167 research outputs found

    Modeling and Control of Maximum Pressure Rise Rate in RCCI Engines

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    Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) is a combustion strategy that burns fuel at lower temperatures and leaner mixtures in order to achieve high efficiency and near zero NOx emissions. Since the combustion happens at lower temperatures it inhibits the formation of NOx and soot emissions. One such strategy is Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition (RCCI). One characteristic of RCCI combustion and LTC com- bustion in general is short burn durations which leads to high Pressure Rise Rates (PRR). This limits the operation of these engines to lower loads as at high loads, the Maximum Pressure Rise Rate (MPRR) hinders the use of this combustion strategy. This thesis focuses on the development of a model based controller that can control the Crank Angle for 50% mass fraction burn (CA50) and Indicated Mean Effective Pressure (IMEP) of an RCCI engine while limiting the MPRR to a pre determined limit. A Control Oriented Model (COM) is developed to predict the MPRR in an RCCI engine. This COM is then validated against experimental data. A statistical analysis of the experimental data is conducted to understand the accuracy of the COM. The results show that the COM is able to predict the MPRR with reasonable accuracy in steady state and transient conditions. Also, the COM is able to capture the trends during transient operation. This COM is then included in an existing cycle by cycle dynamic RCCI engine model and used to develop a Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) representation of an RCCI engine using Data Driven Modeling (DDM) approach with Support Vector Machines (SVM). This LPV representation is then used along with a Model Predictive Controller (MPC) to control the CA50 and IMEP of the RCCI engine model while limiting the MPRR. The controller was able to track the desired CA50 and IMEP with a mean error of 0.9 CAD and 4.7 KPa respectively while maintaining the MPRR below 5.8 bar/CAD

    Machine Learning for Identification and Optimal Control of Advanced Automotive Engines.

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    The complexity of automotive engines continues to increase to meet increasing performance requirements such as high fuel economy and low emissions. The increased sensing capabilities associated with such systems generate a large volume of informative data. With advancements in computing technologies, predictive models of complex dynamic systems useful for diagnostics and controls can be developed using data based learning. Such models have a short development time and can serve as alternatives to traditional physics based modeling. In this thesis, the modeling and control problem of an advanced automotive engine, the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine, is addressed using data based learning techniques. Several frameworks including design of experiments for data generation, identification of HCCI combustion variables, modeling the HCCI operating envelope and model predictive control have been developed and analyzed. In addition, stable online learning algorithms for a general class of nonlinear systems have been developed using extreme learning machine (ELM) model structure.PHDMechanical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/102392/1/vijai_1.pd


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    Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) regimes have gained attention in internal combustion engines since they deliver low nitrogen oxides (NOx) and soot emissions with higher thermal efficiency and better combustion efficiency, compared to conventional combustion regimes. However, the operating region of these high-efficiency combustion regimes is limited as it is prone to knocking and high in-cylinder pressure rise rate outside the engine safe zone. By allowing multi-regime operation, high-efficiency region of the engine is extended. To control these complex engines, understanding and identification of heat release rate shapes is essential. Experimental data collected from a 2 liter 4 cylinder LTC engine with in-cylinder pressure measurements, is used in this study to calculate Heat Release Rate (HRR). Fractions of early and late heat release are calculated from HRR as a ratio of cumulative heat release in the early or late window to the total energy of the fuel injected into the cylinder. Three specific HRR patterns and two transition zones are identified. A rule based algorithm is developed to classify these patterns as a function of fraction of early and late heat release percentages. Combustion parameters evaluated also showed evidence on characteristics of classification. Supervised and unsupervised machine learning approaches are also evaluated to classify the HRR shapes. Supervised learning method ( Decision Tree)is studied to develop an automatic classifier based on the control inputs to the engine. In addition, supervised learning method (Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)) and unsupervised learning method (k-means clustering) are studied to develop an automatic classifier based on HRR trace obtained from the engine. The unsupervised learning approach wasn\u27t successful in classification as the arrived k-means centroids didn\u27t clearly represent a particular combustion regime. Supervised learning techniques, CNN method is found with a classifier accuracy of 70% for identifying heat release shapes and Decision Tree with the accuracy of 74.5% as a function of control inputs. On rule based classified traces with the use of principle component analysis (PCA) and linear regression, heat release rate classifiers are built as a function of engine input parameters including, Engine speed, Start of injection (SOI), Fuel quantity (FQ) and Premixed ratio (PR). The results are then used to build a linear parameter varying (LPV) model as a function of the modelled combustion classifiers by using the least square support vector machine (LS-SVM) approach. LPV model could predict CA50(Combustion phasing), IMEP (indicated mean effective pressure) and MPRR (maximum pressure rise rate) with a RMSE of 0.4 CAD, 16.6 kPa and 0.4 bar/CAD respectively. The designed LPV model is then incorporated in a model predictive control (MPC) platform to adjust CA50, IMEP and MPRR. The results show the designed LTC engine controller could track CA50 and IMEP with average error of 1.2 CAD and 6.2 kPa while limiting MPRR to 6 bar/CAD. The controller uses three engine inputs including, SOI, PR and FQ as manipulated variables, that are optimally changed to control the LTC engine

    Meta-heuristic algorithms in car engine design: a literature survey

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    Meta-heuristic algorithms are often inspired by natural phenomena, including the evolution of species in Darwinian natural selection theory, ant behaviors in biology, flock behaviors of some birds, and annealing in metallurgy. Due to their great potential in solving difficult optimization problems, meta-heuristic algorithms have found their way into automobile engine design. There are different optimization problems arising in different areas of car engine management including calibration, control system, fault diagnosis, and modeling. In this paper we review the state-of-the-art applications of different meta-heuristic algorithms in engine management systems. The review covers a wide range of research, including the application of meta-heuristic algorithms in engine calibration, optimizing engine control systems, engine fault diagnosis, and optimizing different parts of engines and modeling. The meta-heuristic algorithms reviewed in this paper include evolutionary algorithms, evolution strategy, evolutionary programming, genetic programming, differential evolution, estimation of distribution algorithm, ant colony optimization, particle swarm optimization, memetic algorithms, and artificial immune system


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    Low Temperature Combustion (LTC) holds promise for high thermal efficiency and low Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and Particulate Matter (PM) exhaust emissions. Fast and robust control of different engine variables is a major challenge for real-time model-based control of LTC. This thesis concentrates on control of powertrain systems that are integrated with a specific type of LTC engines called Homogenous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI). In this thesis, accurate mean value and dynamic cycleto- cycle Control Oriented Models (COMs) are developed to capture the dynamics of HCCI engine operation. The COMs are experimentally validated for a wide range of HCCI steady-state and transient operating conditions. The developed COMs can predict engine variables including combustion phasing, engine load and exhaust gas temperature with low computational requirements for multi-input multi-output realtime HCCI controller design. Different types of model-based controllers are then developed and implemented on a detailed experimentally validated physical HCCI engine model. Control of engine output and tailpipe emissions are conducted using two methodologies: i) an optimal algorithm based on a novel engine performance index to minimize engine-out emissions and exhaust aftertreatment efficiency, and ii) grey-box modeling technique in combination with optimization methods to minimize engine emissions. In addition, grey-box models are experimentally validated and their prediction accuracy is compared with that from black-box only or clear-box only models. A detailed powertrain model is developed for a parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) integrated with an HCCI engine. The HEV model includes sub-models for different HEV components including Electric-machine (E-machine), battery, transmission system, and Longitudinal Vehicle Dynamics (LVD). The HCCI map model is obtained based on extensive experimental engine dynamometer testing. The LTC-HEV model is used to investigate the potential fuel consumption benefits archived by combining two technologies including LTC and electrification. An optimal control strategy including Model Predictive Control (MPC) is used for energy management control in the studied parallel LTC-HEV. The developed HEV model is then modified by replacing a detailed dynamic engine model and a dynamic clutch model to investigate effects of powertrain dynamics on the HEV energy consumption. The dynamics include engine fuel flow dynamics, engine air flow dynamics, engine rotational dynamics, and clutch dynamics. An enhanced MPC strategy for HEV torque split control is developed by incorporating the effects of the studied engine dynamics to save more energy compared to the commonly used map-based control strategies where the effects of powertrain dynamics are ignored. LTC is promising for reduction in fuel consumption and emission production however sophisticated multi variable engine controllers are required to realize application of LTC engines. This thesis centers on development of model-based controllers for powertrain systems with LTC engines


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    Reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) is a combustion strategy that offers high fuel conversion efficiency and near zero emissions of NOx and soot which can help in improving fuel economy in mobile and stationary internal combustion engine (ICE) applications and at the same time lower engine-out emissions. One of the main challenges associated with RCCI combustion is the difficulty in simultaneously controlling combustion phasing, engine load, and cyclic variability during transient engine operations. This thesis focuses on developing model based controllers for cycle-to-cycle combustion phasing and load control during transient operations. A control oriented model (COM) is developed by using mean value models to predict start of combustion (SOC) and crank angle of 50% mass fraction burn (CA50). The COM is validated using transient data from an experimental RCCI engine. The validation results show that the COM is able to capture the experimental trends in CA50 and indicated mean effective pressure (IMEP). The COM is then used to develop a linear quadratic integral (LQI) controller and model predictive controllers (MPC). Premixed ratio (PR) and start of injection (SOI) are the control variables used to control CA50, while the total fuel quantity (FQ) is the engine variable used to control load. The selection between PR and SOI is done using a sensitivity based algorithm. Experimental validation results for reference tracking using LQI and MPC show that the desired CA50 and IMEP can be attained in a single cycle during step-up and step-down transients and yield an average error of less than 1.6 crank angle degrees (CAD) in the CA50 and less than 35 kPa in the IMEP. This thesis presents the first study in the literature to design and implement LQI and MPC combustion controllers for RCCI engines

    Design and Optimization of Dynamic System for a One-kW Free Piston Linear Engine Alternator-GENSETS Program

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    In power/energy systems, free-piston linear machines are referred to as a mechanism where the constrained crank motion is eliminated and replaced with free reciprocating piston motion. Depending on the application, the piston motion can be converted into other types of energy and includes compressed air/fluid, electricity, and high temperature/pressure gas. A research group at West Virginia University developed a free-piston linear engine alternator (LEA) in 1998 and have achieved significant accomplishment in the performance enhancement of the LEAs to date. The present LEA design incorporates flexure springs as energy restoration components and as bearing supports. The advantages of using flexure springs are threefold and include: (1) it increases the LEA’s stiffness and resonant frequency, and hence the power density; (2) it eliminates the need for rotary or linear bearings and lubrication system; and (3) it reduces the overall frictional contact area in the translator assembly which improves the durability. The current research focuses on the design and optimization of the flexure springs as the system’s resonant dominating component for a 1 kW free-piston LEA. First, the flexure springs were characterized according to the LEA’s target outputs and dimensional limitations. The finite element method (FEM) was used to analyze the stress/strain, different modes of deformation, and fatigue life of a range of flexure spring designs under dynamic loadings. Primary geometric design variables included the number of arms, inside and outside diameter, thickness, and arm’s length. To find the near-optimum designs, a machine learning algorithm incorporating the FEM results was used in order to find the sensitivity of the target outputs to the geometrical parameters. From the results, design charts were extracted as a guideline to flexure spring selection for a range of operations. Then, methods were introduced, investigated, and analyzed to improve the overall energy conversion performance and service life of the flexure springs and the overall LEA system. These included: a transient FE tool used for fatigue analysis to quantify the life and factors of safety of the flexure springs as well as the spring’s hysteresis; a fluid/structure interaction model used to quantify the energy loss due to drag force applied on the flexures’ side surfaces; packaging of multiple flexures to increase the overall stiffness and to reduce the vibration-induced stresses on flexure arms due to higher harmonics; a model to investigate the two-way interactions of the flexures’ dynamics with the alternator and engine components to find an optimum selection of the LEA’s assembly; a non-linear friction analysis to identify/quantify the energy losses due to the friction of the sliding surfaces of the flexures and spacers; and a series of static and transient experiment to determine the non-linearity of flexures’ stiffness and comparison to FEM results and for validation of the energy audit results from numerical and analytical calculations. With over 6000 flexure designs evaluated using artificial intelligent methods, the maximum achievable resonant frequency of a single flexure spring for a 1 kW LEA was found to be around 150 Hz. From the FEM results, it was found that under dynamic conditions the stress levels to be as high as twice the maximum stress under static (or very low speed) conditions. Modifications of the arm’s end shape and implementation of a shape factor were found as effective methods to reduce the maximum stress by 20%. The modal analysis showed that the most damaging modes of deformations of a flexure spring were the second to fourth modes, depending on the number of arms and symmetry of the design. Experiment and FEM results showed that using bolted packaging of the springs can damp a portion of the vibration and improve the performance. The drag force loss was found to account for 10-15% of the mechanical losses in a 100 Wnet LEA prototype. From the manufacturing perspective, use of water jet was found the most economical method for manufacturing the flexures which could make the commercial production of the LEAs feasible; however, for high-efficiency, high-durability machines, additional material treatments, and alternative manufacturing methods are essential
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