5 research outputs found

    Business process improvement in ERP post-implementation contex

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    Abstract. The purpose of this research has been studying the role of Business Process Improvement and its tools, techniques and methodologies in such a context, where an ERP system has been fully adopted to the organization. In addition to analyzing the tools relating to BPI, also the subcategories of BPI are researched. These include Business Process Automation, Business Process Optimization, and Business Process Integration. All these can be seen as a subset of BPI, so they cannot be exluded when studying Business Process Improvement. There has been an additional focus on the structures of these business process related terms because there are misintepretations among the concepts and terms even amongst the professionals who have researched the same discipline

    Utilisabilité d'un Espace Personnel d'Information Modifiable par les Utilisateurs

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    International audienceCet article présente une étude sur l'utilisabilité d'un nouveau prototype de système de gestion des informations personnelles sur Internet (PIMI). Les objectifs sont d'évaluer sa facilité d'utilisation, et d'évaluer la modification utilisateur comme technique d'évaluation. Trente utilisateurs ont participé à l'expérience : une première partie consistait en un test utilisateur classique (TUC) et une seconde partie était un test d'utilisabilité avec modifications utilisateur (TUM). Un total de 51 problèmes d'utilisabilité a été diagnostiqué. Parmi eux, 32 avec TUC, et 19 avec TUM. Une partie de ces derniers (11) s'ajoute à ceux identifiés avec TUC, et à ceux diagnostiqués précédemment lors d'une inspection de l'utilisabilité (IU avec Critères Ergonomiques). La participation active des utilisateurs au travers de scénarios de personnalisation semble fournir des indices supplémentaires pour l'évaluation de l'utilisabilité et pour la conception (nouvelles recommandations génériques d'utilisabilité)

    Pika: Empowering Non-Programmers to Author Executable Governance Policies in Online Communities

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    Internet users have formed a wide array of online communities with nuanced and diverse community goals and norms. However, most online platforms only offer a limited set of governance models in their software infrastructure and leave little room for customization. Consequently, technical proficiency becomes a prerequisite for online communities to build governance policies in code, excluding non-programmers from participation in designing community governance. In this paper, we present Pika, a system that empowers non-programmers to author a wide range of executable governance policies. At its core, Pika incorporates a declarative language that decomposes governance policies into modular components, thereby facilitating expressive policy authoring through a user-friendly, form-based web interface. Our user studies with 17 participants show that Pika can empower non-programmers to author governance policies approximately 2.5 times faster than programmers who author in code. We also provide insights about Pika's expressivity in supporting diverse policies that online communities want.Comment: Under revie

    Espaces d'Informations Personnelles: Utilisabilité et Modification Utilisateurs

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    This paper presents a study on the usability of a new prototype system for managing personal information on the Internet (PIMI). The objectives are to assess its ease of use, and assess user modification as an evaluation technique. Thirty users participated in the experiment: the first part was a classical usability test (TUC) and a second part was a usability test with user modifications (TUM). A total of 51 usability problems were diagnosed. Among them, 32 with TUC, and 19 with TUM. Part of the latter (11) adds to those identified with TUC, and those previously diagnosed during a usability inspection (IU with Ergonomic Criteria). The active participation of users through customization scenarios seems to provide additional clues for evaluating usability and for design (new generic usability recommendations).Cet article présente une étude sur l'utilisabilité d'un nouveau prototype de système de gestion des informations personnelles sur Internet (PIMI). Les objectifs sont d'évaluer sa facilité d'utilisation, et d'évaluer la modification utilisateur comme technique d'évaluation. Trente utilisateurs ont participé à l'expérience : une première partie consistait en un test utilisateur classique (TUC) et une seconde partie était un test d'utilisabilité avec modifications utilisateur (TUM). Un total de 51 problèmes d'utilisabilité a été diagnostiqué. Parmi eux, 32 ont été identifiés avec TUC, et 19 avec TUM. Une partie de ces derniers (11) s'ajoute à ceux identifiés avec TUC, et à ceux diagnostiqués précédemment lors d'une inspection de l'utilisabilité (IU avec Critères Ergonomiques). La participation active des utilisateurs au travers de scénarios de personnalisation semble fournir des indices supplémentaires pour l'évaluation de l'utilisabilité et pour la conception (nouvelles recommandations génériques d'utilisabilité). Mots clés : Utilisabilité ; méthodes d'évaluation ; modifications utilisateur ; e-gov. ; informations personnelles. Abstract: This paper presents a study on the usability of a new prototype system for managing personal information on the Internet (PIMI). The objectives are to assess its ease of use, and assess user modification as an evaluation technique. Thirty users participated in the experiment: the first part was a classical usability test (TUC) and a second part was a usability test with user modifications (TUM). A total of 51 usability problems were diagnosed. Among them, 32 with TUC, and 19 with TUM. Part of the latter (11) adds to those identified with TUC, and those previously diagnosed during a usability inspection (IU with Ergonomic Criteria). The active participation of users through customization scenarios seems to provide additional clues for evaluating usability and for design (new generic usability recommendations)

    The interoperability force in the ERP field

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems participate in interoperability projects and this participation sometimes leads to new proposals for the ERP field. The aim of this paper is to identify the role that interoperability plays in the evolution of ERP systems. To go about this, ERP systems have been first identified within interoperability frameworks. Second, the initiatives in the ERP field driven by interoperability requirements have been identified from two perspectives: technological and business.The ERP field is evolving from classical ERP as information system integrators to a new generation of fully interoperable ERP. Interoperability is changing the way of running business, and ERP systems are changing to adapt to the current stream of interoperability