16 research outputs found

    Sharp Interface Limits of the Cahn-Hilliard Equation with Degenerate Mobility

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    In this work, the sharp interface limit of the degenerate Cahn-Hilliard equation (in two space dimensions) with a polynomial double well free energy and a quadratic mobility is derived via a matched asymptotic analysis involving exponentially large and small terms and multiple inner layers. In contrast to some results found in the literature, our analysis reveals that the interface motion is driven by a combination of surface diffusion flux proportional to the surface Laplacian of the interface curvature and an additional contribution from nonlinear, porous-medium type bulk diffusion, For higher degenerate mobilities, bulk diffusion is subdominant. The sharp interface models are corroborated by comparing relaxation rates of perturbations to a radially symmetric stationary state with those obtained by the phase field model.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Hyperuniform monocrystalline structures by spinodal solid-state dewetting

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    Materials featuring anomalous suppression of density fluctuations over large length scales are emerging systems known as disordered hyperuniform. The underlying hidden order renders them appealing for several applications, such as light management and topologically protected electronic states. These applications require scalable fabrication, which is hard to achieve with available top-down approaches. Theoretically, it is known that spinodal decomposition can lead to disordered hyperuniform architectures. Spontaneous formation of stable patterns could thus be a viable path for the bottom-up fabrication of these materials. Here we show that mono-crystalline semiconductor-based structures, in particular Si1−x_{1-x}Gex_{x} layers deposited on silicon-on-insulator substrates, can undergo spinodal solid-state dewetting featuring correlated disorder with an effective hyperuniform character. Nano- to micro-metric sized structures targeting specific morphologies and hyperuniform character can be obtained, proving the generality of the approach and paving the way for technological applications of disordered hyperuniform metamaterials. Phase-field simulations explain the underlying non-linear dynamics and the physical origin of the emerging patterns.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, supplementary information (7 pages) enclose

    Hybrid parallelization of an adaptive finite element code

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    summary:We present a hybrid OpenMP/MPI parallelization of the finite element method that is suitable to make use of modern high performance computers. These are usually built from a large bulk of multi-core systems connected by a fast network. Our parallelization method is based firstly on domain decomposition to divide the large problem into small chunks. Each of them is then solved on a multi-core system using parallel assembling, solution and error estimation. To make domain decomposition for both, the large problem and the smaller sub-problems, sufficiently fast we make use of a hierarchical mesh structure. The partitioning is done on a coarser mesh level, resulting in a very fast method that shows good computational balancing results. Numerical experiments show that both parallelization methods achieve good scalability in computing solution of nonlinear, time dependent, higher order PDEs on large domains. The parallelization is realized in the adaptive finite element software AMDiS

    Doubly Degenerate Diffuse Interface Models of Anisotropic Surface Diffusion

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    We extend the doubly degenerate Cahn-Hilliard (DDCH) models for isotropic surface diffusion, which yield more accurate approximations than classical degenerate Cahn-Hilliard (DCH) models, to the anisotropic case. We consider both weak and strong anisotropies and demonstrate the capabilities of the approach for these cases numerically. The proposed model provides a variational and energy dissipative approach for anisotropic surface diffusion, enabling large scale simulations with material-specific parameters.Comment: 15 pages; 6 figure

    A new diffuse-interface model for step flow in epitaxial growth

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    In this work, we consider epitaxial growth of thin crystalline films. Thereby, we propose a new diffuse-interface approximation of a semi-continuous model resolving atomic distances in the growth direction but being coarse-grained in the lateral directions. Mathematically, this leads to a free boundary problem proposed by Burton, Cabrera and Frank for steps separating terraces of different atomic heights. The evolution of the steps is coupled to a diffusion equation for the adatom (adsorbed atom) concentration fulfilling Robin-type boundary conditions at the steps. Our approach allows to incorporate an Ehrlich-Schwoebel barrier as well as diffusion along step edges into a diffuse-interface model. This model results in a Cahn-Hilliard equation with a degenerate mobility coupled to diffusion equations on the terraces with a diffuse-interface description of the boundary conditions at the steps. We provide a justification by matched asymptotic expansions formally showing the convergence of the diffuse-interface model towards the sharp-interface model as the interface width shrinks to zero. The results of the asymptotic analysis are numerically reproduced by a finite element discretisation

    Motion of three-dimensional elastic films by anisotropic surface diffusion with curvature regularization

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    Short time existence for a surface diffusion evolution equation with curvature regularization is proved in the context of epitaxially strained three-dimensional films. This is achieved by implementing a minimizing movement scheme, which is hinged on the H−1H^{-1}-gradient flow structure underpinning the evolution law. Long-time behavior and Liapunov stability in the case of initial data close to a flat configuration are also addressed.Comment: 44 page