327 research outputs found

    Small space analogues of Valiant\u27s classes and the limitations of skew formula

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    In the uniform circuit model of computation, the width of a boolean circuit exactly characterises the ``space\u27\u27 complexity of the computed function. Looking for a similar relationship in Valiant\u27s algebraic model of computation, we propose width of an arithmetic circuit as a possible measure of space. We introduce the class VL as an algebraic variant of deterministic log-space L. In the uniform setting, we show that our definition coincides with that of VPSPACE at polynomial width. Further, to define algebraic variants of non-deterministic space-bounded classes, we introduce the notion of ``read-once\u27\u27 certificates for arithmetic circuits. We show that polynomial-size algebraic branching programs can be expressed as a read-once exponential sum over polynomials in VL, ie mboxVBPinSigmaRcdotmboxVLmbox{VBP}inSigma^R cdotmbox{VL}. We also show that SigmaRcdotmboxVBP=mboxVBPSigma^R cdot mbox{VBP} =mbox{VBP}, ie VBPs are stable under read-once exponential sums. Further, we show that read-once exponential sums over a restricted class of constant-width arithmetic circuits are within VQP, and this is the largest known such subclass of poly-log-width circuits with this property. We also study the power of skew formulas and show that exponential sums of a skew formula cannot represent the determinant polynomial

    Processing Succinct Matrices and Vectors

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    We study the complexity of algorithmic problems for matrices that are represented by multi-terminal decision diagrams (MTDD). These are a variant of ordered decision diagrams, where the terminal nodes are labeled with arbitrary elements of a semiring (instead of 0 and 1). A simple example shows that the product of two MTDD-represented matrices cannot be represented by an MTDD of polynomial size. To overcome this deficiency, we extended MTDDs to MTDD_+ by allowing componentwise symbolic addition of variables (of the same dimension) in rules. It is shown that accessing an entry, equality checking, matrix multiplication, and other basic matrix operations can be solved in polynomial time for MTDD_+-represented matrices. On the other hand, testing whether the determinant of a MTDD-represented matrix vanishes PSPACE$-complete, and the same problem is NP-complete for MTDD_+-represented diagonal matrices. Computing a specific entry in a product of MTDD-represented matrices is #P-complete.Comment: An extended abstract of this paper will appear in the Proceedings of CSR 201

    On Annihilators of Explicit Polynomial Maps

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    We study the algebraic complexity of annihilators of polynomials maps. In particular, when a polynomial map is `encoded by' a small algebraic circuit, we show that the coefficients of an annihilator of the map can be computed in PSPACE. Even when the underlying field is that of reals or complex numbers, an analogous statement is true. We achieve this by using the class VPSPACE that coincides with computability of coefficients in PSPACE, over integers. As a consequence, we derive the following two conditional results. First, we show that a VP-explicit hitting set generator for all of VP would separate either VP from VNP, or non-uniform P from PSPACE. Second, in relation to algebraic natural proofs, we show that proving an algebraic natural proofs barrier would imply either VP ≠\neq VNP or DSPACE(log⁥log⁡∗nn\log^{\log^{\ast}n} n) ⊂̞\not\subset P

    Real Interactive Proofs for VPSPACE

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    We study interactive proofs in the framework of real number complexity as introduced by Blum, Shub, and Smale. The ultimate goal is to give a Shamir like characterization of the real counterpart IP_R of classical IP. Whereas classically Shamir\u27s result implies IP = PSPACE = PAT = PAR, in our framework a major difficulty arises from the fact that in contrast to Turing complexity theory the real number classes PAR_R and PAT_R differ and space resources considered alone are not meaningful. It is not obvious to see whether IP_R is characterized by one of them - and if so by which. In recent work the present authors established an upper bound IP_R is a subset of MA(Exists)R, where MA(Exists)R is a complexity class satisfying PAR_R is a strict subset of MA(Exists)R, which is a subset of PAT_R and conjectured to be different from PAT_R. The goal of the present paper is to complement this result and to prove interesting lower bounds for IP_R. More precisely, we design interactive real protocols for a large class of functions introduced by Koiran and Perifel and denoted by UniformVSPACE^0. As consequence, we show PAR_R is a subset of IP_R, which in particular implies co-NP_R is a subset of IP_R, and P_R^{Res} is a subset of IP_R, where Res denotes certain multivariate Resultant polynomials. Our proof techniques are guided by the question in how far Shamir\u27s classical proof can be used as well in the real number setting. Towards this aim results by Koiran and Perifel on UniformVSPACE^0 are extremely helpful

    On a New, Efficient Framework for Falsifiable Non-interactive Zero-Knowledge Arguments

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    Et kunnskapslĂžst bevis er en protokoll mellom en bevisfĂžrer og en attestant. BevisfĂžreren har som mĂ„l Ă„ overbevise attestanten om at visse utsagn er korrekte, som besittelse av kortnummeret til et gyldig kredittkort, uten Ă„ avslĂžre noen private opplysninger, som for eksempel kortnummeret selv. I mange anvendelser er det Ăžnskelig Ă„ bruke IIK-bevis (Ikke-interaktive kunnskapslĂžse bevis), der bevisfĂžreren produserer kun en enkelt melding som kan bekreftes av mange attestanter. En ulempe er at sikre IIK-bevis for ikke-trivielle sprĂ„k kun kan eksistere ved tilstedevĂŠrelsen av en pĂ„litelig tredjepart som beregner en felles referansestreng som blir gjort tilgjengelig for bĂ„de bevisfĂžreren og attestanten. NĂ„r ingen slik part eksisterer liter man av og til pĂ„ ikke-interaktiv vitne-uskillbarhet, en svakere form for personvern. Studiet av effektive og sikre IIK-bevis er en kritisk del av kryptografi som har blomstret opp i det siste grunnet anvendelser i blokkjeder. I den fĂžrste artikkelen konstruerer vi et nytt IIK-bevis for sprĂ„kene som bestĂ„r av alle felles nullpunkter for en endelig mengde polynomer over en endelig kropp. Vi demonstrerer nytteverdien av beviset ved flerfoldige eksempler pĂ„ anvendelser. SĂŠrlig verdt Ă„ merke seg er at det er mulig Ă„ gĂ„ nesten automatisk fra en beskrivelse av et sprĂ„k pĂ„ et hĂžyt nivĂ„ til definisjonen av IIK-beviset, som minsker behovet for dedikert kryptografisk ekspertise. I den andre artikkelen konstruerer vi et IIV-bevis ved Ă„ bruke en ny kompilator. Vi utforsker begrepet Kunnskapslydighet (et sterkere sikkerhetsbegrep enn lydighet) for noen konstruksjoner av IIK-bevis. I den tredje artikkelen utvider vi arbeidet fra den fĂžrste artikkelen ved Ă„ konstruere et nytt IIK-bevis for mengde-medlemskap som lar oss bevise at et element ligger, eller ikke ligger, i den gitte mengden. Flere nye konstruksjoner har bedre effektivitet sammenlignet med allerede kjente konstruksjoner.A zero-knowledge proof is a protocol between a prover, and a verifier. The prover aims to convince the verifier of the truth of some statement, such as possessing credentials for a valid credit card, without revealing any private information, such as the credentials themselves. In many applications, it is desirable to use NIZKs (Non-Interactive Zero Knowledge) proofs, where the prover sends outputs only a single message that can be verified by many verifiers. As a drawback, secure NIZKs for non-trivial languages can only exist in the presence of a trusted third party that computes a common reference string and makes it available to both the prover and verifier. When no such party exists, one sometimes relies on non interactive witness indistinguishability (NIWI), a weaker notion of privacy. The study of efficient and secure NIZKs is a crucial part of cryptography that has been thriving recently due to blockchain applications. In the first paper, we construct a new NIZK for the language of common zeros of a finite set of polynomials over a finite field. We demonstrate its usefulness by giving a large number of example applications. Notably, it is possible to go from a high-level language description to the definition of the NIZK almost automatically, lessening the need for dedicated cryptographic expertise. In the second paper, we construct a NIWI using a new compiler. We explore the notion of Knowledge Soundness (a security notion stronger than soundness) of some NIZK constructions. In the third paper, we extended the first paper’s work by constructing a new set (non-)membership NIZK that allows us to prove that an element belongs or does not belong to the given set. Many new constructions have better efficiency compared to already-known constructions.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Modal mu-calculi

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