485,486 research outputs found

    Building Essential BPM Capabilities to Assist Successful ICT Deployment in the Developing Context: Observations and Recommendations from Sri Lanka

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    The role of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) has been identified as an important factor by the United Nations in achieving the millennium development goals (UNAPCICT, 2012)1. The potential for ICT has been identified as a means to reducing poverty, creating global communities by providing access to the internet and mobile networks to rural communities, improving education services, medical services, and information availability. As of today, significant amounts of funds have been invested by the governments and donor organizations in ‘Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICT4D)’ projects by establishing telecenters, e-villages, e-health, electronic and mobile banking, and e-government systems for citizens in general, and more specifically, rural communities to bridge the digital divide (Heeks & Molla, 2009). However, the effectiveness and impact of these initiatives are still questionable. In a report published by (IEG - Independent Evaluation Group, 2011) it was identified that projects focusing on global accessibility have achieved only a 30 percent success rate in developing countries. The key issues identified by the literature on ICT4D success and failure include inadequate understanding and consideration of local culture (Simpson & Hunter, 2001), lack of political support, infrastructure issues, community acceptance, and sustainability of these projects post-funding stages (Heeks & Molla, 2009; Kasigwa, Williams, & Baryamureeba, 2006). The inability to see the whole system was identified as one of the 7 reasons of ICT4D project failure (Rogers, 2011). Lack of understanding of a holistic picture, community involvement and need for training and capacity building before implementing an ICT solution for sustainability projects were further emphasized as critical factors by Pade et al., (2009)


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    Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is an integrated application software for widespread use in the organization. The aim of this study is to determine factors that affect the successful implementation of ERP in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Central Java in order to build competitive advantage. To test the hypothesis, this study utilized data from 107 SMEs in Central Java. The results revealed that variable Business Process Reengineering have the greatest influence toward the successful implementation in Small and Medium Enterprises. It is suggested that SMEs should gain knowledge and solidify its business process reengineering before implementing ERP

    Identifying critical success factors of ERP systems at the higher education sector

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    In response to a range of contextual drivers, the worldwide adoption of ERP Systems in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) has increased substantially over the past decade. Though the difficulties and high failure rate in implementing ERP systems at university environments have been cited in the literature, research on critical success factors (CSFs) for ERP implementations in this context is rare and fragmented. This paper is part of a larger research effort that aims to contribute to understanding the phenomenon of ERP implementations and evaluations in HEIs in the Australasian region; it identifies, previously reported, critical success factors (CSFs) in relation to ERP system implementations and discusses the importance of these factors

    M-Hafazan: aplikasi mudah alih untuk pengajian tahfiz

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    Pendidikan tahfiz secara formal telah berkembang pesat serta mendapat perhatian istimewa dari masyarakat Islam di Malaysia. Perkembangan ini disebabkan oleh kesedaran dan permintaan ibu bapa dalam menerapkan al-Quran kepada anak-anak melalui hafazan. Pada masa kini, terdapat banyak aplikasi yang dapat menyokong pembelajaran tahfiz. Namun begitu, tiada aktiviti pengukuhan disediakan bagi membolehkan penghafaz al-Quran menguji tahap ingatan mereka terhadap ayat-ayat yang telah dihafaz. Aplikasi m-Hafazan ini dibangunkan dengan tujuan menyokong pengajian tahfiz dengan lebih baik. Aplikasi ini dibangunkan dengan menggunakan metodologi Multimedia Mobile Content Development. Metodologi ini dipilih kerana ia dapat mempercepatkan proses pembangunan aplikasi serta mengurangkan penggunaan pemprosesan data peranti mudah alih. Pengujian aplikasi telah dijalankan terhadap pelajar-pelajar dan guru dari Sekolah Rendah Islam Tahfiz, Parit Raja. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan 78.3% pelajar sangat bersetuju aplikasi m-Hafazan sesuai digunakan sebagai medium alternatif dalam pengajian hafazan al-Quran. Selain itu, 85% pelajar sangat bersetuju bahawa aplikasi ini dapat membantu pengukuhan hafazan mereka. Kesimpulannya, walaupun kaedah talaqqi (bersemuka) merupakan pendekatan yang terbaik dalam pengajian hafazan, namun implementasi aplikasi m-Hafazan berpotensi untuk dijadikan kaedah alternatif dalam pembelajaran hafazan bagi pelajar tahfiz mahupun bukan

    A framework for the successful implementation of food traceability systems in China

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    Implementation of food traceability systems in China faces many challenges due to the scale, diversity and complexity of China’s food supply chains. This study aims to identify critical success factors specific to the implementation of traceability systems in China. Twenty-seven critical success factors were identified in the literature. Interviews with managers at four food enterprises in a pre-study helped identify success criteria and five additional critical success factors. These critical success factors were tested through a survey of managers in eighty-three food companies. This study identifies six dimensions for critical success factors: laws, regulations and standards; government support; consumer knowledge and support; effective management and communication; top management and vendor support; and information and system quality

    Implementation and unification of the ERP system in a global company as a strategic decision for sustainable entrepreneurship

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    This article considered factors connected with the implementation and unification of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) system, and their influence on the sustainable development of global companies. It showed a cognitive model on such impact and gave an example in the form of a case study of a global company listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. The basic strategic objectives of each organization include long-term growth and sustainability. In a growing competitive environment, it is essential to manage the company effectively. This can be achieved provided that the company's organizational structure and operations are properly set from the point of view of the ERP system. The research results were aimed at creating the generalized process of the ERP system's gradual implementation, to make the development of an organization progressive. The paper was focused on describing the implementation and unification of the Enterprise Resource Planning System, in a global company listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange. The aim of the paper was to monitor and evaluate, the links between Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management. This process is time consuming and costly. To achieve the aim, the case study was carried out in the form of an expert survey aimed at assessing the impact of the unification and implementation of the ERP system in a global company. The study included methods of systemic analysis, methods of sociological expert survey, a method of qualitative peer review, and a method for a cognitive model. It leads not only to effective management of global companies but enables the monitoring and comparison of Key Performance Indicators and the Net Promoter Score in each country, using the same parameters. The implementation of a unified Enterprise Resource Planning system leads to a significant cost reduction and has a positive impact on the financial indicators reported on the stock exchange. This study highlighted the importance of the implementation of an effective ERP system, to make the development of organizations sustainable.Web of Science108art. no. 291

    Beyond enterprise resource planning projects: innovative strategies for competitive advantage

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    ABSTRACT A rapidly changing business environment and legacy IT problems has resulted in many organisations implementing standard package solutions. This 'common systems' approach establishes a common IT and business process infrastructure within organisations and its increasing dominance raises several important strategic issues. These are to what extent do common systems impose common business processes and management systems on competing firms, and what is the source of competitive advantage if the majority of firms employ almost identical information systems and business processes? A theoretical framework based on research into legacy systems and earlier IT strategy literature is used to analyse three case studies in the manufacturing, chemical and IT industries. It is shown that the organisations are treating common systems as the core of their organisations' abilities to manage business transactions. To achieve competitive advantage they are clothing these common systems with information systems designed to capture information about competitors, customers and suppliers, and to provide a basis for sharing knowledge within the organisation and ultimately with economic partners. The importance of these approaches to other organisations and industries is analysed and an attempt is made at outlining the strategic options open to firms beyond the implementation of common business systems
