6 research outputs found

    Une application de la representation matricielle des transductions

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    RésuméOn étudie le problème suivant, fréquemment rencontré en théorie des langages: soient n langages L1,…,Ln reconnus par les monoïdes M1,…,Mn respectivement. Etant donné une opération ϕ, on cherche à construire un monoïde M, fonction de M1,…,Mn, qui reconnaisse le langage (L1,…,Ln)ϕ. Nous montrons que la plupart des constructions proposées dans la littérature pour ce type de problème sont en fait des cas particuliers d'une méthode générale que nous exposons ici. Cette méthode s'applique également à certains problèmes moins classiques relatifs par exemple à la réduction du groupe libre ou aux opérations de contrôle sur les T0L-systèmes.AbstractWe study the following classical problem of formal language theory: let L1,…,Ln be n languages recognized by the monoids M1,…,Mn respectively. Given an operation ϕ, we want to build a monoid M, function of M1,…,Mn, which recognizes the language (L1,…,Ln)ϕ. We show that most of the constructions given in the literature for this kind of problem are particular cases of a general method. This method can also be applied to some less classical problems related for example to the Dyck-reduction of the free-group or to control operations on T0L-systems

    Séries formelles et algèbres syntactiques

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    AbstractThe notion of the syntactic monoid is well known to be very important for formal languages, and in particular for rational languages; examples of that importance are Kleene's theorem, SchĂĽtzenberger's theorem about aperiodic monoid and Eilenberg's theorem about varieties. We introduce here, for formal power series, a similar object: to each formal power series we associate its syntactic algebra. The Kleene-SchĂĽtzenberger theorem can then be stated in the following way: a series is rational if and only if its syntactic algebra has finite dimension. A rational central series (this means that the coefficient of a word depends only on its conjugacy class) is a linear combination of characters if and only if its syntactic algebra is semisimple. Fatou properties of rational series in one variable are extended to series in several variables and a special case of the rationality of the Hadamard quotient of two series is positively answered. The correspondence between pseudovarieties of finite monoids and varieties of rational languages, as studied by Eilenberg, is extended between pseudovarieties of finite dimensional algebras and varieties of rational series. We study different kinds of varieties that are defined by closure properties and prove a theorem similar to SchĂĽtzenberger's theorem on aperiodic monoids

    Application and implementation of transducer tools in answering certain questions about regular languages

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    121 leaves : ill. ; 29 cm.Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 117-121).In this research, we investigate, refine, and implement algorithmic tools that allow us to answer decision questions about regular languages. We provide a thorough presentation of existing algorithmic tools to answer the satisfaction questions of whether a given language satisfies a given property described by an input-preserving transducer, which is equivalent to the question of whether a given language is error-detecting for the channel realized by the same input-preserving transducer; whether a given language is error-correcting for the channel realized by an input-preserving transducer; whether a given regular language satisfies the code property. In the process, we give a thorough presentation of an existing algorithm to decide whether a transducer is functional and an algorithm about how to translate a normal form transducer into a real-time transducer. We also introduce our method to provide counterexamples in cases where the answers to the satisfaction questions are negative. In addition, we discuss our new method to estimate the edit distance of a regular language by the error-correction property, which is much faster than the existing method of computing the edit distance via error-detection. Finally, we deliver an open implementation of these algorithms and methods via a web interface – I-LaSer, and add the implementation of transducer classes into our copy of the FAdo libraries

    Sur les relations rationnelles entre monoides libres

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    RésuméOn applique la théorie de S. Eilenberg au moyen de la méthode des transducteurs de M. Nivat pour obtenir quelques indications sur la vitesse de croissance en fonction de la longueur du mot du nombre de mots de l'image d'une relation rationnelle