13 research outputs found

    FunSimMat update: new features for exploring functional similarity

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    Quantifying the functional similarity of genes and their products based on Gene Ontology annotation is an important tool for diverse applications like the analysis of gene expression data, the prediction and validation of protein functions and interactions, and the prioritization of disease genes. The Functional Similarity Matrix (FunSimMat, http://www.funsimmat.de) is a comprehensive database providing various precomputed functional similarity values for proteins in UniProtKB and for protein families in Pfam and SMART. With this update, we significantly increase the coverage of FunSimMat by adding data from the Gene Ontology Annotation project as well as new functional similarity measures. The applicability of the database is greatly extended by the implementation of a new Gene Ontology-based method for disease gene prioritization. Two new visualization tools allow an interactive analysis of the functional relationships between proteins or protein families. This is enhanced further by the introduction of an automatically derived hierarchy of annotation classes. Additional changes include a revised user front-end and a new RESTlike interface for improving the user-friendliness and online accessibility of FunSimMat

    FunSimMat: a comprehensive functional similarity database

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    Functional similarity based on Gene Ontology (GO) annotation is used in diverse applications like gene clustering, gene expression data analysis, protein interaction prediction and evaluation. However, there exists no comprehensive resource of functional similarity values although such a database would facilitate the use of functional similarity measures in different applications. Here, we describe FunSimMat (Functional Similarity Matrix, http://funsimmat.bioinf.mpi-inf.mpg.de/), a large new database that provides several different semantic similarity measures for GO terms. It offers various precomputed functional similarity values for proteins contained in UniProtKB and for protein families in Pfam and SMART. The web interface allows users to efficiently perform both semantic similarity searches with GO terms and functional similarity searches with proteins or protein families. All results can be downloaded in tab-delimited files for use with other tools. An additional XML–RPC interface gives automatic online access to FunSimMat for programs and remote services

    FLAME, a novel fuzzy clustering method for the analysis of DNA microarray data

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    BACKGROUND: Data clustering analysis has been extensively applied to extract information from gene expression profiles obtained with DNA microarrays. To this aim, existing clustering approaches, mainly developed in computer science, have been adapted to microarray data analysis. However, previous studies revealed that microarray datasets have very diverse structures, some of which may not be correctly captured by current clustering methods. We therefore approached the problem from a new starting point, and developed a clustering algorithm designed to capture dataset-specific structures at the beginning of the process. RESULTS: The clustering algorithm is named Fuzzy clustering by Local Approximation of MEmbership (FLAME). Distinctive elements of FLAME are: (i) definition of the neighborhood of each object (gene or sample) and identification of objects with "archetypal" features named Cluster Supporting Objects, around which to construct the clusters; (ii) assignment to each object of a fuzzy membership vector approximated from the memberships of its neighboring objects, by an iterative converging process in which membership spreads from the Cluster Supporting Objects through their neighbors. Comparative analysis with K-means, hierarchical, fuzzy C-means and fuzzy self-organizing maps (SOM) showed that data partitions generated by FLAME are not superimposable to those of other methods and, although different types of datasets are better partitioned by different algorithms, FLAME displays the best overall performance. FLAME is implemented, together with all the above-mentioned algorithms, in a C++ software with graphical interface for Linux and Windows, capable of handling very large datasets, named Gene Expression Data Analysis Studio (GEDAS), freely available under GNU General Public License. CONCLUSION: The FLAME algorithm has intrinsic advantages, such as the ability to capture non-linear relationships and non-globular clusters, the automated definition of the number of clusters, and the identification of cluster outliers, i.e. genes that are not assigned to any cluster. As a result, clusters are more internally homogeneous and more diverse from each other, and provide better partitioning of biological functions. The clustering algorithm can be easily extended to applications different from gene expression analysis

    Correlation and prediction of gene expression level from amino acid and dipeptide composition of its protein

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    BACKGROUND: A large number of papers have been published on analysis of microarray data with particular emphasis on normalization of data, detection of differentially expressed genes, clustering of genes and regulatory network. On other hand there are only few studies on relation between expression level and composition of nucleotide/protein sequence, using expression data. There is a need to understand why particular genes/proteins express more in particular conditions. In this study, we analyze 3468 genes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae obtained from Holstege et al., (1998) to understand the relationship between expression level and amino acid composition. RESULTS: We compute the correlation between expression of a gene and amino acid composition of its protein. It was observed that some residues (like Ala, Gly, Arg and Val) have significant positive correlation (r > 0.20) and some other residues (Like Asp, Leu, Asn and Ser) have negative correlation (r < -0.15) with the expression of genes. A significant negative correlation (r = -0.18) was also found between length and gene expression. These observations indicate the relationship between percent composition and gene expression level. Thus, attempts have been made to develop a Support Vector Machine (SVM) based method for predicting the expression level of genes from its protein sequence. In this method the SVM is trained with proteins whose gene expression data is known in a given condition. Then trained SVM is used to predict the gene expression of other proteins of the same organism in the same condition. A correlation coefficient r = 0.70 was obtained between predicted and experimentally determined expression of genes, which improves from r = 0.70 to 0.72 when dipeptide composition was used instead of residue composition. The method was evaluated using 5-fold cross validation test. We also demonstrate that amino acid composition information along with gene expression data can be used for improving the function classification of proteins. CONCLUSION: There is a correlation between gene expression and amino acid composition that can be used to predict the expression level of genes up to a certain extent. A web server based on the above strategy has been developed for calculating the correlation between amino acid composition and gene expression and prediction of expression level . This server will allow users to study the evolution from expression data

    Comparative analysis of missing value imputation methods to improve clustering and interpretation of microarray experiments

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Microarray technologies produced large amount of data. In a previous study, we have shown the interest of <it>k-Nearest Neighbour </it>approach for restoring the missing gene expression values, and its positive impact of the gene clustering by hierarchical algorithm. Since, numerous replacement methods have been proposed to impute missing values (MVs) for microarray data. In this study, we have evaluated twelve different usable methods, and their influence on the quality of gene clustering. Interestingly we have used several datasets, both kinetic and non kinetic experiments from yeast and human.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We underline the excellent efficiency of approaches proposed and implemented by Bo and co-workers and especially one based on expected maximization (<it>EM_array</it>). These improvements have been observed also on the imputation of extreme values, the most difficult predictable values. We showed that the imputed MVs have still important effects on the stability of the gene clusters. The improvement on the clustering obtained by hierarchical clustering remains limited and, not sufficient to restore completely the correct gene associations. However, a common tendency can be found between the quality of the imputation method and the gene cluster stability. Even if the comparison between clustering algorithms is a complex task, we observed that <it>k-means </it>approach is more efficient to conserve gene associations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>More than 6.000.000 independent simulations have assessed the quality of 12 imputation methods on five very different biological datasets. Important improvements have so been done since our last study. The <it>EM_array </it>approach constitutes one efficient method for restoring the missing expression gene values, with a lower estimation error level. Nonetheless, the presence of MVs even at a low rate is a major factor of gene cluster instability. Our study highlights the need for a systematic assessment of imputation methods and so of dedicated benchmarks. A noticeable point is the specific influence of some biological dataset.</p

    Supervised cluster analysis for microarray data based on multivariate Gaussian mixture

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    RNA-Seq Analysis Strategies and Ethical Considerations Involved in Precision Medicine

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    RNA-Seq has become the most recently and widely accepted method to evaluate gene expression. Though with RNA-Seq being a fairly green technology, analytical methods for its output data have not been fully investigated as they have for preceding technology; such as those methods used in analyses of microarray data. This is likely the result of the potential breadth of information that can be obtained from the different applications of RNA-Seq. Analyses of RNA-Seq data include: detecting differentially expressed genes, transcriptome profiling, and interpretation of gene functions. As with any advanced technology medical or otherwise, the longer it is available, the price of the technology, in general, decreases and the technology itself becomes more refined. This has been true for genomic sequencing—costs per sample have continued to decrease; and the accuracy and precision of results has improved greatly. Synchronously, more physicians have opted to have more of their patients’ genetic material sequenced. This has caused both challenges in the development of accurate, efficient, and consistent statistical methods; and much debate regarding the ethics involved in genomic sequencing. To provide insight into two statistical challenges that are common with analyzing RNA-Seq data, we conduct extensive simulation studies. These simulations studies include: 1) investigation of fitting complex models which account for pairedness across subject’s measurements in terms of the power gained and control of Type I error rate; and 2) evaluation of clustering performance of various clustering methods in transformed RNA-Seq data. In addition to investigating the aforementioned statistical challenges, we develop a protocol for a survey study which has the potential to provide insight into cancer patients’ opinions towards genomic sequencing as there is much ethics related controversy that surrounds the topic