805 research outputs found

    Enhanced surface plasmon polariton propagation induced by active dielectrics

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    We present numerical simulations for the propagation of surface plasmon polaritons in a dielectric-metal-dielectric waveguide using COMSOL multiphysics software. We show that the use of an active dielectric with gain that compensates metal absorption losses enhances substantially plasmon propagation. Furthermore, the introduction of the active material induces, for a specific gain value, a root in the imaginary part of the propagation constant leading to infinite propagation of the surface plasmon. The computational approaches analyzed in this work can be used to define and tune the optimal conditions for surface plasmon polariton amplification and propagation

    Sharp Plasmon-Mediated Resonant Reflection From an Undulated Metal Layer Sharp Plasmon-Mediated Resonant Reflection From an Undulated Metal Layer

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    International audienceIEEE. Translations and content mining are permitted for academic research only. Personal use is also permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information. Abstract: A close-to-the-theoretically-largest TM resonant reflection of a free-space wave from a free-standing undulated gold layer immersed in a liquid host medium is demonstrated experimentally. It is mediated by the grating-excited long-range plasmon mode propagating along the continuous metal film with particularly low loss

    Direct Coupling of Photonic Modes and Surface Plasmon Polaritons Observed in 2-photon PEEM

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    We report the direct microscopic observation of optical energy transfer from guided photonic modes in an indium tin oxide (ITO) thin film to surface plasmon polaritons (SPP) at the surfaces of a single crystalline gold platelet. The photonic and SPP modes appear as an interference pattern in the photoelectron emission yield across the surface of the specimen. We explore the momentum match between the photonic and SPP modes in terms of simple waveguide theory and the three-layer slab model for bound SPP modes of thin metal films. We show that because the gold is thin (30- 40 nm), two SPP modes exist and that momentum of the spatially confined asymmetric field mode coincides with the dominant mode of the ITO waveguide. The results demonstrate that photoemission electron microscopy (PEEM) can be an important tool for the observation of photonic to SPP interactions in the study of integrated photonic circuits

    Nonlinear optical effects in artificial materials

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    We consider some nonlinear phenomena in metamaterials with negative refractive index properties. Our consideration includes a survey of previously known results as well as identification of the phenomena that are important for applications of this new field. We focus on optical behavior of thin films as well as multi-wave interactions.Comment: 22 pages, no figures. Submitted in book "Nonlinear waves in complex systems: energy flow and geometry