6,162 research outputs found

    Network Firewall using Artificial Neural Networks

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    Today's most common firewalls are mostly rule-based. Their knowledge consists of a set of rules upon which they process received packets. They cannot do anything they have not been explicitly configured to do. This makes the system more straightforward to set up, but less flexible and less adaptive to changing circumstances. We will investigate a network firewall whose rule-base we will try to model using an artificial neural network, more specifically using a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) trained by the back-propagation algorithm. The training data are acquired from the network and we consider two possible scenarios. In Scenario 1, the user has no firewall available and the policy is deduced from the existing traffic in the network which is considered to be legitimate. In Scenario 2, the learning module is placed behind the existing firewall (or firewalls) in order to learn their behavior. In both cases, all traffic, which is recorded, contains only positive examples; however, a direct training of a MLP from a set of positive examples is impossible. We solved this problem using a synthetic generation of negative examples which led to successful learning

    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1

    Fulcrum: Flexible Network Coding for Heterogeneous Devices

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    Producción CientíficaWe introduce Fulcrum, a network coding framework that achieves three seemingly conflicting objectives: 1) to reduce the coding coefficient overhead down to nearly n bits per packet in a generation of n packets; 2) to conduct the network coding using only Galois field GF(2) operations at intermediate nodes if necessary, dramatically reducing computing complexity in the network; and 3) to deliver an end-to-end performance that is close to that of a high-field network coding system for high-end receivers, while simultaneously catering to low-end receivers that decode in GF(2). As a consequence of 1) and 3), Fulcrum has a unique trait missing so far in the network coding literature: providing the network with the flexibility to distribute computational complexity over different devices depending on their current load, network conditions, or energy constraints. At the core of our framework lies the idea of precoding at the sources using an expansion field GF(2 h ), h > 1, to increase the number of dimensions seen by the network. Fulcrum can use any high-field linear code for precoding, e.g., Reed-Solomon or Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC). Our analysis shows that the number of additional dimensions created during precoding controls the trade-off between delay, overhead, and computing complexity. Our implementation and measurements show that Fulcrum achieves similar decoding probabilities as high field RLNC but with encoders and decoders that are an order of magnitude faster.Green Mobile Cloud project (grant DFF-0602-01372B)Colorcast project (grant DFF-0602-02661B)TuneSCode project (grant DFF - 1335-00125)Danish Council for Independent Research (grant DFF-4002-00367)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad - Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grants MTM2012-36917-C03-03 / MTM2015-65764-C3-2-P / MTM2015-69138-REDT)Agencia Estatal de Investigación - Fondo Social Europeo (grant RYC-2016-20208)Aarhus Universitets Forskningsfond Starting (grant AUFF-2017-FLS-7-1

    Highly efficient low-level feature extraction for video representation and retrieval.

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    PhDWitnessing the omnipresence of digital video media, the research community has raised the question of its meaningful use and management. Stored in immense multimedia databases, digital videos need to be retrieved and structured in an intelligent way, relying on the content and the rich semantics involved. Current Content Based Video Indexing and Retrieval systems face the problem of the semantic gap between the simplicity of the available visual features and the richness of user semantics. This work focuses on the issues of efficiency and scalability in video indexing and retrieval to facilitate a video representation model capable of semantic annotation. A highly efficient algorithm for temporal analysis and key-frame extraction is developed. It is based on the prediction information extracted directly from the compressed domain features and the robust scalable analysis in the temporal domain. Furthermore, a hierarchical quantisation of the colour features in the descriptor space is presented. Derived from the extracted set of low-level features, a video representation model that enables semantic annotation and contextual genre classification is designed. Results demonstrate the efficiency and robustness of the temporal analysis algorithm that runs in real time maintaining the high precision and recall of the detection task. Adaptive key-frame extraction and summarisation achieve a good overview of the visual content, while the colour quantisation algorithm efficiently creates hierarchical set of descriptors. Finally, the video representation model, supported by the genre classification algorithm, achieves excellent results in an automatic annotation system by linking the video clips with a limited lexicon of related keywords

    A Tutorial on Clique Problems in Communications and Signal Processing

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    Since its first use by Euler on the problem of the seven bridges of K\"onigsberg, graph theory has shown excellent abilities in solving and unveiling the properties of multiple discrete optimization problems. The study of the structure of some integer programs reveals equivalence with graph theory problems making a large body of the literature readily available for solving and characterizing the complexity of these problems. This tutorial presents a framework for utilizing a particular graph theory problem, known as the clique problem, for solving communications and signal processing problems. In particular, the paper aims to illustrate the structural properties of integer programs that can be formulated as clique problems through multiple examples in communications and signal processing. To that end, the first part of the tutorial provides various optimal and heuristic solutions for the maximum clique, maximum weight clique, and kk-clique problems. The tutorial, further, illustrates the use of the clique formulation through numerous contemporary examples in communications and signal processing, mainly in maximum access for non-orthogonal multiple access networks, throughput maximization using index and instantly decodable network coding, collision-free radio frequency identification networks, and resource allocation in cloud-radio access networks. Finally, the tutorial sheds light on the recent advances of such applications, and provides technical insights on ways of dealing with mixed discrete-continuous optimization problems

    Efficient software implementation of the JBIG compression standard

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    JBIG is a new binary image compression standard that is designed to handle both text and halftoned documents. It significantly outperforms the CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 standards especially on halftoned documents. The JBIG standard is based on an arithmetic encoder, and it features adaptive probability estimation, adaptive templates, and three different types of prediction. It also allows either sequential or progressive compression of image data. A brief discussion of information theory is given as it applies to image compression. The JBIG algorithm is described, and several techniques are developed to efficiently implement the algorithm in software. The most important techniques include an efficient scheme for building the context that are required, and taking advantage of large all-white or all-black regions of images by designing very efficient loops for processing those areas. Other techniques are also discussed, such as, efficient implementation of deterministic prediction, and an improved method for handling the conditional exchange condition. Timing information is given for the final implementation on several platforms. The JBIG algorithm is compared with the CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 algorithms, and it is tested in noisy environments

    Methodology and Algorithms for Pedestrian Network Construction

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    With the advanced capabilities of mobile devices and the success of car navigation systems, interest in pedestrian navigation systems is on the rise. A critical component of any navigation system is a map database which represents a network (e.g., road networks in car navigation systems) and supports key functionality such as map display, geocoding, and routing. Road networks, mainly due to the popularity of car navigation systems, are well defined and publicly available. However, in pedestrian navigation systems, as well as other applications including urban planning and physical activities studies, road networks do not adequately represent the paths that pedestrians usually travel. Currently, there are no techniques to automatically construct pedestrian networks, impeding research and development of applications requiring pedestrian data. This coupled with the increased demand for pedestrian networks is the prime motivation for this dissertation which is focused on development of a methodology and algorithms that can construct pedestrian networks automatically. A methodology, which involves three independent approaches, network buffering (using existing road networks), collaborative mapping (using GPS traces collected by volunteers), and image processing (using high-resolution satellite and laser imageries) was developed. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the pedestrian networks constructed by these approaches with a pedestrian network baseline as a ground truth. The results of the experiments indicate that these three approaches, while differing in complexity and outcome, are viable for automatically constructing pedestrian networks