3 research outputs found

    Adaptable data management for systems biology investigations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Within research each experiment is different, the focus changes and the data is generated from a continually evolving barrage of technologies. There is a continual introduction of new techniques whose usage ranges from in-house protocols through to high-throughput instrumentation. To support these requirements data management systems are needed that can be rapidly built and readily adapted for new usage.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The adaptable data management system discussed is designed to support the seamless mining and analysis of biological experiment data that is commonly used in systems biology (e.g. ChIP-chip, gene expression, proteomics, imaging, flow cytometry). We use different content graphs to represent different views upon the data. These views are designed for different roles: equipment specific views are used to gather instrumentation information; data processing oriented views are provided to enable the rapid development of analysis applications; and research project specific views are used to organize information for individual research experiments. This management system allows for both the rapid introduction of new types of information and the evolution of the knowledge it represents.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Data management is an important aspect of any research enterprise. It is the foundation on which most applications are built, and must be easily extended to serve new functionality for new scientific areas. We have found that adopting a three-tier architecture for data management, built around distributed standardized content repositories, allows us to rapidly develop new applications to support a diverse user community.</p


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    Traditional marketing becomes more and more imperceptible, because customer behavior is changing. With the rise of technology, and as analytics technologies evolve, specialists want to engage more with consumer expectations. Driven by Artificial Intelligence, the Marketing Technology Stack appeared, which is increasingly operating as support for the marketing areas of companies, which leads us to assume that, when using the marketing strategy, there is no only his present, but his future. The methodology was carried out from the mixed paradigm, using documentary sources and applying three techniques: documentary, analysis-synthesis and triangulation. The results were grouped into the two main themes that derive from their analysis: how the MarTech Stack is being built to ensure the future of companies and the figures that support the proposed use. The study concludes that the technological frameworks that are being created are very useful for companies, because it does not mean eliminating what was being used, but rather building their own technological stack adapted to the needs, which saves time and costs in the area from marketing to the company.El marketing tradicional se vuelve cada vez más imperceptible, porque el comportamiento del cliente está cambiando. Con el auge de la tecnología, a medida que las tecnologías de análisis van evolucionando, los especialistas quieren comprometerse más con las expectativas del consumidor. Impulsado por la Inteligencia Artificial, apareció el Marketing Technology Stack, que se encuentra operando cada vez más como apoyo a las áreas de marketing de las empresas, lo que hace asumir que, a la hora de utilizar la estrategia de marketing, allí se encuentra no solo su presente, sino su futuro. La metodología se realizó desde el paradigma mixto, utilizando fuentes documentales y aplicando tres técnicas: la documental, el análisis, la síntesis y la triangulación. Los resultados se agruparon en los dos principales temas que derivan de su análisis: cómo se está construyendo el MarTech Stack para asegurar el futuro de las empresas y las cifras que apoyan la propuesta de uso. El estudio concluye que los marcos tecnológicos que se están creando son de gran utilidad para las empresas, porque no significa eliminar lo que se estaba utilizando, sino ir construyendo una pila tecnológica propia adaptada a las necesidades, lo que ahorra tiempo y costos en el área de marketing a la empresa

    Inclusão de aspectos semânticos no padrão IndoorGML a partir da definição de pontos de referência

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    Orientador(a): Prof(a). Dr(a). Luciene Stamato DelazariTese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Terra, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Geodésicas. Defesa : Curitiba, 30/09/2021Inclui referências: p. 143-160Resumo: A navegação em ambientes indoor é uma tarefa complexa que pode ser facilitada através do uso de sistemas de navegação indoor. O emprego de pontos de referência nesses sistemas traz vantagens, pois reduzem a carga cognitiva sobre o usuário, o que pode ser benéfico para a compreensão do ambiente, posicionamento e navegação. Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo avaliar como os pontos de referência impactam na percepção espacial dos usuários, ao empregar esses elementos nos sistemas de navegação indoor, seja na representação do ambiente ou na descrição de rotas. Esta pesquisa também apresenta a proposição de melhorias para o IndoorGML ao fornecer um enriquecimento semântico para auxiliar a navegação através da inclusão de especificações a respeito de pontos de referência. Apesar do IndoorGML fornecer ampla definição sobre a estrutura dos espaços indoor, os pontos de referência, sejam eles ambientes ou elementos, estão fora do escopo. A ausência de informações desses elementos no espaço indoor acarreta na limitação de implementação e usabilidade do padrão. A pesquisa contou com dois testes, sendo o primeiro voltado para a avaliação a hierarquia visual da simbologia ao combinar no mesmo mapa símbolos pictóricos e geométricos. O segundo teste consistiu na análise da simbologia que empregava apenas símbolos pictóricos com a hierarquia visual sendo gerada por símbolos de tamanhos distintos. No segundo teste quatro cenários foram testados, sendo que em cada um deles as instruções de rota empregavam diferentes elementos, como informações métricas, relações espaciais, marcos de referência ou pontos de interesse. Baseado nos resultados encontrados nos testes, a proposição de extensão do IndoorGML foi realizada. Os resultados obtidos nos testes realizados apontam que os SRP, sejam eles MR ou POI, são utilizados pelos usuários com frequência e auxiliam nas tarefas de navegação quando empregados na descrição de rota. Além disso, a simbologia quando empregada de forma a destacar os elementos principais do ambiente também dão suporte a orientação e navegação, pois facilita a relação do ambiente apresentado no mapa com o ambiente real. O modelo de extensão proposto solucionou problemas existentes no módulo principal, entretanto diferentes casos de usos devem ser testados para confirmar sua eficácia.Abstract: Indoor navigation is a complex task that can be facilitated through the use of indoor navigation systems. The use of reference points in these systems brings advantages, as they reduce the cognitive load on the user, which can be beneficial for understanding the environment, positioning and navigation. This research aims to evaluate how reference points impact the spatial perception of users, when using these elements in indoor navigation systems, either in the representation of the environment or in the description of routes. This research also presents the proposition of improvements to IndoorGML by providing a semantic enrichment to aid navigation through the inclusion of specifications regarding reference points. Although IndoorGML provides a broad definition of the structure of indoor spaces, the reference points, be they environments or elements, are out of scope. The lack of information on these elements in the indoor space limits the implementation and usability of the standard. The research included two tests, the first being aimed at evaluating the visual hierarchy of symbology by combining pictorial and geometric symbols on the same map. The second test consisted of analyzing the symbology that used only pictorial symbols with the visual hierarchy being generated by symbols of different sizes. In the second test, four scenarios were tested, in each of them the route instructions used different elements, such as metric information, spatial relationships, landmarks or points of interest. Based on the results found in the tests, the IndoorGML extension proposition was carried out. The results obtained in the tests carried out indicate that the SRP, whether MR or POI, are frequently used by users and help in navigation tasks when used in the route description. In addition, the symbology, when used in order to highlight the main elements of the environment, also support orientation and navigation, as it facilitates the relationship between the environment shown on the map and the real environment. The proposed extension model solved problems existing in the main module, however different use cases must be tested to confirm its effectiveness