits, on es permet l'intercanvi de vehicles. Amb aquesta estratègia, és possible reduir els costos totals i el nombre de les rutes utilitzades respecte l'enfocament clàssic: el problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles amb Múltiples Dipòsits (MDVRP). Cal assenyalar que el MDRVP és més desafiant i sofisticat que el problema d'Enrutament de Vehicles d'un únic dipòsit (VRP). A més, molts algoritmes exactes per resoldre el VRP clàssic son complicats d'adaptar per resoldre el MDVRP (Montoya-Torres et al., 2015). Des del punt de vista de la complexitat, el MDRVPVI és NP-Dur, perquè és una extensió del problema clàssic, que també ho és. Presentem una cota ajustada de l'estalvi en els costos de distribució que es pot obtenir permetent els intercanvis. Es proposen tres formulacions de programació sencera basades en la formulació clàssica “vehicle-flow” del MDVRP. La primera formulació, degut a la seva grandària i la seva simetria, només permet resoldre instàncies molt petites. Per augmentar la dimensió de les instàncies abordables, es proposen dues formulacions addicionals que requereixen una o vàries famílies de restriccions de mida exponencial. Per això, per tal de resoldre el problema amb aquestes formulacions, ha calgut dissenyar i implementar sengles algorismes de tipus branch-and-cut. En aquests algorismes s'han implementat mètodes de separació específics per a les restriccions que no s'havien utilitzat prèviament en altres problemes de rutes. L’experiència computacional realitzada evidencia els estalvis obtinguts comparació amb les solucions corresponents l'enfocament clàssic. També es compara l’eficàcia dels tres mètodes propostes a l'hora de resoldre el problema

    Online algorithms for ambulance routing in disaster response with time-varying victim conditions

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    We present a novel online optimization approach to tackle the ambulance routing problem on a road network, specifically designed to handle uncertainties in travel times, triage levels, required treatment times of victims, and potential changes in victim conditions in post-disaster scenarios. We assume that this information can be learned incrementally online while the ambulances get to the scene. We analyze this problem using the competitive ratio criterion and demonstrate that, when faced with a worst-case instance of this problem, neither deterministic nor randomized online solutions can attain a finite competitive ratio. Subsequently, we present a variety of innovative online heuristics to address this problem which can operate with very low computational running times. We assess the effectiveness of our online solutions by comparing them with each other and with offline solutions derived from complete information. Our analysis involves examining instances from existing literature as well as newly generated large-sized instances. One of our algorithms demonstrates superior performance when compared to the others, achieving experimental competitive ratios that closely approach the optimal ratio of one

    Resource allocation optimization problems in the public sector

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    This dissertation consists of three distinct, although conceptually related, public sector topics: the Transportation Security Agency (TSA), U.S. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP), and the Georgia Trauma Care Network Commission (GTCNC). The topics are unified in their mathematical modeling and mixed-integer programming solution strategies. In Chapter 2, we discuss strategies for solving large-scale integer programs to include column generation and the known heuristic of particle swarm optimization (PSO). In order to solve problems with an exponential number of decision variables, we employ Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition to take advantage of the special subproblem structures encountered in resource allocation problems. In each of the resource allocation problems presented, we concentrate on selecting an optimal portfolio of improvement measures. In most cases, the number of potential portfolios of investment is too large to be expressed explicitly or stored on a computer. We use column generation to effectively solve these problems to optimality, but are hindered by the solution time and large CPU requirement. We explore utilizing multi-swarm particle swarm optimization to solve the decomposition heuristically. We also explore integrating multi-swarm PSO into the column generation framework to solve the pricing problem for entering columns of negative reduced cost. In Chapter 3, we present a TSA problem to allocate security measures across all federally funded airports nationwide. This project establishes a quantitative construct for enterprise risk assessment and optimal resource allocation to achieve the best aviation security. We first analyze and model the various aviation transportation risks and establish their interdependencies. The mixed-integer program determines how best to invest any additional security measures for the best overall risk protection and return on investment. Our analysis involves cascading and inter-dependency modeling of the multi-tier risk taxonomy and overlaying security measurements. The model selects optimal security measure allocations for each airport with the objectives to minimize the probability of false clears, maximize the probability of threat detection, and maximize the risk posture (ability to mitigate risks) in aviation security. The risk assessment and optimal resource allocation construct are generalizable and are applied to the CBP problem. In Chapter 4, we optimize security measure investments to achieve the most cost-effective deterrence and detection capabilities for the CBP. A large-scale resource allocation integer program was successfully modeled that rapidly returns good Pareto optimal results. The model incorporates the utility of each measure, the probability of success, along with multiple objectives. To the best of our knowledge, our work presents the first mathematical model that optimizes security strategies for the CBP and is the first to introduce a utility factor to emphasize deterrence and detection impact. The model accommodates different resources, constraints, and various types of objectives. In Chapter 5, we analyze the emergency trauma network problem first by simulation. The simulation offers a framework of resource allocation for trauma systems and possible ways to evaluate the impact of the investments on the overall performance of the trauma system. The simulation works as an effective proof of concept to demonstrate that improvements to patient well-being can be measured and that alternative solutions can be analyzed. We then explore three different formulations to model the Emergency Trauma Network as a mixed-integer programming model. The first model is a Multi-Region, Multi-Depot, Multi-Trip Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows. This is a known expansion of the vehicle routing problem that has been extended to model the Georgia trauma network. We then adapt an Ambulance Routing Problem (ARP) to the previously mentioned VRP. There are no known ARPs of this magnitude/extension of a VRP. One of the primary differences is many ARPs are constructed for disaster scenarios versus day-to-day emergency trauma operations. The new ARP also implements more constraints based on trauma level limitations for patients and hospitals. Lastly, the Resource Allocation ARP is constructed to reflect the investment decisions presented in the simulation.Ph.D