136 research outputs found


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    Information has become an important element without which society cannot achieve its objectives. The term “information society” is increasingly used nowadays, instead of the terms “production” or “consumption society”, because of the importance and necessity of information in today's dynamic environment. Since IT became commercial in the early 1990s, it has diffused rapidly in developed countries but generally slowly in developing ones. The ICT development requires preparation, largely in the form of investment in network infrastructure, skills and regulatory frameworks. So the physical infrastructure of information systems is one of the important components of the information society. The aim of this paper is to identify ICT infrastructure indicator and to find what factors Albania need to take in consideration for managing ICT infrastructure to compare with other countries for building an information society. Many technological changes have brought new developments in IT infrastructure, such as data and digitalization, packet switching and broadband networks, as well as increased role of wireless and Internet. Albania, as a developing country have tried do benefit in maximum from these developments, focusing in the IT infrastructure management as one of the elements for building information society.ICT, physical infrastructure, e-readiness, IT services

    A comparison between e-government practices in Taiwan and New Zealand.

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    Few studies have focused on comparing the state of e-government in Western- and Non-Western settings, where the political, social, economic, and cultural environments can be markedly different. This paper compares the views of local authority policymakers in Taiwan and New Zealand, in order to judge the sophistication of their e-government initiatives via the formal and informal policies underpinning website development. Good level of agreement were observed between the Taiwanese and New Zealander respondents for the high levels of significance they attached to 3 key issues, which the authors argue are critical for successful e-government: Accessibility, Security and Privacy. Similarly, the policymakers agreed on a medium level of significance for the 7 key issues: E-procurement, Digital Divide, Private Sector, Taxation, Cultural Obstacles, IT Workforce, and Social Effects (and on a low level of significance for E-Tailing). It was concluded that government policymakers in both countries, in an era of commercial online social networking, are continuing to favour pushing(what they deem to be important) information to citizens, rather than creating collaborative service channels with citizens, contractors and suppliers or integrating separate service processes to satisfy all stakeholders. An attendant lack of commitment to promoting heightened (e-)democracy was also noted, especially in New Zealand

    Evaluating the success factors of Information Systems (IS) -case study of Malaysian public sector

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    Managing and implementing project well is important issues for IS projects in the public sector as well as other sectors. The government tasks the public sector to use public resources to deliver large and complex projects for the benefit of its citizens. Information and communications technologies (ICTs) are playing an increasingly vital role in the daily lives of people, revolutionizing work and leisure and changing the rules of doing business. However, still there is a gap between reality and achievement the success. This paper aims to evaluating the success factors of information system (IS) projects implementation in Malaysian government sector focusing on the correlated of project success criteria including Processes, People, Project Tools (Hardware and Software) and Project environment. The proposed model of project success criteria will be introduced and discussed

    Analisis Determinan Pelaksanaan E-government Di Kota Semarang (Studi Kasus Www.semarangkota.go.id)

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    E-Government makes public and private sector interact with government easily via electronic media. The problem that arises is Semarang entered the lower categories of e-government votes in 2014 by Ranking E-Government of Indonesia (PEGI) Ministry of Communication and Information of the Republic of Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to assess the implementation of e-government in Semarang city and the factors that hinder the implementation of e-government in the Semarang city. The method used is qualitative descriptive. The results showed that the lack of regulations implementing e-government, the workload of human resources in some SKPD is too large, the difficulty of the installation of network infrastructure in the city, the financial resources of e-government Semarang financed by the budget; there are many benefits and no rejection from the public. Factors that hinder the implementation of e-government are the government support in terms of policy, human resource, and infrastructure resources. Overcoming limiting factor is the government of Semarang can formulate rules on the implementation of e-government so that Semarang has a reference in the implementation of e-government, SKPD provides a reliable employee in managing websites, installation and reparation of network done at night

    E-Collaboration for Research and Development- An Observation from Nigeria University

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    This study assessed e-collaboration networks for research and development in two universities and a Science and Technology research institute in South western Nigeria. It investigated the sources of information available for S&T research activities, determined the extent of academia utilizing e-collaboration networks and examined the advantages of e-collaboration networks. As showed in this study, e-collaboration network strengthens research and support scientific and technological excellence through the integration of existing and emerging research activities and the exchange of knowledge. In today’sknowledge economy, the World Wide Web remains the nucleus of information, knowledge and research for scholars across the globe. A total of 150 researchers were sampled across the three educational and research institutions by means of questionnaire administration. The analysis of data was done using descriptive statistics such as percentage distribution. Findings from the study revealed that: About 77% of the researchers collaborate with research groups on the internet and this is done at least occasionally and in some situations very often. The major sources of information are the internet and other popular sources such as print and non-print media. The characteristics and advantages of S&T e-collaboration networks as shown in this study include reliability, timeliness, effectiveness, relevance and accessibility by a large audience. This study concluded that electronic collaboration networks in S&T research may be influenced by the purpose of the network, quality and alternative information sources and technology factor. Keywords: e-Collaborations, Information, Science &Technology, Research & Developmen

    Limitations of E-Government Adoption by Local Governments: A Case Study of Ilala Municipal Council, Tanzania

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    Integration of advanced computing and communication in management of municipal council activities by developed countries (E-Government) greatly enhances service delivery. However, some developing countries such as Tanzania in Africa experience difficulties in applying this technology in management of municipal councils for better service delivery to its citizens. This article uses a simple multiple regression model to analyze some of the factors that limit adoption of E-Government by developing countries. The factors analyzed include legal, cultural, managerial, organizational and technological awareness. A survey of 120 respondents from Ilala Municipal council in Tanzania was used as a case study. The results indicate organizational and legal factors as the major impediments in adoption of E-Government by developing countries such as Tanzania. To overcome these impediments, developing countries should allocate enough finances to information and communication departments so as to accommodate training, system upgrade and policy implementation. Keywords: E-Government; Local Government; Information and Communication Technology; Ilala Municipal Council; Tanzani

    The Success and Failure of New Rice Fieldprint Program in Mentawai Island Regency

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    The implementation of a new rice field at a print program in the district of the Mentawai Islands from 2011 to 2016 had not given satisfying results. The realization of the original rice field print in each location reached 70% at most. This was the reason why this research was implemented, which was to identify and to explain the aspects related to the success and the failure in achieving the New Rice Fieldprint in the district of the Mentawai Islands. This research used a combination method of concurrent embedded strategy, which was to combine qualitative and quantitative methods simultaneously. The primer data resource derived directly from the result of the questionnaire and interview with 13 people used as respondents. The data analysis technique used was quantitative descriptive with the help of the rating scale method, then it was analyzed by using descriptive qualitative through the help of interpretative analysis tools. This research concluded that the aspects that would be able to implement the New Rice Fieldprint program succeed were 5 aspects; included very influential elements such as qualified human resources and economic, social, and political supports in the location where the program/ policy was implemented.  On the other hand, the aspects that would be able to make the program fail were also 5 aspects. The most influential elements of the failure included the limited resources such as human resources, budget, labor, material, time, and even a geographical condition of the implemented program location was painful to access by land transportation