96 research outputs found

    Impacts of Landscape Change on Water Resources

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    Changes in land use and land cover can have many drivers, including population growth, urbanization, agriculture, demand for food, evolution of socio-economic structure, policy regulations, and climate variability. The impacts of these changes on water resources range from changes in water availability (due to changes in losses of water to evapotranspiration and recharge) to degradation of water quality (increased erosion, salinity, chemical loadings, and pathogens). The impacts are manifested through complex hydro-bio-geo-climate characteristics, which underscore the need for integrated scientific approaches to understand the impacts of landscape change on water resources. Several techniques, such as field studies, long-term monitoring, remote sensing technologies, and advanced modeling studies, have contributed to better understanding the modes and mechanisms by which landscape changes impact water resources. Such research studies can help unlock the complex interconnected influences of landscape on water resources in terms of quantity and quality at multiple spatial and temporal scales. In this Special Issue, we published a set of eight peer-reviewed articles elaborating on some of the specific topics of landscape changes and associated impacts on water resources

    Is there a solution to the spatial scale mismatch between ecological processes and agricultural management?

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    The major limit to develop robust landscape planning for biodiversity conservation is that the spatial levels of organization of landscape management by local actors rarely match with those of ecological processes. This problem, known as spatial scale mismatch, is recognized as a reason of lack of effectiveness of agri-environment schemes. We did a review to describe how authors identify the problem of spatial scale mismatch in the literature. The assumption is made that the solutions proposed in literature to conciliate agricultural management and conservation of biodiversity are based on theoretical frameworks that can be used to go towards an integration of management processes and ecological processes. Hierarchy Theory and Landscape Ecology are explicitly mobilized by authors who suggest multiscale and landscape scale approaches, respectively, to overcome the mismatch problem. Coordination in management is proposed by some authors but with no theoretical background explicitly mentioned. The theory of organization of biological systems and the theories of Social-Ecological Systems use the concept of coordination and integration as well as concepts of organization, adaptive capabilities and complexity of systems. These theories are useful to set up a new framework integrating ecological processes and agricultural management. Based on this review we made two hypotheses to explain difficulties to deal with spatial scale mismatch: (1) authors generally do not have an integrated approach since they consider separately ecological and management processes, and (2) an inaccurate use of terminology and theoretical frameworks partially explain the inadequacy of proposed solutions. We then specify some terms and highlight some ‘rules’ necessary to set up an integrative theoretical and methodological framework to deal with spatial scale mismatch.(Presentation des rĂ©sumĂ©s n°186, p. 95-96, non paginĂ©

    Land Use Conflict Detection and Multi-Objective Optimization Based on the Productivity, Sustainability, and Livability Perspective

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    Land use affects many aspects of regional sustainable development, so insight into its influence is of great importance for the optimization of national space. The book mainly focuses on functional classification, spatial conflict detection, and spatial development pattern optimization based on productivity, sustainability, and livability perspectives, presenting a relevant opportunity for all scholars to share their knowledge from the multidisciplinary community across the world that includes landscape ecologists, social scientists, and geographers. The book is systematically organized into the optimization theory, methods, and practices for PLES (production–living–ecological space) around territorial spatial planning, with the overall planning of PLES as the goal and the promotion of ecological civilization construction as the starting point. Through this, the competition and synergistic interactions and positive feedback mechanisms between population, resources, ecology, environment, and economic and social development in the PLES system were revealed, and the nonlinear dynamic effects among subsystems and elements in the system identified. In addition, a series of optimization approaches for PLES is proposed

    Sustainable Use of Soils and Water: The Role of Environmental Land Use Conflicts

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    This book on the sustainable use of soils and water addressed a variety of issues related to the utopian desire for environmental sustainability and the deviations from this scene observed in the real world. Competing interests for land are frequently a factor in land degradation, especially where the adopted land uses do not conform with the land capability (the natural use of soil). The concerns of researchers about these matters are presented in the articles comprising this Special Issue book. Various approaches were used to assess the (im)balance between economic profit and environmental conservation in various regions, in addition to potential routes to bring landscapes back to a sustainable status being disclosed

    Discount options as a financial instrument supporting REDD +

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    REDD options as a risk management instrument under policy uncertainty and market volatility

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    Global forest management certification: future development potential

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