7 research outputs found

    A perspective for supply chain management: Building a conceptual framework

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    Supply chain relationships play a significant role in supply chain management to respond to dynamic export market changes. If the dyadic exporter-producer relationships are still weak, they impede the emergence of a high performance supply chain within an export market. This paper develops a conceptual framework for understanding how exporter-producer relationships include not only the relationship system but also network and transaction systems; and thus introduces a more integrated way of looking at supply chain management based on information sharing as a key process between exporters and producers. To achieve this aim, supply chain relationships are reviewed from the perspectives of relationship marketing theory, network theory and transaction cost theory. Findings from previous research are discussed to provide a better understanding of how these relationships have evolved. A conceptual framework is built by offering a central proposition that specific dimensions of relationships, networks and transactions are the key antecedents of information sharing, which in turn influences export performance in supply chain management

    An Empirical Investigation into Wicked Operational Problems

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    This thesis begins by considering the nature of research in Operations Management, the methods that are employed and the types of problems it addresses. We contend that as the discipline matures and it extends its boundaries the research challenges become more complex and the reductionist techniques of Operations Research become less appropriate. To explore this issue we use the concept of wicked problems. Wicked problems were developed by Rittel and Webber during the 1970’s. They suggest the existence of a class of problems which could not be solved using the techniques of Operations Research. They describe Wicked Problems using ten properties or characteristics, which, after a thorough review of their descriptions, we have condensed to six themes. We consider the current state of the “Wicked Problem” literature and have identified the paucity relating to Operations Management. Thus we develop our research question: “what are the characteristics of wicked operational problems?” We investigate this question using a single extended case study of an operation experiencing significant unresolved performance issues. We analyse the case using the tenets of systems thinking, structure and behaviour, and extend the empirical literature on wicked problems to identify the characteristics of wicked operational problems. The research indicates that elements of wicked problems exist at an operational level. The significance of this finding is that reductionist techniques to problem solving e.g. lean and six sigma may not be applicable to the challenges facing operational managers when confronted with the characteristics of a wicked operational problem

    Monitoramento internacional da produção cientĂ­fica em ciĂȘncia da informação. volume 1

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    256 p.Objetivo – Identifi car tendĂȘncias de publicação de nĂșmeros temĂĄticos (themed issue; special issue) em periĂłdicos de ciĂȘncia da informação. Concepção/ metodologia/ abordagem – Levantamento de nĂșmeros temĂĄticos indexados em bases de dados internacionais de ciĂȘncia da informação/ biblioteconomia, no perĂ­odo de 2005 / 2010, monitorados no gerenciador de dados Asksam, para eliminação de duplicatas, derivação de dados estatĂ­sticos; classifi cação dos artigos introdutĂłrios aos nĂșmeros temĂĄticos de acordo com a Information Science Taxonomy (Donald T. Hawkins e colaboradores, 2003) e decorrentes anĂĄlises sobre estado da arte. Resultados – No perĂ­odo selecionado foram publicados 185 nĂșmeros temĂĄticos, distribuĂ­dos em 11 categorias, com “Pesquisa em ciĂȘncia da informação” (20%, 37 nĂșmeros temĂĄticos), “Bibliotecas e serviços bibliotecĂĄrios (17%, 32 nĂșmeros, com 12 destes sobre ensino e treinamento em biblioteconomia e ciĂȘncia da informação) “Tecnologias da informação” e ”QuestĂ”es sociais” (14% cada, 26 nĂșmeros), apresentando-se com as mais representativas do ponto de vista quantitativo. Originalidade/valor – Mapeamento das tendĂȘncias de publicação de nĂșmeros temĂĄticos para elaboração do segundo produto deste projeto ─, comparação dos resultados deste primeiro produto com trabalhos apresentados em congressos de ciĂȘncia da informação para fi ns de proposição de nĂșmeros temĂĄticos para a revista CiĂȘncia da Informação, editada pelo Ibict

    The Swedish ethnic food industry

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    The objective of this study is to identify, investigate, and explore ethnic entrepreneurs and mainstream retailers drivers, and problems behind the growing market for ethnic food in Sweden. In particular, the study will explore how these drivers and problems can be tackled and integrated to fit the new food experience among consumers that are demanding higher quality. In order for this study to be carried out as planned, a partial understanding of the ethnic food supply chain the ethnic entrepreneurs and mainstream retailers’ perspective will be discussed so as to shed more light and highlight the internetworking conditions among participants in this industry The research method is a qualitative one with the use of in depth interview to dig deep and explore the subject of study. An inductive approach is used to analyse the empiric s that showed some interesting findings. This was further discussed and expatiated on using a follow of narrative thoughts and concepts from the author’s perspective, and well renowned ideas, practices and academics work of selected researchers in the field. The drivers for entering into the ethnic food business were identified among ethnic entrepreneurs and mainstream retailers in Sweden. For the ethnic entrepreneurs these include the need to respond to the “want” of the consumers as well as create jobs and also integrating into the society. The findings showed that the mainstream retailers on the other hand, are driven into the market majorly as a result of their observation of the trends developing among ethnic consumer and the locals. The trend showed the popularity in ethnic food consumption and increased adaptation of global trend within the ethnic food market being adopted among mainstream retailers and ethnic entrepreneurs. Some of the problems identified where common to both retailers and the ethnic entrepreneurs while some were not. In a nut shell some of these problems were related to labelling, package presentation, product display, inadequate knowledge about the ethnic food products and some food concept, ethnic food sourcing, and institutional problem relating to the host country (i.e. Swedish in this case) system, unification of standardization and certification within the ethnic food certifiers and approval board. The writer further discussed interesting ideas on how to tackle these problems

    Information sharing in an export supply chain relationship : the case of the Jordanian fresh fruit and vegetable export industry

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    The aim of this research is to develop, examine and validate a conceptual framework, which explains factors of the export supply chain relationship focusing on information sharing in export supply chain management field. This research seeks to understand the dyadic exporter-producer relationship in the export industry of fresh fruit and vegetables from Jordan to the European Union. Jordan supplies very limited fresh fruit and vegetable exports to the European market and the exporter-producer relationships are still weak, which impedes the emergence of a high performance supply chain within this promising market. There has been a lack of conceptual and empirical research on information sharing, which limits the understanding of the business relationship and there is no theoretical framework analysing export supply chain relationships. Therefore, this research examines the possible association between the following factors: relationship, network and transaction dimensions; information sharing; and export performance. A framework for the influence of information sharing on a dyadic exporter-producer relationship of supply chain management guiding this research is developed initially, based on three perspectives: relationship marketing theory, network theory and transaction cost theory. Qualitative methodology is used to achieve the research aim and objectives in Jordan. The research is comprised of two phases. In phase one, seven interviews with experts are conducted to refine the initial framework for key propositions and propose a framework for supply chain management. In phase two, there are ten multiple-case studies, which contain 40 semi-structured interviews, 40 hours of observations and archival records. These cases are primarily conducted with the selected exporter and producer firms in the export industry of fresh fruit and vegetables. Data are collected and analysed, based on key themes and a case study protocol, which individually explore each exporter-producer relationship ―case‖ in order to examine the proposed framework. Finally, the ten cases are cross-analysed to explain the key findings and to match them to the framework in order to validate it as the final conceptual framework for supply chain management. The research findings support the central premise that specific dimensions of relationships, networks and transactions are the key antecedents of information sharing, which in turn influences export performance. The findings confirm that the exporters and the producers are able to support their relationships through the benefits gained from these dimensions at the relationship, network and transaction levels of the export III Information Sharing in an Export Supply Chain Relationship Luai Jraisat supply chain. It is through this alignment that firms create better information sharing between them. Likewise, the findings suggest that firms will be able to gain strategic advantages from supply chain management based on information sharing and its components, namely content, sharing methods, sources and value, thus suggesting that the firms should apply information sharing to improve financial and non-financial export performance. The research makes key contributions to theory and methodology, and has policy and managerial implications. Theoretical contributions are made to the supply chain management literature by providing a holistic framework for supply chain management to understand the exporter-producer relationship. The research expands on the applications of the three perspectives combined and focuses on information sharing as a key factor. Methodological contributions are offered as this research connects the qualitative methodology to the theory, enabling an analytical generalisation of supply chain management relationships by examining both sides of the dyadic relationship to guide their information sharing. This research expands more on the validity and reliability aspects to ensure the strength of this qualitative empirical research. Policy and managerial implications are addressed for managers and policy-makers. The research limitations and guidelines for future research are discussed.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Supply chains and the enterprise

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