8,083 research outputs found

    Superimposed training-based channel estimation for miso optical-OFDM vlc

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    In this paper, we investigate a novel channel estimation (CE)method for multiple-input and single-output (MISO) systems in visible lightcommunication (VLC). Direct current biased optical orthogonal frequencydivision multiplexing (DCO-OFDM) is commonly used in VLC where halfof the available subcarriers are spent to guarantee a real-valued outputafter the inverse fast Fourier transform operation. Besides, dedicated subcarriers are typically used for CE, thus, many resources are wasted andthe spectral efficiency is degraded. We propose a superimposed trainingapproach for CE in MISO DCO-OFDM VLC scenarios. Analytical expressions of mean squared error (MSE) and spectral efficiency are derived whenthe least squares estimator is considered. This analysis is valid for outdoorand indoor scenarios. For the CE error, simulation results of MSE showa perfect match with analytical expressions. Moreover, results prove thatthis technique guarantees a larger spectral efficiency than previous schemeswhere dedicated pilots were used. Finally, the optimal data power allocationfactor is also analytically derived.This work was supported in part by the National Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology, and Innovation (SENESCYT) in Ecuador and in part by the Spanish National Project TERESA-ADA (TEC2017-90093-C3-2-R) (MINECO/AEI/FEDER, UE). The work of B. G. Guzmán was supported by the Spanish MECD FPU Fellowship Program

    Optimum Averaging of Superimposed Training Schemes in OFDM under Realistic Time-Variant Channels

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    The current global bandwidth shortage in orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM)-based systems motivates the use of more spectrally efficient techniques. Superimposed training (ST) is a candidate in this regard because it exhibits no information rate loss. Additionally, it is very flexible to deploy and it requires low computational cost. However, data symbols sent together with training sequences cause an intrinsic interference. Previous studies, based on an oversimplified channel (a quasi-static channel model) have solved this interference by averaging the received signal over the coherence time. In this paper, the mean square error (MSE) of the channel estimation is minimized in a realistic time-variant scenario. The optimization problem is stated and theoretical derivations are presented to attain the optimum amount of OFDM symbols to be averaged. The derived optimal value for averaging is dependent on the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and it provides a better MSE, of up to two orders of magnitude, than the amount given by the coherence time. Moreover, in most cases, the optimal number of OFDM symbols for averaging is much shorter, about 90% reduction of the coherence time, thus it provides a decrease of the system delay. Therefore, these results match the goal of improving performance in terms of channel estimation error while getting even better energy efficiency, and reducing delays.This work was supported by the Spanish National Project Hybrid Terrestrial/Satellite Air Interface for 5G and Beyond - Areas of Dif-cult Access (TERESA-ADA) [Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)/Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI)/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), Unión Europea (UE)] under Grant TEC2017-90093-C3-2-R

    Real‐Time Software‐Defined Adaptive MIMO Visible Light Communications

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    Visible light communications (VLC) based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) merges lighting and data communications in applications of Internet-of-Things and 5G networks. However, phosphor-based white LED has a limited linear dynamic range and limited modulation bandwidth. In practical indoor mobile communications, complex channel conditions change dynamically in real-time, and line of sight (LOS) links may be blocked by obstructions. We propose a real-time software-defined adaptive multi-input multi-output (MIMO) VLC system, that both modulation formats (QPSK,16-QAM,64-QAM, 256QAM) and MIMO reconfigurations (Spatial Diversity and Spatial Multiplexing) are dynamically adapted to the changing channel conditions, for enhancing both link reliability and spectral efficiency. Real-time and software defined digital signal processing (DSP) are implemented by Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) devices. We theoretically analysed and experimentally evaluated nonlinear electrical-optical properties and modulation characteristics of white LEDs. We demonstrated a real-time Single-Carrier 256-Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) 2×2 MIMO VLC, achieving 1.81% averaged error vector magnitude (EVM), 2×10-5 bit error rate (BER) after 2 m indoor transmission. As an obstacle moved across LOS links, real-time software-defined adaptive MIMO VLC system enhanced average error-free spectral efficiency of 12 b/s/Hz. This will provide high throughputs for robust links in mobile shadowing environments

    Visible Light Communication (VLC)

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    Visible light communication (VLC) using light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or laser diodes (LDs) has been envisioned as one of the key enabling technologies for 6G and Internet of Things (IoT) systems, owing to its appealing advantages, including abundant and unregulated spectrum resources, no electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation and high security. However, despite its many advantages, VLC faces several technical challenges, such as the limited bandwidth and severe nonlinearity of opto-electronic devices, link blockage and user mobility. Therefore, significant efforts are needed from the global VLC community to develop VLC technology further. This Special Issue, “Visible Light Communication (VLC)”, provides an opportunity for global researchers to share their new ideas and cutting-edge techniques to address the above-mentioned challenges. The 16 papers published in this Special Issue represent the fascinating progress of VLC in various contexts, including general indoor and underwater scenarios, and the emerging application of machine learning/artificial intelligence (ML/AI) techniques in VLC

    3.4 Gbit/s Visible Optical Wireless Transmission Based on RGB LED

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    In this paper, we experimentally realized a gigabit-class indoor visible light communication system using commercially available RGB White LED and exploiting an optimized DMT modulation. We achieved data rate of 1.5 Gbit/s with single channel and 3.4 Gbit/s by implementing WDM transmission at standard illumination levels. In both experiments, the resulting bit error ratios were below the FEC limit. To the best of our knowledge, these values are the highest ever achieved in VLC systems

    A new equalizer structure for high-speed optical links based on carrierless amplitude and phase modulation

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    © 2020 IEEE. Spectral efficient modulation formats can enable the transmission of higher data rates than conventional on-off keying (OOK). Carrierless amplitude and phase modulation (CAP) is such an attractive modulation scheme that has been widely considered for use in different types of optical links. The scheme however can suffer from intersymbol interference (ISI) and channel crosstalk (CCI) when the frequency response of the channel is not ideal. Conventional equalizers based on feedforward (FFE) and decision feedback (DFE) equalizers are easy to implement in practice and can mitigate some of the induced ISI. However, they fail to suppress the induced CCI in the link as each channel is equalized independently. As a result, we have recently proposed the use of a new equalizer structure for use in CAP-based optical links to mitigate these transmission impairments. This new equalizer, named CAP equalizer, can be formed with conventional FFEs and DFEs with minimal additional complexity whilst providing significant performance advantages. In this paper therefore, we review the equalizer structure and report recent demonstrations of its use in short-reach optical links. We present experimental studies on a 112 Gb/s CAP-16 VCSEL-based OM4 MMF link and a 4 Gb/s CAP-16 LED-based POF link and compare the performance of the links when both a conventional FFE and DFE equalizer and the newly proposed CAP equalizer are used. The results clearly demonstrate that the CAP equalizer offers improved receiver sensitivity and enables successful data transmission over longer fibre reaches.UK EPSRC via the UP-VLC (EP/K00042X/1) and TOWS (EP/S016570/1) project

    Signal Processing Techniques for 6G

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    Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Enhanced Multi-User Semantic Communication

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    Semantic communication serves as a novel paradigm and attracts the broad interest of researchers. One critical aspect of it is the multi-user semantic communication theory, which can further promote its application to the practical network environment. While most existing works focused on the design of end-to-end single-user semantic transmission, a novel non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)-based multi-user semantic communication system named NOMASC is proposed in this paper. The proposed system can support semantic tranmission of multiple users with diverse modalities of source information. To avoid high demand for hardware, an asymmetric quantizer is employed at the end of the semantic encoder for discretizing the continuous full-resolution semantic feature. In addition, a neural network model is proposed for mapping the discrete feature into self-learned symbols and accomplishing intelligent multi-user detection (MUD) at the receiver. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed system holds good performance in non-orthogonal transmission of multiple user signals and outperforms the other methods, especially at low-to-medium SNRs. Moreover, it has high robustness under various simulation settings and mismatched test scenarios.Comment: accepted by IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networkin

    Invoking Deep Learning for Joint Estimation of Indoor LiFi User Position and Orientation

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    Light-fidelity (LiFi) is a fully-networked bidirectional optical wireless communication (OWC) that is considered a promising solution for high-speed indoor connectivity. Unlike in conventional radio frequency wireless systems, the OWC channel is not isotropic, meaning that the device orientation affects the channel gain significantly. However, due to the lack of proper channel models for LiFi systems, many studies have assumed that the receiver is vertically upward and randomly located within the coverage area, which is not a realistic assumption from a practical point of view. In this paper, novel realistic and measurement-based channel models for indoor LiFi systems are proposed. Precisely, the statistics of the channel gain are derived for the case of randomly oriented stationary and mobile LiFi receivers. For stationary users, two channel models are proposed, namely, the modified truncated Laplace (MTL) model and the modified Beta (MB) model. For LiFi users, two channel models are proposed, namely, the sum of modified truncated Gaussian (SMTG) model and the sum of modified Beta (SMB) model. Based on the derived models, the impact of random orientation and spatial distribution of LiFi users is investigated, where we show that the aforementioned factors can strongly affect the channel gain and system performance