13 research outputs found

    Lidar–camera semi-supervised learning for semantic segmentation

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    In this work, we investigated two issues: (1) How the fusion of lidar and camera data can improve semantic segmentation performance compared with the individual sensor modalities in a supervised learning context; and (2) How fusion can also be leveraged for semi-supervised learning in order to further improve performance and to adapt to new domains without requiring any additional labelled data. A comparative study was carried out by providing an experimental evaluation on networks trained in different setups using various scenarios from sunny days to rainy night scenes. The networks were tested for challenging, and less common, scenarios where cameras or lidars individually would not provide a reliable prediction. Our results suggest that semi-supervised learning and fusion techniques increase the overall performance of the network in challenging scenarios using less data annotations

    Editors’ Introduction to [Algorithmic Learning Theory: 18th International Conference, ALT 2007, Sendai, Japan, October 1-4, 2007. Proceedings]

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    Learning theory is an active research area that incorporates ideas, problems, and techniques from a wide range of disciplines including statistics, artificial intelligence, information theory, pattern recognition, and theoretical computer science. The research reported at the 18th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2007) ranges over areas such as unsupervised learning, inductive inference, complexity and learning, boosting and reinforcement learning, query learning models, grammatical inference, online learning and defensive forecasting, and kernel methods. In this introduction we give an overview of the five invited talks and the regular contributions of ALT 2007

    BoNuS: Boundary Mining for Nuclei Segmentation with Partial Point Labels

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    Nuclei segmentation is a fundamental prerequisite in the digital pathology workflow. The development of automated methods for nuclei segmentation enables quantitative analysis of the wide existence and large variances in nuclei morphometry in histopathology images. However, manual annotation of tens of thousands of nuclei is tedious and time-consuming, which requires significant amount of human effort and domain-specific expertise. To alleviate this problem, in this paper, we propose a weakly-supervised nuclei segmentation method that only requires partial point labels of nuclei. Specifically, we propose a novel boundary mining framework for nuclei segmentation, named BoNuS, which simultaneously learns nuclei interior and boundary information from the point labels. To achieve this goal, we propose a novel boundary mining loss, which guides the model to learn the boundary information by exploring the pairwise pixel affinity in a multiple-instance learning manner. Then, we consider a more challenging problem, i.e., partial point label, where we propose a nuclei detection module with curriculum learning to detect the missing nuclei with prior morphological knowledge. The proposed method is validated on three public datasets, MoNuSeg, CPM, and CoNIC datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of our method to the state-of-the-art weakly-supervised nuclei segmentation methods. Code: https://github.com/hust-linyi/bonus.Comment: Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Medical Imagin

    Optimizing Classification Algorithms Using Soft Voting: A Case Study on Soil Fertility Dataset

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    Classification algorithms are crucial in developing predictive models that identify and classify soil fertility levels based on relevant attributes. However, optimizing classification algorithms presents a major challenge in enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of these models. Therefore, this research aims to optimize the classification algorithm in soil fertility analysis using ensemble learning techniques, specifically Soft Voting Ensemble. This research method is designed to understand soil fertility levels in modern agriculture by comparing the performance of various classification algorithms and ensemble approaches. Using a dataset from the Purwodadi Department of Agriculture, this study examines the optimization of algorithm parameters such as Random Forest, Gradient Boosting, and Support Vector Machine (SVM) and the implementation of Soft Voting Ensemble. Before applying Soft Voting Ensemble, each algorithm was evaluated with the following results: Random Forest achieved an accuracy of 90.93%, precision of 91.08%, recall of 90.33%, and F1-Score of 90.70%; Gradient Boosting achieved an accuracy of 91.53%, precision of 91.19%, recall of 91.56%, and F1-Score of 91.38%; SVM achieved an accuracy of 88.91%, precision of 89.66%, recall of 87.45%, and F1-Score of 88.54%. After implementing Soft Voting Ensemble, the accuracy improved to 91.63%, with an average precision of 91.21%, recall of 91.77%, and F1-Score of 91.49%. This study divided the data into 80% for training data and 20% for testing data. These findings indicate that the Soft Voting Ensemble has the potential to enhance agricultural productivity and sustainability

    Self-Supervised Learning for Robust Video Indexing

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    Label-Efficient Deep Learning in Medical Image Analysis: Challenges and Future Directions

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    Deep learning has seen rapid growth in recent years and achieved state-of-the-art performance in a wide range of applications. However, training models typically requires expensive and time-consuming collection of large quantities of labeled data. This is particularly true within the scope of medical imaging analysis (MIA), where data are limited and labels are expensive to be acquired. Thus, label-efficient deep learning methods are developed to make comprehensive use of the labeled data as well as the abundance of unlabeled and weak-labeled data. In this survey, we extensively investigated over 300 recent papers to provide a comprehensive overview of recent progress on label-efficient learning strategies in MIA. We first present the background of label-efficient learning and categorize the approaches into different schemes. Next, we examine the current state-of-the-art methods in detail through each scheme. Specifically, we provide an in-depth investigation, covering not only canonical semi-supervised, self-supervised, and multi-instance learning schemes, but also recently emerged active and annotation-efficient learning strategies. Moreover, as a comprehensive contribution to the field, this survey not only elucidates the commonalities and unique features of the surveyed methods but also presents a detailed analysis of the current challenges in the field and suggests potential avenues for future research.Comment: Update Few-shot Method

    Online interest point detector

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    Tato práce se věnuje problematice online učení detektoru při dlouhodobém sledování objektu ve videosekvenci. Tento objekt je definován pomocí ohraničujícího obdelníku. V práci jsou popsány jednotlivé části detektoru: sledování objektu, detekce objektu a online učení detektoru. Hlavním přínosem práce je rozšíření programu OpenTLD o paralelní detekci a sledování více objektů současně. Paralelizace je pak porovnána na několika praktických příkladech a je porovnán vliv procesoru při detekci. Nejlepších výsledků bylo dosaženo při paralelizaci s detekováním všech objektů. Nejpřesnější detekce byla v případě dostatečně naučených objektů při nejmenší změně podoby.This thesis focuses on online learning detector for long-term tracking of object in video sequence. The object is defined by a bounding box. The text describes different parts of the detector: object tracking, object detection and online learning detector. The main contribution of this work is creating extension of the OpenTLD program for parallel detection and tracking of multiple objects. The parallelization is then compared on two practical examples and the processor's impact on detection is compared. The best results were achieved with parallelization, where all objects were detected. The most accurate detection was in the case of sufficiently learned objects with the smallest shape change.