15,565 research outputs found

    Development of a Computer Vision-Based Three-Dimensional Reconstruction Method for Volume-Change Measurement of Unsaturated Soils during Triaxial Testing

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    Problems associated with unsaturated soils are ubiquitous in the U.S., where expansive and collapsible soils are some of the most widely distributed and costly geologic hazards. Solving these widespread geohazards requires a fundamental understanding of the constitutive behavior of unsaturated soils. In the past six decades, the suction-controlled triaxial test has been established as a standard approach to characterizing constitutive behavior for unsaturated soils. However, this type of test requires costly test equipment and time-consuming testing processes. To overcome these limitations, a photogrammetry-based method has been developed recently to measure the global and localized volume-changes of unsaturated soils during triaxial test. However, this method relies on software to detect coded targets, which often requires tedious manual correction of incorrectly coded target detection information. To address the limitation of the photogrammetry-based method, this study developed a photogrammetric computer vision-based approach for automatic target recognition and 3D reconstruction for volume-changes measurement of unsaturated soils in triaxial tests. Deep learning method was used to improve the accuracy and efficiency of coded target recognition. A photogrammetric computer vision method and ray tracing technique were then developed and validated to reconstruct the three-dimensional models of soil specimen

    Intrinsic Dynamic Shape Prior for Fast, Sequential and Dense Non-Rigid Structure from Motion with Detection of Temporally-Disjoint Rigidity

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    While dense non-rigid structure from motion (NRSfM) has been extensively studied from the perspective of the reconstructability problem over the recent years, almost no attempts have been undertaken to bring it into the practical realm. The reasons for the slow dissemination are the severe ill-posedness, high sensitivity to motion and deformation cues and the difficulty to obtain reliable point tracks in the vast majority of practical scenarios. To fill this gap, we propose a hybrid approach that extracts prior shape knowledge from an input sequence with NRSfM and uses it as a dynamic shape prior for sequential surface recovery in scenarios with recurrence. Our Dynamic Shape Prior Reconstruction (DSPR) method can be combined with existing dense NRSfM techniques while its energy functional is optimised with stochastic gradient descent at real-time rates for new incoming point tracks. The proposed versatile framework with a new core NRSfM approach outperforms several other methods in the ability to handle inaccurate and noisy point tracks, provided we have access to a representative (in terms of the deformation variety) image sequence. Comprehensive experiments highlight convergence properties and the accuracy of DSPR under different disturbing effects. We also perform a joint study of tracking and reconstruction and show applications to shape compression and heart reconstruction under occlusions. We achieve state-of-the-art metrics (accuracy and compression ratios) in different scenarios

    Study of optical techniques for the Ames unitary wind tunnels. Part 4: Model deformation

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    A survey of systems capable of model deformation measurements was conducted. The survey included stereo-cameras, scanners, and digitizers. Moire, holographic, and heterodyne interferometry techniques were also looked at. Stereo-cameras with passive or active targets are currently being deployed for model deformation measurements at NASA Ames and LaRC, Boeing, and ONERA. Scanners and digitizers are widely used in robotics, motion analysis, medicine, etc., and some of the scanner and digitizers can meet the model deformation requirements. Commercial stereo-cameras, scanners, and digitizers are being improved in accuracy, reliability, and ease of operation. A number of new systems are coming onto the market

    Scalable Dense Monocular Surface Reconstruction

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    This paper reports on a novel template-free monocular non-rigid surface reconstruction approach. Existing techniques using motion and deformation cues rely on multiple prior assumptions, are often computationally expensive and do not perform equally well across the variety of data sets. In contrast, the proposed Scalable Monocular Surface Reconstruction (SMSR) combines strengths of several algorithms, i.e., it is scalable with the number of points, can handle sparse and dense settings as well as different types of motions and deformations. We estimate camera pose by singular value thresholding and proximal gradient. Our formulation adopts alternating direction method of multipliers which converges in linear time for large point track matrices. In the proposed SMSR, trajectory space constraints are integrated by smoothing of the measurement matrix. In the extensive experiments, SMSR is demonstrated to consistently achieve state-of-the-art accuracy on a wide variety of data sets.Comment: International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV), Qingdao, China, October 201

    Structural Health Monitoring using Structured Lights and Infrared Thermography

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    Structural health monitoring (SHM) is a nondestructive data-driven process used to assess the conditions of structural systems using methods like acoustic emission, ultrasonic, thermal imaging etc. In recent years with advancement in computer vision, research into vision-based inspection methods using three dimensional (3D) optical imaging and point cloud data is a field of active research. Structured light technique is an active method in 3D optical imaging where patterns are projected on to the scene and the camera captures the distorted pattern caused by the scene. The method uses the pattern distortion information to recover the 3D geometry. Therefore, instead of relying on the scene optical properties, the structured light method uses a projector to project known structured patterns onto the scene and the correspondence is established using the captured projected pattern information. Infrared thermography ((IRT) technique is another widely used technique for contactless temperature measurement and stress analysis of materials based on thermo elastic effects. Furthermore, IRT can be used to estimate fatigue limit and fatigue life curve of structural materials. For both visible and thermal imaging pixels are the data acquisition points used for surface profiling. However, thermal cameras have lower resolutions in comparison to visible light due to larger sensor elements. To overcome the limitations of IRT and to better investigate temperature dependent structural deformations we propose the use of projective transformations to map thermal information on to 3D reconstructed surfaces using structural light technique.https://ecommons.udayton.edu/stander_posters/4054/thumbnail.jp

    Finite Element Based Tracking of Deforming Surfaces

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    We present an approach to robustly track the geometry of an object that deforms over time from a set of input point clouds captured from a single viewpoint. The deformations we consider are caused by applying forces to known locations on the object's surface. Our method combines the use of prior information on the geometry of the object modeled by a smooth template and the use of a linear finite element method to predict the deformation. This allows the accurate reconstruction of both the observed and the unobserved sides of the object. We present tracking results for noisy low-quality point clouds acquired by either a stereo camera or a depth camera, and simulations with point clouds corrupted by different error terms. We show that our method is also applicable to large non-linear deformations.Comment: additional experiment

    Shape basis interpretation for monocular deformable 3D reconstruction

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, we propose a novel interpretable shape model to encode object non-rigidity. We first use the initial frames of a monocular video to recover a rest shape, used later to compute a dissimilarity measure based on a distance matrix measurement. Spectral analysis is then applied to this matrix to obtain a reduced shape basis, that in contrast to existing approaches, can be physically interpreted. In turn, these pre-computed shape bases are used to linearly span the deformation of a wide variety of objects. We introduce the low-rank basis into a sequential approach to recover both camera motion and non-rigid shape from the monocular video, by simply optimizing the weights of the linear combination using bundle adjustment. Since the number of parameters to optimize per frame is relatively small, specially when physical priors are considered, our approach is fast and can potentially run in real time. Validation is done in a wide variety of real-world objects, undergoing both inextensible and extensible deformations. Our approach achieves remarkable robustness to artifacts such as noisy and missing measurements and shows an improved performance to competing methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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