21,970 research outputs found

    Support vector machines with a reject option

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    This paper studies 1\ell_1 regularization with high-dimensional features for support vector machines with a built-in reject option (meaning that the decision of classifying an observation can be withheld at a cost lower than that of misclassification). The procedure can be conveniently implemented as a linear program and computed using standard software. We prove that the minimizer of the penalized population risk favors sparse solutions and show that the behavior of the empirical risk minimizer mimics that of the population risk minimizer. We also introduce a notion of classification complexity and prove that our minimizers adapt to the unknown complexity. Using a novel oracle inequality for the excess risk, we identify situations where fast rates of convergence occur.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.3150/10-BEJ320 the Bernoulli (http://isi.cbs.nl/bernoulli/) by the International Statistical Institute/Bernoulli Society (http://isi.cbs.nl/BS/bshome.htm

    Support Vector Machines with a Reject Option

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    We consider the problem of binary classification where the classifier may abstain instead of classifying each observation. The Bayes decision rule for this setup, known as Chow’s rule, is defined by two thresholds on posterior probabilities. From simple desiderata, namely the consistency and the sparsity of the classifier, we derive the double hinge loss function that focuses on estimating conditional probabilities only in the vicinity of the threshold points of the optimal decision rule. We show that, for suitable kernel machines, our approach is universally consistent. We cast the problem of minimizing the double hinge loss as a quadratic program akin to the standard SVM optimization problem and propose an active set method to solve it efficiently. We finally provide preliminary experimental results illustrating the interest of our constructive approach to devising loss functions

    Sparse Reject Option Classifier Using Successive Linear Programming

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    In this paper, we propose an approach for learning sparse reject option classifiers using double ramp loss LdrL_{dr}. We use DC programming to find the risk minimizer. The algorithm solves a sequence of linear programs to learn the reject option classifier. We show that the loss LdrL_{dr} is Fisher consistent. We also show that the excess risk of loss LdL_d is upper bounded by the excess risk of LdrL_{dr}. We derive the generalization error bounds for the proposed approach. We show the effectiveness of the proposed approach by experimenting it on several real world datasets. The proposed approach not only performs comparable to the state of the art but it also successfully learns sparse classifiers

    On Reject and Refine Options in Multicategory Classification

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    In many real applications of statistical learning, a decision made from misclassification can be too costly to afford; in this case, a reject option, which defers the decision until further investigation is conducted, is often preferred. In recent years, there has been much development for binary classification with a reject option. Yet, little progress has been made for the multicategory case. In this article, we propose margin-based multicategory classification methods with a reject option. In addition, and more importantly, we introduce a new and unique refine option for the multicategory problem, where the class of an observation is predicted to be from a set of class labels, whose cardinality is not necessarily one. The main advantage of both options lies in their capacity of identifying error-prone observations. Moreover, the refine option can provide more constructive information for classification by effectively ruling out implausible classes. Efficient implementations have been developed for the proposed methods. On the theoretical side, we offer a novel statistical learning theory and show a fast convergence rate of the excess \ell-risk of our methods with emphasis on diverging dimensionality and number of classes. The results can be further improved under a low noise assumption. A set of comprehensive simulation and real data studies has shown the usefulness of the new learning tools compared to regular multicategory classifiers. Detailed proofs of theorems and extended numerical results are included in the supplemental materials available online.Comment: A revised version of this paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of the American Statistical Association Theory and Methods Section. 52 pages, 6 figure

    Classifiers With a Reject Option for Early Time-Series Classification

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    Early classification of time-series data in a dynamic environment is a challenging problem of great importance in signal processing. This paper proposes a classifier architecture with a reject option capable of online decision making without the need to wait for the entire time series signal to be present. The main idea is to classify an odor/gas signal with an acceptable accuracy as early as possible. Instead of using posterior probability of a classifier, the proposed method uses the "agreement" of an ensemble to decide whether to accept or reject the candidate label. The introduced algorithm is applied to the bio-chemistry problem of odor classification to build a novel Electronic-Nose called Forefront-Nose. Experimental results on wind tunnel test-bed facility confirms the robustness of the forefront-nose compared to the standard classifiers from both earliness and recognition perspectives

    Is Deep Learning Safe for Robot Vision? Adversarial Examples against the iCub Humanoid

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    Deep neural networks have been widely adopted in recent years, exhibiting impressive performances in several application domains. It has however been shown that they can be fooled by adversarial examples, i.e., images altered by a barely-perceivable adversarial noise, carefully crafted to mislead classification. In this work, we aim to evaluate the extent to which robot-vision systems embodying deep-learning algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial examples, and propose a computationally efficient countermeasure to mitigate this threat, based on rejecting classification of anomalous inputs. We then provide a clearer understanding of the safety properties of deep networks through an intuitive empirical analysis, showing that the mapping learned by such networks essentially violates the smoothness assumption of learning algorithms. We finally discuss the main limitations of this work, including the creation of real-world adversarial examples, and sketch promising research directions.Comment: Accepted for publication at the ICCV 2017 Workshop on Vision in Practice on Autonomous Robots (ViPAR