229,144 research outputs found

    The Quantum Dynamics of the Compactified Trigonometric Ruijsenaars-Schneider Model

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    We quantize a compactified version of the trigonometric Ruijse\-naars-Schneider particle model with a phase space that is symplectomorphic to the complex projective space CP^N. The quantum Hamiltonian is realized as a discrete difference operator acting in a finite-dimensional Hilbert space of complex functions with support in a finite uniform lattice over a convex polytope (viz., a restricted Weyl alcove with walls having a thickness proportional to the coupling parameter). We solve the corresponding finite-dimensional (bispectral) eigenvalue problem in terms of discretized Macdonald polynomials with q (and t) on the unit circle. The normalization of the wave functions is determined using a terminating version of a recent summation formula due to Aomoto, Ito and Macdonald. The resulting eigenfunction transform determines a discrete Fourier-type involution in the Hilbert space of lattice functions. This is in correspondence with Ruijsenaars' observation that---at the classical level---the action-angle transformation defines an (anti)symplectic involution of CP^N. From the perspective of algebraic combinatorics, our results give rise to a novel system of bilinear summation identities for the Macdonald symmetric functions

    Model analysis of thermal UV-cutoff effects on the chiral critical surface at finite temperature and chemical potential

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    We study the effects of temporal UV-cutoff on the chiral critical surface in hot and dense QCD using a chiral effective model. Recent lattice QCD simulations indicate that the curvature of the critical surface might change toward the direction in which the first order phase transition becomes stronger on increasing the number of lattice sites. To investigate this effect on the critical surface in an effective model approach, we use the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with finite Matsubara frequency summation. We find that qualitative feature of the critical surface does not alter appreciably as we decrease the summation number, which is unlike the case what is observed in the recent lattice QCD studies. This may either suggest the dependence of chemical potential on the coupling strength or due to some additional interacting terms such as vector interactions which could play an important role at finite density.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figure

    Some Quadratic Transformations and Reduction Formulas associated with Hypergeometric Functions

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    In this paper, we construct four summation formulas for terminating Gauss’ hypergeometric series having argument “two and with the help of our summation formulas. We establish two quadratic transformations for Gauss’ hypergeometric function in terms of finite summation of combination of two Clausen hypergeometric functions. Further, we have generalized our quadratic transformations in terms of general double series identities as well as in terms of reduction formulas for Kampé de Fériet’s double hypergeometric function. Some results of Rathie-Nagar, Kim et al. and Choi-Rathie are also obtained as special cases of our findings


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    In this paper, we present the problem of stability, finite-time stability and passivity for discrete-time neural networks (DNNs) with variable delays. For the purposes of stability analysis, an augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional (LKF) with single and double summation terms and several augmented vectors is proposed by decomposing the time-delay interval into two non-equidistant subintervals. Then, by using the Wirtinger-based inequality, reciprocally and extended reciprocally convex combination lemmas, tight estimations for sum terms in the forward difference of LKF are given. In order to relax the existing results, several zero equalities are introduced and stability criteria are proposed in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). The main objective for the finite-time stability and passivity analysis is how to effectively evaluate the finite-time passivity conditions for DNNs. To achieve this, some weighted summation inequalities are proposed for application to a finite-sum term appearing in the forward difference of LKF, which helps to ensure that the considered delayed DNN is passive. The derived passivity criteria are presented in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Some numerical examples are presented to illustrate the proposed methodology

    Master equation for spin-spin correlation functions of the XXZ chain

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    We derive a new representation for spin-spin correlation functions of the finite XXZ spin-1/2 Heisenberg chain in terms of a single multiple integral, that we call the master equation. Evaluation of this master equation gives rise on the one hand to the previously obtained multiple integral formulas for the spin-spin correlation functions and on the other hand to their expansion in terms of the form factors of the local spin operators. Hence, it provides a direct analytic link between these two representations of the correlation functions and a complete re-summation of the corresponding series. The master equation method also allows one to obtain multiple integral representations for dynamical correlation functions.Comment: 24 page

    Theory of resistor networks: The two-point resistance

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    The resistance between arbitrary two nodes in a resistor network is obtained in terms of the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the Laplacian matrix associated with the network. Explicit formulas for two-point resistances are deduced for regular lattices in one, two, and three dimensions under various boundary conditions including that of a Moebius strip and a Klein bottle. The emphasis is on lattices of finite sizes. We also deduce summation and product identities which can be used to analyze large-size expansions of two-and-higher dimensional lattices.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures now included; typos in Example 1 correcte

    Mellin Moments of the Next-to-next-to Leading Order Coefficient Functions for the Drell-Yan Process and Hadronic Higgs-Boson Production

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    We calculate the Mellin moments of the next-to-next-to leading order coefficient functions for the Drell--Yan and Higgs production cross sections. The results can be expressed in terms of multiple finite harmonic sums of maximal weight w = 4. Using algebraic and structural relations between harmonic sums one finds that besides the single harmonic sums only five basic sums and their derivatives w.r.t. the summation index contribute. This representation reduces the large complexity being present in x-space calculations and is well suited for fast numerical implementations.Comment: 47 pages LATEX, version appearing in journa