7 research outputs found

    Distribution Locational Marginal Pricing for Optimal Electric Vehicle Charging Management

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    Health Condition Monitoring and Fault-Tolerant Operation of Adjustable Speed Drives

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    Adjustable speed drives (ASDs) have been extensively used in industrial applications over the past few decades because of their benefits of energy saving and control flexibilities. However, the wider penetration of ASD systems into industrial applications is hindered by the lack of health monitoring and fault-tolerant operation techniques, especially in safety-critical applications. In this dissertation, a comprehensive portfolio of health condition monitoring and fault-tolerant operation strategies is developed and implemented for multilevel neutral-point-clamped (NPC) power converters in ASDs. Simulations and experiments show that these techniques can improve power cycling lifetime of power transistors, on-line diagnosis of switch faults, and fault-tolerant capabilities.The first contribution of this dissertation is the development of a lifetime improvement Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) method which can significantly extend the power cycling lifetime of Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs) in NPC inverters operating at low frequencies. This PWM method is achieved by injecting a zero-sequence signal with a frequency higher than that of the IGBT junction-to-case thermal time constants. This, in turn, lowers IGBT junction temperatures at low output frequencies. Thermal models, simulation and experimental verifications are carried out to confirm the effectiveness of this PWM method. As a second contribution of this dissertation, a novel on-line diagnostic method is developed for electronic switch faults in power converters. Targeted at three-level NPC converters, this diagnostic method can diagnose any IGBT faults by utilizing the information on the dc-bus neutral-point current and switching states. This diagnostic method only requires one additional current sensor for sensing the neutral-point current. Simulation and experimental results verified the efficacy of this diagnostic method.The third contribution consists of the development and implementation of a fault-tolerant topology for T-Type NPC power converters. In this fault-tolerant topology, one additional phase leg is added to the original T-Type NPC converter. In addition to providing a fault-tolerant solution to certain switch faults in the converter, this fault-tolerant topology can share the overload current with the original phase legs, thus increasing the overload capabilities of the power converters. A lab-scale 30-kVA ASD based on this proposed topology is implemented and the experimental results verified its benefits

    Identification of high performance and component technology for space electrical power systems for use beyond the year 2000

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    Addressed are some of the space electrical power system technologies that should be developed for the U.S. space program to remain competitive in the 21st century. A brief historical overview of some U.S. manned/unmanned spacecraft power systems is discussed to establish the fact that electrical systems are and will continue to become more sophisticated as the power levels appoach those on the ground. Adaptive/Expert power systems that can function in an extraterrestrial environment will be required to take an appropriate action during electrical faults so that the impact is minimal. Manhours can be reduced significantly by relinquishing tedious routine system component maintenance to the adaptive/expert system. By cataloging component signatures over time this system can set a flag for a premature component failure and thus possibly avoid a major fault. High frequency operation is important if the electrical power system mass is to be cut significantly. High power semiconductor or vacuum switching components will be required to meet future power demands. System mass tradeoffs have been investigated in terms of operating at high temperature, efficiency, voltage regulation, and system reliability. High temperature semiconductors will be required. Silicon carbide materials will operate at a temperature around 1000 K and the diamond material up to 1300 K. The driver for elevated temperature operation is that radiator mass is reduced significantly because of inverse temperature to the fourth power

    Implications of Wide-Area Geographic Diversity for Short- Term Variability of Solar Power

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    Worldwide interest in the deployment of photovoltaic generation (PV) is rapidly increasing. Operating experience with large PV plants, however, demonstrates that large, rapid changes in the output of PV plants are possible. Early studies of PV grid impacts suggested that short-term variability could be a potential limiting factor in deploying PV. Many of these early studies, however, lacked high-quality data from multiple sites to assess the costs and impacts of increasing PV penetration. As is well known for wind, accounting for the potential for geographic diversity can significantly reduce the magnitude of extreme changes in aggregated PV output, the resources required to accommodate that variability, and the potential costs of managing variability. We use measured 1-min solar insolation for 23 time-synchronized sites in the Southern Great Plains network of the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement program and wind speed data from 10 sites in the same network to characterize the variability of PV with different degrees of geographic diversity and to compare the variability of PV to the variability of similarly sited wind. The relative aggregate variability of PV plants sited in a dense 10 x 10 array with 20 km spacing is six times less than the variability of a single site for variability on time scales less than 15-min. We find in our analysis of wind and PV plants similarly sited in a 5 x 5 grid with 50 km spacing that the variability of PV is only slightly more than the variability of wind on time scales of 5-15 min. Over shorter and longer time scales the level of variability is nearly identical. Finally, we use a simple approximation method to estimate the cost of carrying additional reserves to manage sub-hourly variability. We conclude that the costs of managing the short-term variability of PV are dramatically reduced by geographic diversity and are not substantially different from the costs for managing the short-term variability of similarly sited wind in this region

    Solar power satellite system definition study. Part 2, volume 4: Microwave power transmission systems

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    A slotted waveguide planar array was established as the baseline design for the spaceborne transmitter antenna. Key aspects of efficient energy conversion at both ends of the power transfer link were analyzed and optimized alternate approaches in the areas of antenna and tube design are discussed. An integrated design concept was developed which meets design requirements, observes structural and thermal constraints, exhibits good performance and was developed in adequate depth to permit cost estimating at the subsystem/component level

    Propagation effects handbook for satellite systems design. A summary of propagation impairments on 10 to 100 GHz satellite links with techniques for system design

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    The NASA Propagation Effects Handbook for Satellite Systems Design provides a systematic compilation of the major propagation effects experienced on space-Earth paths in the 10 to 100 GHz frequency band region. It provides both a detailed description of the propagation phenomenon and a summary of the impact of the effect on the communications system design and performance. Chapter 2 through 5 describe the propagation effects, prediction models, and available experimental data bases. In Chapter 6, design techniques and prediction methods available for evaluating propagation effects on space-Earth communication systems are presented. Chapter 7 addresses the system design process and how the effects of propagation on system design and performance should be considered and how that can be mitigated. Examples of operational and planned Ku, Ka, and EHF satellite communications systems are given

    Flight delay-cost simulation analysis and airline schedule optimization

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    In order to meet the fast-growing demand, airlines have applied much more compact air-fleet operation schedules which directly lead to airport congestion. One result is the flight delay, which appears more frequently and seriously; the flight delay can also significantly damage airline's profitability and reputation The aim of this project is to enhance the dispatch reliability of Australian X Airline's fleet through a newly developed approach to reliability modeling, which employs computer-aided numerical simulation of the departure delay distribution and related cost to achieve the flight schedule optimization. The reliability modeling approach developed in this project is based on the probability distributions and Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) techniques. Initial (type I) delay and propagated (type II) delay are adopted as the criterion for data classification and analysis. The randomicity of type I delay occurrence and the internal relationship between type II delay and changed flight schedule are considered as the core factors in this new approach of reliability modeling, which compared to the conventional assessment methodologies, is proved to be more accurate on the departure delay and cost evaluation modeling. The Flight Delay and Cost Simulation Program (FDCSP) has been developed (Visual Basic 6.0) to perform the complicated numerical calculations through significant amount of pseudo-samples. FDCSP is also designed to provide convenience for varied applications in dispatch reliability modeling. The end-users can be airlines, airports and aviation authorities, etc. As a result, through this project, a 16.87% reduction in departure delay is estimated to be achieved by Australian X Airline. The air-fleet dispatch reliability has been enhanced to a higher level - 78.94% compared to initial 65.25%. Thus, 13.35% of system cost can be saved. At last, this project also achieves to set a more practical guideline for air-fleet database and management upon overall dispatch reliability optimization