12 research outputs found

    Dualities in Tree Representations

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    A characterization of the tree T^* such that BP(T^*)=ova{DFUDS(T)}, the reversal of DFUDS(T) is given. An immediate consequence is a rigorous characterization of the tree T^ such that BP(T^)=DFUDS(T). In summary, BP and DFUDS are unified within an encompassing framework, which might have the potential to imply future simplifications with regard to queries in BP and/or DFUDS. Immediate benefits displayed here are to identify so far unnoted commonalities in most recent work on the Range Minimum Query problem, and to provide improvements for the Minimum Length Interval Query problem

    Dualities in tree representations

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    A characterization of the tree T∗ such that BP(T∗) = ↔ DFUDS(T), the reversal of DFUDS(T) is given. An immediate consequence is a rigorous characterization of the tree T such that BP( T^) = DFUDS(T^). In summary, BP and DFUDS are unified within an encompassing framework, which might have the potential to imply future simplifications with regard to queries in BP and/or DFUDS. Immediate benefits displayed here are to identify so far unnoted commonalities in most recent work on the Range Minimum Query problem, and to provide improvements for the Minimum Length Interval Query problem

    Succinct Online Dictionary Matching with Improved Worst-Case Guarantees

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    In the online dictionary matching problem the goal is to preprocess a set of patterns D={P_1,...,P_d} over alphabet Sigma, so that given an online text (one character at a time) we report all of the occurrences of patterns that are a suffix of the current text before the following character arrives. We introduce a succinct Aho-Corasick like data structure for the online dictionary matching problem. Our solution uses a new succinct representation for multi-labeled trees, in which each node has a set of labels from a universe of size lambda. We consider lowest labeled ancestor (LLA) queries on multi-labeled trees, where given a node and a label we return the lowest proper ancestor of the node that has the queried label. In this paper we introduce a succinct representation of multi-labeled trees for lambda=omega(1) that support LLA queries in O(log(log(lambda))) time. Using this representation of multi-labeled trees, we introduce a succinct data structure for the online dictionary matching problem when sigma=omega(1). In this solution the worst case cost per character is O(log(log(sigma)) + occ) time, where occ is the size of the current output. Moreover, the amortized cost per character is O(1+occ) time

    Tree Path Majority Data Structures

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    We present the first solution to tau-majorities on tree paths. Given a tree of n nodes, each with a label from [1..sigma], and a fixed threshold 0 1, we can also build a structure that uses O(n lg^{[kappa]} n) space, where lg^{[kappa]} n denotes the function that applies logarithm kappa times to n, and answers queries in time O((1/tau)lg lg_w sigma). The construction time of both structures is O(n lg n). We also describe two succinct-space solutions with the same query time of the linear-space structure. One uses 2nH + 4n + o(n)(H+1) bits, where H <=lg sigma is the entropy of the label distribution, and can be built in O(n lg n) time. The other uses nH + O(n) + o(nH) bits and is built in O(n lg n) time w.h.p

    Dualities in Tree Representations

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    A characterization of the tree T∗T^* such that BP(T∗)=DFUDS(T)↔\mathrm{BP}(T^*)=\overleftrightarrow{\mathrm{DFUDS}(T)}, the reversal of DFUDS(T)\mathrm{DFUDS}(T) is given. An immediate consequence is a rigorous characterization of the tree T^\hat{T} such that BP(T^)=DFUDS(T)\mathrm{BP}(\hat{T})=\mathrm{DFUDS}(T). In summary, BP\mathrm{BP} and DFUDS\mathrm{DFUDS} are unified within an encompassing framework, which might have the potential to imply future simplifications with regard to queries in BP\mathrm{BP} and/or DFUDS\mathrm{DFUDS}. Immediate benefits displayed here are to identify so far unnoted commonalities in most recent work on the Range Minimum Query problem, and to provide improvements for the Minimum Length Interval Query problem.Comment: CPM 2018, extended versio

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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