7 research outputs found

    Cross Border E-Commerce Uses Blockchain Technology to Solve Payment Risks

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    The exponential expansion of addressing payment risks through E-Commerce Apps is mostly attributable to technical developments in this area. Although the blockchain was first created to support Bitcoin, its potential applications outside that digital currency are currently being explored. The adoption of blockchain technology may reduce the time it takes to complete a transaction, provide a more secure platform, and eliminate payment risk. Before this change, businesses were forced to go outside their borders for a satisfactory answer to the problem of payment risks. Blockchain technology has allowed us to overcome this obstacle. DTA-KNN is used as a cross-border model in this study. To do this, KNN is used to analyse data from neighbouring nations, and DTA is used to choose the most appropriate international payment gateway. To evaluate the efficacy of the suggested model, it is put up against well-established algorithms like DTA and KNN. The findings demonstrate that the hybrid model is more accurate than the other two separately

    A New Hybrid Decision Tree Algorithm with K-Nearest Neighbour for Cross Border Payment Risks

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    The technological advancement have aided in the dramatic growth in solving payment risks through the E-Commerce Applications. While blockchain technology was first developed to underpin Bitcoin, its potential uses outside that digital currency are also being investigated. Blockchain technology can be used to speed up the process in transactions, offered secured platform and resolve payment risks. Earlier to this development, the organization and companies are on huge demand of a finding a right solution to solve the payment risks, have to travel across border in search of it. This challenge is overcome with the technological advancement with blockchain. In this research, cross border based DTA-KNN model. KNN is utilized to perform the analysis in comparison with the neighbor countries and DTA performs choosing the right payment gateway  through cross-borders. The proposed model is compared with the existing algorithms such as DTA and KNN for the entire processes. The results show that the hybrid model has achieved higher accuracy of 99.89%

    Utilisation of order processing technology for logistics process improvement in the Nigerian construction industry

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    The logistic technologies for effective and efficient ‘order processing operations’ in the areas of tracking, shipping, replenishment, dispatching and holding of inventory are deficient in the Nigerian construction industry, when compared to manufacturing and retailing sectors. This is confirmed to have a significant effect on the performance of the construction sector. This article assessed how order processing technology utilised by manufacturing and retail industries could improve the order processing logistics operations of the construction industry. Lagos State and the F.C.T. Abuja, Nigeria, were the selected geographical study areas, from which five manufacturing companies, five retailing companies and five construction projects were purposively selected. Mixed methods research strategy was used. The research instruments included an observation guide (quantitative) and semi-structured interviews (qualitative). The collected quantitative data was analysed, using descriptive analytical tools: frequencies and percentiles. The qualitative data was analysed, using the thematic method. The result revealed that 80% and 100% of the manufacturing and retailing industries, respectively, observed, adopted barcoding technology for order processing purposes. Only 40% of the observed construction project adopted barcoding technology for order processing in the following: 2.4% for receiving process; 0.9% for put-away process; 0.9% for shipping process (stock control); 1.2% for dispatching process; 0.6% for replenishment process, and 1.2% for tracking inventory (stock tracking). In addition, 100% and 80% of the manufacturing and retailing industries, respectively, observed, adopted Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology for order processing purposes. Only 40% of the observed construction projects adopted RFID technology for order processing. It was also revealed that utilisation of the order processing technology could have the following benefits: managerial control in the construction industry; shorter processing time; easy way of tracking materials on site, and increased speed of work in the construction industries. The research concludes that effective utilisation of order processing technology in the logistics system could lead to full efficiency gains in the order processing aspect of the construction industry. It is recommended that the Federal Government of Nigeria should mandate all major construction project stakeholders to attend workshops on the use of recent technologies in the management of construction operations

    Majutusteenuste turundamine sotsiaalmeedia kanalites jagamismajanduses PÀrnu nÀitel

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    Jagamismajanduse roll ja mÔju PÀrnu linna majutussektori nÀitel

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    OpĂ©rationnaliser les compĂ©tences transversales en analyse bibliomĂ©trique et en visualisation des rĂ©seaux au thĂšme de l’économie collaborative

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    Une analyse bibliomĂ©trique utilisant la visualisation de rĂ©seaux pour reprĂ©senter le thĂšme de l’Économie collaborative (ÉC) au sein de la recherche scientifique a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e dans le cadre de ce mĂ©moire. Pour ce faire, 729 documents ont Ă©tĂ© recensĂ©s sur deux bases de donnĂ©es (Scopus et Web of Science). Ces documents ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©sambiguĂŻsĂ©s, nettoyĂ©s et standardisĂ©s pour ĂȘtre compilĂ©s et analysĂ©s avec BibExcel et VOSviewer. DiffĂ©rentes statistiques bibliomĂ©triques et analyses non Ă©valuatives (cooccurence, cocitation, coauteur) ont pu ĂȘtre exĂ©cutĂ©es et visualisĂ©es afin de mieux comprendre le milieu de l’ÉC. Les rĂ©sultats de cette recherche sont multiples. D’une part, l’importance des États-Unis est notoire, autant au niveau des auteurs, des organisations que des collaborations. Ensuite, diffĂ©rentes grappes thĂ©matiques ont pu ĂȘtre formĂ©es selon la variable Ă©tudiĂ©e. L’importance de la technologie, du tourisme, du dĂ©veloppement durable, de l’aspect managĂ©rial et enfin de la thĂ©orie/conceptualisation de l’ÉC est rĂ©currente. Plusieurs auteurs sont dĂ©terminants dans la littĂ©rature, mais les plus influents sont Russel Belk et Rachel Botsman. Le livre What’s yours is mine (Botsman et Rogers, 2010) est le document le plus citĂ©, et ce malgrĂ© le fait qu’il soit Ă©crit par des auteurs ne provenant pas du milieu acadĂ©mique. Les relations entre les publications Ă©tudiĂ©es dĂ©montrent une cohĂ©sion entre les diffĂ©rentes idĂ©es et thĂ©matiques vĂ©hiculĂ©es dans le domaine, et ce malgrĂ© le fait qu’il existe des problĂšmes dĂ©finitionnels et conceptuels Ă  propos de l’ÉC. Enfin, l’évolution chronologique des publications subit une croissance trĂšs importante depuis 2016 et tĂ©moigne d’un champ de recherche Ă©mergent : le dĂ©veloppement durable. La somme des rĂ©sultats analysĂ©s donne un nouveau regard sur l’ÉC. Elle permet pour les nouveaux chercheurs de les introduire aux caractĂ©ristiques du domaine et sert aux experts Ă  cerner les thĂ©matiques, revues et auteurs Ă  considĂ©rer lors de leurs propres analyses. La mĂ©thodologie et les rĂ©sultats de cette recherche furent publiĂ©s dans le Journal of Cleaner Production (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2018), le Journal of Markteing Analytics (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2019a) et le livre Sage Research methods Cases (Ertz & Leblanc-Proulx, 2019b)


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    Mobile-internet enabled information and communications processes allow people to share their assets in what is termed the Sharing Economy. Entrepreneurs are reaping huge financial gains but many challenges remain. Many would contend that a business concept such as Supply Chain Management does not exactly fit the definition of the sharing economy. The writer argues that Sharing Economy businesses are mini-supply chains. We should focus more on the communications aspect of demand in supply chains and technology solutions, rather than on a particular application or definition of the sharing economy. Possibilities are endless if we apply supply chain management and sharing concepts to opportunities in the economic, social, and environmental aspects of society