391 research outputs found

    An Iterative Co-Saliency Framework for RGBD Images

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    As a newly emerging and significant topic in computer vision community, co-saliency detection aims at discovering the common salient objects in multiple related images. The existing methods often generate the co-saliency map through a direct forward pipeline which is based on the designed cues or initialization, but lack the refinement-cycle scheme. Moreover, they mainly focus on RGB image and ignore the depth information for RGBD images. In this paper, we propose an iterative RGBD co-saliency framework, which utilizes the existing single saliency maps as the initialization, and generates the final RGBD cosaliency map by using a refinement-cycle model. Three schemes are employed in the proposed RGBD co-saliency framework, which include the addition scheme, deletion scheme, and iteration scheme. The addition scheme is used to highlight the salient regions based on intra-image depth propagation and saliency propagation, while the deletion scheme filters the saliency regions and removes the non-common salient regions based on interimage constraint. The iteration scheme is proposed to obtain more homogeneous and consistent co-saliency map. Furthermore, a novel descriptor, named depth shape prior, is proposed in the addition scheme to introduce the depth information to enhance identification of co-salient objects. The proposed method can effectively exploit any existing 2D saliency model to work well in RGBD co-saliency scenarios. The experiments on two RGBD cosaliency datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, Accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 2017. Project URL: https://rmcong.github.io/proj_RGBD_cosal_tcyb.htm

    A comparative study of texture attributes for characterizing subsurface structures in seismic volumes

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    In this paper, we explore how to computationally characterize subsurface geological structures presented in seismic volumes using texture attributes. For this purpose, we conduct a comparative study of typical texture attributes presented in the image processing literature. We focus on spatial attributes in this study and examine them in a new application for seismic interpretation, i.e., seismic volume labeling. For this application, a data volume is automatically segmented into various structures, each assigned with its corresponding label. If the labels are assigned with reasonable accuracy, such volume labeling will help initiate an interpretation process in a more effective manner. Our investigation proves the feasibility of accomplishing this task using texture attributes. Through the study, we also identify advantages and disadvantages associated with each attribute

    Visual object category discovery in images and videos

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    textThe current trend in visual recognition research is to place a strict division between the supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms, which is problematic for two main reasons. On the one hand, supervised methods require training data for each and every category that the system learns; training data may not always be available and is expensive to obtain. On the other hand, unsupervised methods must determine the optimal visual cues and distance metrics that distinguish one category from another to group images into semantically meaningful categories; however, for unlabeled data, these are unknown a priori. I propose a visual category discovery framework that transcends the two paradigms and learns accurate models with few labeled exemplars. The main insight is to automatically focus on the prevalent objects in images and videos, and learn models from them for category grouping, segmentation, and summarization. To implement this idea, I first present a context-aware category discovery framework that discovers novel categories by leveraging context from previously learned categories. I devise a novel object-graph descriptor to model the interaction between a set of known categories and the unknown to-be-discovered categories, and group regions that have similar appearance and similar object-graphs. I then present a collective segmentation framework that simultaneously discovers the segmentations and groupings of objects by leveraging the shared patterns in the unlabeled image collection. It discovers an ensemble of representative instances for each unknown category, and builds top-down models from them to refine the segmentation of the remaining instances. Finally, building on these techniques, I show how to produce compact visual summaries for first-person egocentric videos that focus on the important people and objects. The system leverages novel egocentric and high-level saliency features to predict important regions in the video, and produces a concise visual summary that is driven by those regions. I compare against existing state-of-the-art methods for category discovery and segmentation on several challenging benchmark datasets. I demonstrate that we can discover visual concepts more accurately by focusing on the prevalent objects in images and videos, and show clear advantages of departing from the status quo division between the supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms. The main impact of my thesis is that it lays the groundwork for building large-scale visual discovery systems that can automatically discover visual concepts with minimal human supervision.Electrical and Computer Engineerin

    A comparative study of algorithms for automatic segmentation of dermoscopic images

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    Melanoma is the most common as well as the most dangerous type of skin cancer. Nevertheless, it can be effectively treated if detected early. Dermoscopy is one of the major non-invasive imaging techniques for the diagnosis of skin lesions. The computer-aided diagnosis based on the processing of dermoscopic images aims to reduce the subjectivity and time-consuming analysis related to traditional diagnosis. The first step of automatic diagnosis is image segmentation. In this project, the implementation and evaluation of several methods were proposed for the automatic segmentation of lesion regions in dermoscopic images, along with the corresponding implemented phases for image preprocessing and postprocessing. The developed algorithms include methods based on different state of the art techniques. The main groups of techniques which have been selected to be studied and implemented are thresholding-based methods, region-based methods, segmentation based on deformable models, as well as a new proposed approach based on the bag-of-words model. The implemented methods incorporate modifications for a better adaptation to features associated with dermoscopic images. Each implemented method was applied to a database constituted by 724 dermoscopic images. The output of the automatic segmentation procedure for each image was compared with the corresponding manual segmentation in order to evaluate the performance. The comparison between algorithms was carried out regarding the obtained evaluation metrics. The best results were achieved by the combination of region-based segmentation based on the multi-region adaptation of the k-means algorithm and the subIngeniería de Sistemas Audiovisuale

    Texture Extraction Techniques for the Classification of Vegetation Species in Hyperspectral Imagery: Bag of Words Approach Based on Superpixels

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    Texture information allows characterizing the regions of interest in a scene. It refers to the spatial organization of the fundamental microstructures in natural images. Texture extraction has been a challenging problem in the field of image processing for decades. In this paper, different techniques based on the classic Bag of Words (BoW) approach for solving the texture extraction problem in the case of hyperspectral images of the Earth surface are proposed. In all cases the texture extraction is performed inside regions of the scene called superpixels and the algorithms profit from the information available in all the bands of the image. The main contribution is the use of superpixel segmentation to obtain irregular patches from the images prior to texture extraction. Texture descriptors are extracted from each superpixel. Three schemes for texture extraction are proposed: codebook-based, descriptor-based, and spectral-enhanced descriptor-based. The first one is based on a codebook generator algorithm, while the other two include additional stages of keypoint detection and description. The evaluation is performed by analyzing the results of a supervised classification using Support Vector Machines (SVM), Random Forest (RF), and Extreme Learning Machines (ELM) after the texture extraction. The results show that the extraction of textures inside superpixels increases the accuracy of the obtained classification map. The proposed techniques are analyzed over different multi and hyperspectral datasets focusing on vegetation species identification. The best classification results for each image in terms of Overall Accuracy (OA) range from 81.07% to 93.77% for images taken at a river area in Galicia (Spain), and from 79.63% to 95.79% for a vast rural region in China with reasonable computation timesThis work was supported in part by the Civil Program UAVs Initiative, promoted by the Xunta de Galicia and developed in partnership with the Babcock Company to promote the use of unmanned technologies in civil services. We also have to acknowledge the support by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Government of Spain (grant number PID2019-104834GB-I00), and Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional (ED431C 2018/19, and accreditation 2019-2022 ED431G-2019/04). All are cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)S

    Large Scale Visual Recommendations From Street Fashion Images

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    We describe a completely automated large scale visual recommendation system for fashion. Our focus is to efficiently harness the availability of large quantities of online fashion images and their rich meta-data. Specifically, we propose four data driven models in the form of Complementary Nearest Neighbor Consensus, Gaussian Mixture Models, Texture Agnostic Retrieval and Markov Chain LDA for solving this problem. We analyze relative merits and pitfalls of these algorithms through extensive experimentation on a large-scale data set and baseline them against existing ideas from color science. We also illustrate key fashion insights learned through these experiments and show how they can be employed to design better recommendation systems. Finally, we also outline a large-scale annotated data set of fashion images (Fashion-136K) that can be exploited for future vision research

    Multi-Modal Learning For Adaptive Scene Understanding

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    Modern robotics systems typically possess sensors of different modalities. Segmenting scenes observed by the robot into a discrete set of classes is a central requirement for autonomy. Equally, when a robot navigates through an unknown environment, it is often necessary to adjust the parameters of the scene segmentation model to maintain the same level of accuracy in changing situations. This thesis explores efficient means of adaptive semantic scene segmentation in an online setting with the use of multiple sensor modalities. First, we devise a novel conditional random field(CRF) inference method for scene segmentation that incorporates global constraints, enforcing particular sets of nodes to be assigned the same class label. To do this efficiently, the CRF is formulated as a relaxed quadratic program whose maximum a posteriori(MAP) solution is found using a gradient-based optimization approach. These global constraints are useful, since they can encode "a priori" information about the final labeling. This new formulation also reduces the dimensionality of the original image-labeling problem. The proposed model is employed in an urban street scene understanding task. Camera data is used for the CRF based semantic segmentation while global constraints are derived from 3D laser point clouds. Second, an approach to learn CRF parameters without the need for manually labeled training data is proposed. The model parameters are estimated by optimizing a novel loss function using self supervised reference labels, obtained based on the information from camera and laser with minimum amount of human supervision. Third, an approach that can conduct the parameter optimization while increasing the model robustness to non-stationary data distributions in the long trajectories is proposed. We adopted stochastic gradient descent to achieve this goal by using a learning rate that can appropriately grow or diminish to gain adaptability to changes in the data distribution