8 research outputs found

    Power Allocation in Multiuser Parallel Gaussian Broadcast Channels With Common and Confidential Messages

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    We consider a broadcast communication over parallel channels, where the transmitter sends K+1 messages: one common message to all users, and K confidential messages to each user, which need to be kept secret from all unintended users. We assume partial channel state information at the transmitter, stemming from noisy channel estimation. Our main goal is to design a power allocation algorithm in order to maximize the weighted sum rate of common and confidential messages under a total power constraint. The resulting problem for joint encoding across channels is formulated as the cascade of two problems, the inner min problem being discrete, and the outer max problem being convex. Thereby, efficient algorithms for this kind of optimization program can be used as solutions to our power allocation problem. For the special case K=2 , we provide an almost closed-form solution, where only two single variables must be optimized, e.g., through dichotomic searches. To reduce computational complexity, we propose three new algorithms, maximizing the weighted sum rate achievable by two suboptimal schemes that perform per-user and per-channel encoding. By numerical results, we assess the performance of all proposed algorithms as a function of different system parameters

    SNR maximization and modulo loss reduction for Tomlinson-Harashima precoding

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    Compared to linear precoding, Tomlinson-Harashima precoding (THP) requires less transmit power to eliminate the spatial interference in a multi-user downlink scenario involving a multi-antenna transmitter and geographically separated receivers. However, THP gives rise to certain performance losses, referred to as modulo loss and power loss. Based on the observation that part of the users can omit the modulo operation at the receiver during an entire frame, we present an alternative detector, which reduces the modulo loss compared to the conventional detector. In addition, this contribution compares several existing and novel algorithms for selecting the user ordering and the rotation of the constellations at the transmitter, to increase the SNR at the detector and decrease the modulo loss for the alternative detector. Compared to the better of linear precoding and THP with conventional detector, the optimized alternative detector achieves significant gains (up to about 4 dB) for terrestrial wireless communication, whereas smaller gains (up to about 1 dB) are obtained for multi-beam satellite communication

    Lattice-reduction aided Successive Optimization Tomlinson-Harashima Precoding strategies for physical-layer security in wireless networks

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    Cost-Effective Signal Processing Algorithms for Physical-Layer Security in Wireless Networks

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    Data privacy in traditional wireless communications is accomplished by cryptography techniques at the upper layers of the protocol stack. This thesis aims at contributing to the critical security issue residing in the physical-layer of wireless networks, namely, secrecy rate in various transmission environments. Physical-layer security opens the gate to the exploitation of channel characteristics to achieve data secure transmission. Precoding techniques, as a critical aspect in pre-processing signals prior to transmission has become an effective approach and recently drawn significant attention in the literature. In our research, novel non-linear precoders are designed focusing on the improvement of the physical-layer secrecy rate with consideration of computational complexity as well as the Bit Error Ratio (BER) performance. In the process of designing the precoder, strategies such as Lattice Reduction (LR) and Artificial Noise (AN) are employed to achieve certain design requirements. The deployment and allocation of resources such as relays to assist the transmission also have gained significant interest. In multiple-antenna relay networks, we examine various relay selection criteria with arbitrary knowledge of the channels to the users and the eavesdroppers. Furthermore, we provide novel effective relay selection criteria that can achieve a high secrecy rate performance. More importantly they do not require knowledge of the channels of the eavesdroppers and the interference. Combining the jamming technique with resource allocation of relay networks, we investigate an opportunistic relaying and jamming scheme for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) buffer-aided downlink relay networks. More specifically, a novel Relaying and Jamming Function Selection (RJFS) algorithm as well as a buffer-aided RJFS algorithm are developed along with their ability to achieve a higher secrecy rate. Relying on the proposed relay network, we detail the characteristics of the system, under various relay selection criteria, develop exhaustive search and greedy search-based algorithms, with or without inter-relay Interference Cancellation (IC)