484 research outputs found

    Circuits with arbitrary gates for random operators

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    We consider boolean circuits computing n-operators f:{0,1}^n --> {0,1}^n. As gates we allow arbitrary boolean functions; neither fanin nor fanout of gates is restricted. An operator is linear if it computes n linear forms, that is, computes a matrix-vector product y=Ax over GF(2). We prove the existence of n-operators requiring about n^2 wires in any circuit, and linear n-operators requiring about n^2/\log n wires in depth-2 circuits, if either all output gates or all gates on the middle layer are linear.Comment: 7 page


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    An nn-superconcentrator is an acyclic directed graph with nn inputs and nn outputs for which, for every rnr \leqq n, every set of rr inputs, and every set of rr outputs, there exists an rr-flow (a set of rr vertex-disjoint directed paths) from the given inputs to the given outputs. We show that there exist nn-superconcentrators with 39n+O(logn)39n + O(\log n) (in fact, at most 40n40n) edges, depth O(logn)O(\log n), and maximum degree (in-degree plus out-degree) 16

    Min-Rank Conjecture for Log-Depth Circuits

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    A completion of an m-by-n matrix A with entries in {0,1,*} is obtained by setting all *-entries to constants 0 or 1. A system of semi-linear equations over GF(2) has the form Mx=f(x), where M is a completion of A and f:{0,1}^n --> {0,1}^m is an operator, the i-th coordinate of which can only depend on variables corresponding to *-entries in the i-th row of A. We conjecture that no such system can have more than 2^{n-c\cdot mr(A)} solutions, where c>0 is an absolute constant and mr(A) is the smallest rank over GF(2) of a completion of A. The conjecture is related to an old problem of proving super-linear lower bounds on the size of log-depth boolean circuits computing linear operators x --> Mx. The conjecture is also a generalization of a classical question about how much larger can non-linear codes be than linear ones. We prove some special cases of the conjecture and establish some structural properties of solution sets.Comment: 22 pages, to appear in: J. Comput.Syst.Sci

    Approximating Cumulative Pebbling Cost Is Unique Games Hard

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    The cumulative pebbling complexity of a directed acyclic graph GG is defined as cc(G)=minPiPi\mathsf{cc}(G) = \min_P \sum_i |P_i|, where the minimum is taken over all legal (parallel) black pebblings of GG and Pi|P_i| denotes the number of pebbles on the graph during round ii. Intuitively, cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) captures the amortized Space-Time complexity of pebbling mm copies of GG in parallel. The cumulative pebbling complexity of a graph GG is of particular interest in the field of cryptography as cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) is tightly related to the amortized Area-Time complexity of the Data-Independent Memory-Hard Function (iMHF) fG,Hf_{G,H} [AS15] defined using a constant indegree directed acyclic graph (DAG) GG and a random oracle H()H(\cdot). A secure iMHF should have amortized Space-Time complexity as high as possible, e.g., to deter brute-force password attacker who wants to find xx such that fG,H(x)=hf_{G,H}(x) = h. Thus, to analyze the (in)security of a candidate iMHF fG,Hf_{G,H}, it is crucial to estimate the value cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) but currently, upper and lower bounds for leading iMHF candidates differ by several orders of magnitude. Blocki and Zhou recently showed that it is NP\mathsf{NP}-Hard to compute cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G), but their techniques do not even rule out an efficient (1+ε)(1+\varepsilon)-approximation algorithm for any constant ε>0\varepsilon>0. We show that for any constant c>0c > 0, it is Unique Games hard to approximate cc(G)\mathsf{cc}(G) to within a factor of cc. (See the paper for the full abstract.)Comment: 28 pages, updated figures and corrected typo

    Size bounds and parallel algorithms for networks

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre- DSC:D34009/81 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Fault-Tolerant Circuit-Switching Networks

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    The authors consider fault-tolerant circuit-switching networks under a random switch failure model. Three circuit-switching networks of theoretical importance—nonblocking networks, rearrangeable networks, and superconcentrators—are studied. The authors prove lower bounds for the size (the number of switches) and depth (the largest number of switches on a communication path) of such fault-tolerant networks and explicitly construct such networks with optimal size Θ( n (log n)2 ) and depth Θ( log n )