9,117 research outputs found

    Interactive Narrative in Virtual Reality

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    Interactive fiction is a literary genre that is rapidly gaining popularity. In this genre, readers are able to explicitly take actions in order to guide the course of the story. With the recent popularity of narrative focused games, we propose to design and develop an interactive narrative tool for content creators. In this extended abstract, we show how we leverage this interactive medium to present a tool for interactive storytelling in virtual reality. Using a simple markup language, content creators and researchers are now able to create interactive narratives in a virtual reality environment. We further discuss the potential future directions for a virtual reality storytelling engine

    Gaming Business Communities: Developing online learning organisations to foster communities, develop leadership, and grow interpersonal education

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    This paper explores, through observation and testing, what possibilities from gaming can be extended into other realms of human interaction to help bring people together, extend education, and grow business. It uses through action learning within the safety of the virtual world within Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Further, I explore how the world of online gaming provides opportunity to train a wide range of skills through extending Revans’ (1980) learning equation and action inquiry methodology. This equation and methodology are deployed in relation to a gaming community to see if the theories could produce strong relationships within organisations and examine what learning, if any, is achievable. I also investigate the potential for changes in business (e.g., employee and customer relationships) through involvement in the gaming community as a unique place to implement action learning. The thesis also asks the following questions on a range of extended possibilities in the world of online gaming: What if the world opened up to a social environment where people could discuss their successes and failures? What if people could take a real world issue and re‐create it in the safe virtual world to test ways of dealing with it? What education answers can the world of online gaming provide

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion

    Levels of interaction: a user-guided experience in large-scale virtual environments

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    This paper investigates a range of challenges faced in the design of a serious game, teaching history to a player immersed in an 'open' virtual environment. In the context of this paper, such an environment is described as an exploratory, expansive virtual world within which a user may interact in a non-linear, situated fashion with both the environment and virtual characters. The main contribution of this paper consists in the introduction of the levels of interaction (LoI), a novel framework designed to assist in the creation of interactions between the player and characters. The LoI approach also addresses the necessity for balancing computational efficiency with the need to provide believable and interactive virtual characters, by allowing varying degrees of animation, display and, ultimately, interaction detail. This paper demonstrates the challenges faced when implementing such a technique, as well as the potential benefits it brings

    D7.2 1st experiment planning and community management

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    The present deliverable, outlines the overall strategy for approaching the tasks of (a) developing and sustaining an engaged school-based community of ProsocialLearn users; and (b)planning and facilitating small-scale and large-scale school-based evaluation studies of the Prosocial Learn technological solution. It also presents the preliminary work undertaken so far, and details the activities planned for M9-15 with respect to community development and small-scale studies

    The REVEAL educational environmental narrative framework for PlayStation VR

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    The REVEAL project is pioneering the use of PlayStation VR for educational applications which engage audiences in Europe's rich scientific and cultural heritage. The REVEAL software framework facilitates the development of Educational Environmental Narrative (EEN) games in virtual reality for the PlayStation 4. The framework is composed of a set of software layers and editor plugins which augment an existing game engine technology ("The PhyreEngine") and facilitate its transfer to educational applications. The PhyreEngine was created by Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe and is free and open source to registered PlayStation developers, including academic partners under the PlayStation First scheme. The REVEAL framework is built on top of the PhyreEngine and will be made similarly available to PlayStation developers through Sony Interactive Entertainment's developer network. This paper describes the functionality and design of the REVEAL framework, including its graph-based architecture, node-based locomotion system and high-resolution paper artefact rendering system. Key supporting tools are also described, including the Story Scaffolding Tool and its role in collecting detailed game analytics. The application of the framework is illustrated through an EEN case study application based on the life of Dr. Edward Jenner: the 18th century scientist credited with the discovery of vaccination. Finally, we discuss how we will empirically evaluate the effectiveness of a VR application and its components

    Autonomous characters in virtual environments: The technologies involved in artificial life and their affects on perceived intelligence and playability of computer games

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    Computer games are viewed by academics as un֊grounded hack and patch experiments. "The industry lacks the formalism and requirement for a "perfect" solution often necessary in the academic world " [Woob]. Academic Artifical Intelligence (AI) is often viewed as un-implementable and narrow minded by the majority of àž—on-AI programmer. "Historically, AI tended to be focused, containing detailed problems and domain-specific techniques. This focus makes for easier study - or engineering - of particular solutions. " [ĐĄÒ»Đ°ĐžĐ— .By implementing several well known AI techniques into the same gaming environment and judging users reactions this project aims to make links between the academic nature of AI, as well as investigate the nature of practical implementation in a gaming environment. An online Java implemented version of the 1970'àžŁ classic Space Invaders has been developed and tested, with the Aliens being controlled by 6 different approaches to modelling AI functions. In total information from 334 individuals games was recorded. Different types of games AI can create highly varied gaming experience as highlighted by the range of values and high standard deviation values seen in the results. The link between complex behaviour, complex control systems and perceived intelligence was not supported. A positive correlation identified between how fun the users found the game and how intelligent they perceived the Aliens to be, would seem to be logical. As games get visually more and more impressive, the need for intelligent characters cannot be denied because it is one of the few way in which games can set themselves apart from the competition. Conclusions identified that computer games must remain focussed on their end- goal, that of producing a fun game. Whilst complex and clever AI can help to achieve it, the AI itself can never overshadow the end result

    Player agency in interactive narrative: audience, actor & author

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    The question motivating this review paper is, how can computer-based interactive narrative be used as a constructivist learn- ing activity? The paper proposes that player agency can be used to link interactive narrative to learner agency in constructivist theory, and to classify approaches to interactive narrative. The traditional question driving research in interactive narrative is, ‘how can an in- teractive narrative deal with a high degree of player agency, while maintaining a coherent and well-formed narrative?’ This question derives from an Aristotelian approach to interactive narrative that, as the question shows, is inherently antagonistic to player agency. Within this approach, player agency must be restricted and manip- ulated to maintain the narrative. Two alternative approaches based on Brecht’s Epic Theatre and Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed are reviewed. If a Boalian approach to interactive narrative is taken the conflict between narrative and player agency dissolves. The question that emerges from this approach is quite different from the traditional question above, and presents a more useful approach to applying in- teractive narrative as a constructivist learning activity
