170 research outputs found

    Multi-threading a state-of-the-art maximum clique algorithm

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    We present a threaded parallel adaptation of a state-of-the-art maximum clique algorithm for dense, computationally challenging graphs. We show that near-linear speedups are achievable in practice and that superlinear speedups are common. We include results for several previously unsolved benchmark problems

    Fast Distributed Algorithms for Girth, Cycles and Small Subgraphs

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    In this paper we give fast distributed graph algorithms for detecting and listing small subgraphs, and for computing or approximating the girth. Our algorithms improve upon the state of the art by polynomial factors, and for girth, we obtain a constant-time algorithm for additive +1 approximation in Congested Clique, and the first parametrized algorithm for exact computation in Congest. In the Congested Clique model, we first develop a technique for learning small neighborhoods, and apply it to obtain an O(1)-round algorithm that computes the girth with only an additive +1 error. Next, we introduce a new technique (the partition tree technique) allowing for efficiently listing all copies of any subgraph, which is deterministic and improves upon the state-of the-art for non-dense graphs. We give two concrete applications of the partition tree technique: First we show that for constant k, it is possible to solve C_{2k}-detection in O(1) rounds in the Congested Clique, improving on prior work, which used fast matrix multiplication and thus had polynomial round complexity. Second, we show that in triangle-free graphs, the girth can be exactly computed in time polynomially faster than the best known bounds for general graphs. We remark that no analogous result is currently known for sequential algorithms. In the Congest model, we describe a new approach for finding cycles, and instantiate it in two ways: first, we show a fast parametrized algorithm for girth with round complexity O?(min{g? n^{1-1/?(g)},n}) for any girth g; and second, we show how to find small even-length cycles C_{2k} for k = 3,4,5 in O(n^{1-1/k}) rounds. This is a polynomial improvement upon the previous running times; for example, our C?-detection algorithm runs in O(n^{2/3}) rounds, compared to O(n^{3/4}) in prior work. Finally, using our improved C?-freeness algorithm, and the barrier on proving lower bounds on triangle-freeness of Eden et al., we show that improving the current ??(?n) lower bound for C?-freeness of Korhonen et al. by any polynomial factor would imply strong circuit complexity lower bounds

    Streaming Complexity of Spanning Tree Computation

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    The semi-streaming model is a variant of the streaming model frequently used for the computation of graph problems. It allows the edges of an n-node input graph to be read sequentially in p passes using Õ(n) space. If the list of edges includes deletions, then the model is called the turnstile model; otherwise it is called the insertion-only model. In both models, some graph problems, such as spanning trees, k-connectivity, densest subgraph, degeneracy, cut-sparsifier, and (Δ+1)-coloring, can be exactly solved or (1+Δ)-approximated in a single pass; while other graph problems, such as triangle detection and unweighted all-pairs shortest paths, are known to require Ω̃(n) passes to compute. For many fundamental graph problems, the tractability in these models is open. In this paper, we study the tractability of computing some standard spanning trees, including BFS, DFS, and maximum-leaf spanning trees. Our results, in both the insertion-only and the turnstile models, are as follows. Maximum-Leaf Spanning Trees: This problem is known to be APX-complete with inapproximability constant ρ ∈ [245/244, 2). By constructing an Δ-MLST sparsifier, we show that for every constant Δ > 0, MLST can be approximated in a single pass to within a factor of 1+Δ w.h.p. (albeit in super-polynomial time for Δ ≀ ρ-1 assuming P ≠ NP) and can be approximated in polynomial time in a single pass to within a factor of ρ_n+Δ w.h.p., where ρ_n is the supremum constant that MLST cannot be approximated to within using polynomial time and Õ(n) space. In the insertion-only model, these algorithms can be deterministic. BFS Trees: It is known that BFS trees require ω(1) passes to compute, but the naĂŻve approach needs O(n) passes. We devise a new randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage. This gives a polynomial separation between single-source and all-pairs shortest paths for unweighted graphs. DFS Trees: It is unknown whether DFS trees require more than one pass. The current best algorithm by Khan and Mehta [STACS 2019] takes Õ(h) passes, where h is the height of computed DFS trees. Note that h can be as large as Ω(m/n) for n-node m-edge graphs. Our contribution is twofold. First, we provide a simple alternative proof of this result, via a new connection to sparse certificates for k-node-connectivity. Second, we present a randomized algorithm that reduces the pass complexity to O(√n), and it also offers a smooth tradeoff between pass complexity and space usage.ISSN:1868-896

    Deterministic Subgraph Detection in Broadcast CONGEST

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    We present simple deterministic algorithms for subgraph finding and enumeration in the broadcast CONGEST model of distributed computation: - For any constant k, detecting k-paths and trees on k nodes can be done in O(1) rounds. - For any constant k, detecting k-cycles and pseudotrees on k nodes can be done in O(n) rounds. - On d-degenerate graphs, cliques and 4-cycles can be enumerated in O(d + log n) rounds, and 5-cycles in O(d2 + log n) rounds. In many cases, these bounds are tight up to logarithmic factors. Moreover, we show that the algorithms for d-degenerate graphs can be improved to O(d/logn) and O(d2/logn), respect- ively, in the supported CONGEST model, which can be seen as an intermediate model between CONGEST and the congested clique

    Parallel Maximum Clique Algorithms with Applications to Network Analysis and Storage

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    We propose a fast, parallel maximum clique algorithm for large sparse graphs that is designed to exploit characteristics of social and information networks. The method exhibits a roughly linear runtime scaling over real-world networks ranging from 1000 to 100 million nodes. In a test on a social network with 1.8 billion edges, the algorithm finds the largest clique in about 20 minutes. Our method employs a branch and bound strategy with novel and aggressive pruning techniques. For instance, we use the core number of a vertex in combination with a good heuristic clique finder to efficiently remove the vast majority of the search space. In addition, we parallelize the exploration of the search tree. During the search, processes immediately communicate changes to upper and lower bounds on the size of maximum clique, which occasionally results in a super-linear speedup because vertices with large search spaces can be pruned by other processes. We apply the algorithm to two problems: to compute temporal strong components and to compress graphs.Comment: 11 page

    Design and analysis of sequential and parallel single-source shortest-paths algorithms

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    We study the performance of algorithms for the Single-Source Shortest-Paths (SSSP) problem on graphs with n nodes and m edges with nonnegative random weights. All previously known SSSP algorithms for directed graphs required superlinear time. Wie give the first SSSP algorithms that provably achieve linear O(n-m)average-case execution time on arbitrary directed graphs with random edge weights. For independent edge weights, the linear-time bound holds with high probability, too. Additionally, our result implies improved average-case bounds for the All-Pairs Shortest-Paths (APSP) problem on sparse graphs, and it yields the first theoretical average-case analysis for the "Approximate Bucket Implementation" of Dijkstra\u27s SSSP algorithm (ABI-Dijkstra). Futhermore, we give constructive proofs for the existence of graph classes with random edge weights on which ABI-Dijkstra and several other well-known SSSP algorithms require superlinear average-case time. Besides the classical sequential (single processor) model of computation we also consider parallel computing: we give the currently fastest average-case linear-work parallel SSSP algorithms for large graph classes with random edge weights, e.g., sparse rondom graphs and graphs modeling the WWW, telephone calls or social networks.In dieser Arbeit untersuchen wir die Laufzeiten von Algorithmen fĂŒr das KĂŒrzeste-Wege Problem (Single-Source Shortest-Paths, SSSP) auf Graphen mit n Knoten, M Kanten und nichtnegativen zufĂ€lligen Kantengewichten. Alle bisherigen SSSP Algorithmen benötigen auf gerichteten Graphen superlineare Zeit. Wir stellen den ersten SSSP Algorithmus vor, der auf beliebigen gerichteten Graphen mit zufĂ€lligen Kantengewichten eine beweisbar lineare average-case-KomplexitĂ€t O(n+m)aufweist. Sind die Kantengewichte unabhĂ€ngig, so wird die lineare Zeitschranke auch mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit eingehalten. Außerdem impliziert unser Ergebnis verbesserte average-case-Schranken fĂŒr das All-Pairs Shortest-Paths (APSP) Problem auf dĂŒnnen Graphen und liefert die erste theoretische average-case-Analyse fĂŒr die "Approximate Bucket Implementierung" von Dijkstras SSSP Algorithmus (ABI-Dijkstra). Weiterhin fĂŒhren wir konstruktive Existenzbeweise fĂŒr Graphklassen mit zufĂ€lligen Kantengewichten, auf denen ABI-Dijkstra und mehrere andere bekannte SSSP Algorithmen durchschnittlich superlineare Zeit benötigen. Neben dem klassischen seriellen (Ein-Prozessor) Berechnungsmodell betrachten wir auch Parallelverarbeitung; fĂŒr umfangreiche Graphklassen mit zufĂ€lligen Kantengewichten wie z.B. dĂŒnne Zufallsgraphen oder Modelle fĂŒr das WWW, Telefonanrufe oder soziale Netzwerke stellen wir die derzeit schnellsten parallelen SSSP Algorithmen mit durchschnittlich linearer Arbeit vor

    Deterministic subgraph detection in broadcast CONGEST

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    We present simple deterministic algorithms for subgraph finding and enumeration in the broadcast CONGEST model of distributed computation: For any constant k, detecting k-paths and trees on k nodes can be done in O(1) rounds. For any constant k, detecting k-cycles and pseudotrees on k nodes can be done in O(n) rounds. On d-degenerate graphs, cliques and 4-cycles can be enumerated in O(d+log n) rounds, and 5-cycles in O(d2 + log n) rounds. In many cases, these bounds are tight up to logarithmic factors. Moreover, we show that the algorithms for d-degenerate graphs can be improved to O(d/ log n) and O(d2/log n), respectively, in the supported CONGEST model, which can be seen as an intermediate model between CONGEST and the congested clique. © 2017 Janne H. Korhonen and Joel Rybicki.Peer reviewe
