86 research outputs found

    Network synchronization: Spectral versus statistical properties

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    We consider synchronization of weighted networks, possibly with asymmetrical connections. We show that the synchronizability of the networks cannot be directly inferred from their statistical properties. Small local changes in the network structure can sensitively affect the eigenvalues relevant for synchronization, while the gross statistical network properties remain essentially unchanged. Consequently, commonly used statistical properties, including the degree distribution, degree homogeneity, average degree, average distance, degree correlation, and clustering coefficient, can fail to characterize the synchronizability of networks

    Sufficient conditions for super k-restricted edge connectivity in graphs of diameter 2

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    AbstractFor a connected graph G=(V,E), an edge set S⊆E is a k-restricted edge cut if G−S is disconnected and every component of G−S has at least k vertices. The k-restricted edge connectivity of G, denoted by λk(G), is defined as the cardinality of a minimum k-restricted edge cut. Let ξk(G)=min{|[X,X¯]|:|X|=k,G[X]is connected}. G is λk-optimal if λk(G)=ξk(G). Moreover, G is super-λk if every minimum k-restricted edge cut of G isolates one connected subgraph of order k. In this paper, we prove that if |NG(u)∩NG(v)|≥2k−1 for all pairs u, v of nonadjacent vertices, then G is λk-optimal; and if |NG(u)∩NG(v)|≥2k for all pairs u, v of nonadjacent vertices, then G is either super-λk or in a special class of graphs. In addition, for k-isoperimetric edge connectivity, which is closely related with the concept of k-restricted edge connectivity, we show similar results

    Minimally 3-restricted edge connected graphs

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    AbstractFor a connected graph G=(V,E), an edge set S⊂E is a 3-restricted edge cut if G−S is disconnected and every component of G−S has order at least three. The cardinality of a minimum 3-restricted edge cut of G is the 3-restricted edge connectivity of G, denoted by λ3(G). A graph G is called minimally 3-restricted edge connected if λ3(G−e)<λ3(G) for each edge e∈E. A graph G is λ3-optimal if λ3(G)=ξ3(G), where ξ3(G)=max{ω(U):U⊂V(G),G[U] is connected,|U|=3}, ω(U) is the number of edges between U and V∖U, and G[U] is the subgraph of G induced by vertex set U. We show in this paper that a minimally 3-restricted edge connected graph is always λ3-optimal except the 3-cube

    Constructing highly regular expanders from hyperbolic Coxeter groups

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    A graph XX is defined inductively to be (a0,…,an−1)(a_0,\dots,a_{n-1})-regular if XX is a0a_0-regular and for every vertex vv of XX, the sphere of radius 11 around vv is an (a1,…,an−1)(a_1,\dots,a_{n-1})-regular graph. Such a graph XX is said to be highly regular (HR) of level nn if an−1≠0a_{n-1}\neq 0. Chapman, Linial and Peled studied HR-graphs of level 2 and provided several methods to construct families of graphs which are expanders "globally and locally". They ask whether such HR-graphs of level 3 exist. In this paper we show how the theory of Coxeter groups, and abstract regular polytopes and their generalisations, can lead to such graphs. Given a Coxeter system (W,S)(W,S) and a subset MM of SS, we construct highly regular quotients of the 1-skeleton of the associated Wythoffian polytope PW,M\mathcal{P}_{W,M}, which form an infinite family of expander graphs when (W,S)(W,S) is indefinite and PW,M\mathcal{P}_{W,M} has finite vertex links. The regularity of the graphs in this family can be deduced from the Coxeter diagram of (W,S)(W,S). The expansion stems from applying superapproximation to the congruence subgroups of the linear group WW. This machinery gives a rich collection of families of HR-graphs, with various interesting properties, and in particular answers affirmatively the question asked by Chapman, Linial and Peled.Comment: 22 pages, 2 tables. Dedicated to the memory of John Conway and Ernest Vinber

    Computing JSJ decompositions of hyperbolic groups

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    We present an algorithm that computes Bowditch's canonical JSJ decomposition of a given one-ended hyperbolic group over its virtually cyclic subgroups. The algorithm works by identifying topological features in the boundary of the group. As a corollary we also show how to compute the JSJ decomposition of such a group over its virtually cyclic subgroups with infinite centre. We also give a new algorithm that determines whether or not a given one-ended hyperbolic group is virtually fuchsian. Our approach uses only the geometry of large balls in the Cayley graph and avoids Makanin's algorithm
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