56,255 research outputs found

    Surface Reconstruction through Point Set Structuring

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    International audienceWe present a method for reconstructing surfaces from point sets. The main novelty lies in a structure-preserving approach where the input point set is first consolidated by structuring and resampling the planar components, before reconstructing the surface from both the consolidated components and the unstructured points. The final surface is obtained through solving a graph-cut problem formulated on the 3D Delaunay triangulation of the structured point set where the tetrahedra are labeled as inside or outside cells. Structuring facilitates the surface reconstruction as the point set is substantially reduced and the points are enriched with structural meaning related to adjacency between primitives. Our approach departs from the common dichotomy between smooth/piecewise-smooth and primitive-based representations by gracefully combining canonical parts from detected primitives and free-form parts of the inferred shape. Our experiments on a variety of inputs illustrate the potential of our approach in terms of robustness, flexibility and efficiency

    A generic formalism for the semantic modeling and representation of architectural elements

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    This article presents a methodological approach to the semantic description of architectural elements based both on theoretical reflections and research experiences. To develop this approach, a first process of extraction and formalization of architectural knowledge on the basis of the analysis of architectural treaties is proposed. Then, the identified features are used to produce a template shape library dedicated to buildings surveying. Finally, the problem of the overall model structuring and organization using semantic information is addressed for user handling purposes

    Reverse-engineering of architectural buildings based on an hybrid modeling approach

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    We thank MENSI and REALVIZ companies for their helpful comments and the following people for providing us images from their works: Francesca De Domenico (Fig. 1), Kyung-Tae Kim (Fig. 9). The CMN (French national center of patrimony buildings) is also acknowledged for the opportunity given to demonstrate our approach on the Hotel de Sully in Paris. We thank Tudor Driscu for his help on the English translation.This article presents a set of theoretical reflections and technical demonstrations that constitute a new methodological base for the architectural surveying and representation using computer graphics techniques. The problem we treated relates to three distinct concerns: the surveying of architectural objects, the construction and the semantic enrichment of their geometrical models, and their handling for the extraction of dimensional information. A hybrid approach to 3D reconstruction is described. This new approach combines range-based modeling and image-based modeling techniques; it integrates the concept of architectural feature-based modeling. To develop this concept set up a first process of extraction and formalization of architectural knowledge based on the analysis of architectural treaties is carried on. Then, the identified features are used to produce a template shape library. Finally the problem of the overall model structure and organization is addressed

    Reconstruction of three-dimensional porous media using generative adversarial neural networks

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    To evaluate the variability of multi-phase flow properties of porous media at the pore scale, it is necessary to acquire a number of representative samples of the void-solid structure. While modern x-ray computer tomography has made it possible to extract three-dimensional images of the pore space, assessment of the variability in the inherent material properties is often experimentally not feasible. We present a novel method to reconstruct the solid-void structure of porous media by applying a generative neural network that allows an implicit description of the probability distribution represented by three-dimensional image datasets. We show, by using an adversarial learning approach for neural networks, that this method of unsupervised learning is able to generate representative samples of porous media that honor their statistics. We successfully compare measures of pore morphology, such as the Euler characteristic, two-point statistics and directional single-phase permeability of synthetic realizations with the calculated properties of a bead pack, Berea sandstone, and Ketton limestone. Results show that GANs can be used to reconstruct high-resolution three-dimensional images of porous media at different scales that are representative of the morphology of the images used to train the neural network. The fully convolutional nature of the trained neural network allows the generation of large samples while maintaining computational efficiency. Compared to classical stochastic methods of image reconstruction, the implicit representation of the learned data distribution can be stored and reused to generate multiple realizations of the pore structure very rapidly.Comment: 21 pages, 20 figure

    A semantic-based platform for the digital analysis of architectural heritage

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    This essay focuses on the fields of architectural documentation and digital representation. We present a research paper concerning the development of an information system at the scale of architecture, taking into account the relationships that can be established between the representation of buildings (shape, dimension, state of conservation, hypothetical restitution) and heterogeneous information about various fields (such as the technical, the documentary or still the historical one). The proposed approach aims to organize multiple representations (and associated information) around a semantic description model with the goal of defining a system for the multi-field analysis of buildings

    Stochastic reconstruction of sandstones

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    A simulated annealing algorithm is employed to generate a stochastic model for a Berea and a Fontainebleau sandstone with prescribed two-point probability function, lineal path function, and ``pore size'' distribution function, respectively. We find that the temperature decrease of the annealing has to be rather quick to yield isotropic and percolating configurations. A comparison of simple morphological quantities indicates good agreement between the reconstructions and the original sandstones. Also, the mean survival time of a random walker in the pore space is reproduced with good accuracy. However, a more detailed investigation by means of local porosity theory shows that there may be significant differences of the geometrical connectivity between the reconstructed and the experimental samples.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Gap Filling of 3-D Microvascular Networks by Tensor Voting

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    We present a new algorithm which merges discontinuities in 3-D images of tubular structures presenting undesirable gaps. The application of the proposed method is mainly associated to large 3-D images of microvascular networks. In order to recover the real network topology, we need to fill the gaps between the closest discontinuous vessels. The algorithm presented in this paper aims at achieving this goal. This algorithm is based on the skeletonization of the segmented network followed by a tensor voting method. It permits to merge the most common kinds of discontinuities found in microvascular networks. It is robust, easy to use, and relatively fast. The microvascular network images were obtained using synchrotron tomography imaging at the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility. These images exhibit samples of intracortical networks. Representative results are illustrated

    Major shifts at the range edge of marine forests: the combined effects of climate changes and limited dispersal

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    Global climate change is likely to constrain low latitude range edges across many taxa and habitats. Such is the case for NE Atlantic marine macroalgal forests, important ecosystems whose main structuring species is the annual kelp Saccorhiza polyschides. We coupled ecological niche modelling with simulations of potential dispersal and delayed development stages to infer the major forces shaping range edges and to predict their dynamics. Models indicated that the southern limit is set by high winter temperatures above the physiological tolerance of overwintering microscopic stages and reduced upwelling during recruitment. The best range predictions were achieved assuming low spatial dispersal (5 km) and delayed stages up to two years (temporal dispersal). Reconstructing distributions through time indicated losses of similar to 30% from 1986 to 2014, restricting S. polyschides to upwelling regions at the southern edge. Future predictions further restrict populations to a unique refugium in northwestern Iberia. Losses were dependent on the emissions scenario, with the most drastic one shifting similar to 38% of the current distribution by 2100. Such distributional changes might not be rescued by dispersal in space or time (as shown for the recent past) and are expected to drive major biodiversity loss and changes in ecosystem functioning.Electricity of Portugal (Fundo EDP para a Biodiversidade); FCT - Portuguese Science Foundation [PTDC/MAR-EST/6053/2014, EXTANT-EXCL/AAG-GLO/0661/2012, SFRH/BPD/111003/2015