3 research outputs found

    Documentação de atividades de planejamento ambiental centrada em bancos de dados

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    Orientador : Claudia Bauzer MedeirosDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação CientificaResumo: O processo de planejamento ambiental é uma tarefa complexa que cobre aspectos variados, envolve uma série de etapas e é alimentado por vários conjuntos de dados. Normalmente exige a cooperação de equipes multidisciplinares que discutem várias alternativas de planejamento, considerando por exemplo questões referentes ao uso ou recuperação de recursos ambientais. Um dos grandes problemas desse processo é a falta de documentação associada. Como em qualquer atividade cooperativa, a documentação é importante para a revisão, manutenção e evolução do plano e para a comunicação entre os projetistas, dentre outros fatores. O objetivo desta dissertação é resolver parcialmente este problema, através da especificação e implementação parcial de um ambiente para gerenciar, de forma unificada, três tipos de documentos: descrição do produto final do planejamento (documentos O QUE), descrição do processo usado para obter o produto final (documentos COMO) e descrição das razões que estão por trás das decisões para se chegar a este produto (documentos PORQUE). Estes documentos foram especificados visando armazenamento e gerenciamento em um banco de dados. Documentos O QUE são representados através de estruturas de hipermídia, documentos COMO através de workfiows científicos e o PORQUE é baseado em estruturas de design rationale. As principais contribuições desta pesquisa são: (a) especificação centrada em bancos de dados das estruturas dos documentos O QUE, COMO e PORQUE; (b) especificação do ambiente para gerenciá-los, visando facilitar trabalho cooperativo na área de planejamento ambiental; (c) implementação parcial deste ambienteAbstract: The environmental planning process is a complex task that covers various aspects, involving a series of steps and is fed by many data sources. Normally, this process demands the cooperation of multidisciplinary teams that discuss many planning alternatives. These alternatives consider, for instance, multiple issues on preservation or recovery of environmental resources. One of the main problems in this process is the incompleteness of associated documentation. As in any cooperative activity, documentation is important for revision, maintenance and evolution of the plan, and for communication among designers. The goal of this dissertation is to partially solve this problem, through the specification and partial implementation of an environment to manage, in a unified way, three kinds of documents: description of the final product - the plan (WHAT documents), description of the process used to obtain the final product (HOW documents) and description of the reasons behind the decisions of planning (WHY documents). These documents were specified so as to allow them to be stored and managed in a database. WHAT documents are represented through hypermedia structures, HOW documents using scientific workfiows, and WHY documents are based in design rationale structures. The main contributions of this research are: (a) database-centered specification and design of the WHY, HOW and WHAT documents; (b) specification of an environment to support management of these documents, thus fostering cooperative work in environmental planning; (c) partial implementation of this environmentMestradoMestre em Ciência da Computaçã

    MATrA: meta-modelling approach to traceability for avionics

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    PhD ThesisTraceability is the common term for mechanisms to record and navigate relationships between artifacts produced by development and assessment processes. Effective management of these relationships is critical to the success of projects involving the development of complex aerospace products. Practitioners use a range of notations to model aerospace products (often as part of a defined technique or methodology). Those appropriate to electrical and electronic systems (avionics) include Use Cases for requirements, Ada for development and Fault Trees for assessment (others such as PERT networks support product management). Most notations used within the industry have tool support, although a lack of well-defined approaches to integration leads to inconsistencies and limits traceability between their respective data sets (internal models). Conceptually, the artifacts produced using such notations populate four traceability dimensions. Of these, three record links between project artifacts (describing the same product), while the fourth relates artifacts across different projects (and hence products), and across product families within the same project. The scope of this thesis is to define a meta-framework that characterises traceability dimensions for aerospace projects, and then to propose a concrete framework capturing the syntax and semantics of notations used in developing avionics for such projects which enables traceability across the four dimensions. The concrete framework is achieved by exporting information from the internal models of tools supporting these notations to an integrated environment consisting of. i) a Workspace comprising a set of structures or meta-models (models describing models) expressed in a common modelling language representing selected notations (including appropriate extensions reflecting the application domain); ii) well-formedness constraints over these structures capturing properties of the notations (and again, reflecting the domain); and iii) associations between the structures. To maintain consistency and identify conflicts, elements of the structures are verified against a system model that defines common building blocks underlying the various notations. The approach is evaluated by (partial) tool implementation of the structures which are populated using case study material derived from actual commercial specifications and industry standards

    Supporting Design Rationale For System Evolution

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    . In this paper, a system for capturing and maintaining design rationale is described. The significant contribution of this work is to address the problem of ensuring that the model is followed by the user and to extend the model to include risk analysis. This is accomplished using a software tool (PPIS) that allows the structure of the argumentation process to be made explicit and visible in the system. 1. Introduction The systems design process usually involves creating and evaluating a number of possible designs. The design team discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each of these. The design finally accepted may be the most appropriate technically but, more often than not, other factors such as the need for compatibility with other systems, the need to use company standards, the need to minimise risks in other parts of the system govern the ultimate design choice. The reasons why design choices were made are usually lost as the design team disperses to other projects. The de..