12 research outputs found

    Cognitive Science to Deduct the Classification of Facial Image, Face Verification and Age Estimation

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    This chapter deals with the following:- Cognitive Science is used  To classify using DTOD; verify with  training set using Maximum Likelihood Classifier; calculate human age with BPNN and to know parameters  with respect to the classification of facial image, verification and  estimatio

    Feature extraction based face recognition, gender and age classification

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    The face recognition system with large sets of training sets for personal identification normally attains good accuracy. In this paper, we proposed Feature Extraction based Face Recognition, Gender and Age Classification (FEBFRGAC) algorithm with only small training sets and it yields good results even with one image per person. This process involves three stages: Pre-processing, Feature Extraction and Classification. The geometric features of facial images like eyes, nose, mouth etc. are located by using Canny edge operator and face recognition is performed. Based on the texture and shape information gender and age classification is done using Posteriori Class Probability and Artificial Neural Network respectively. It is observed that the face recognition is 100%, the gender and age classification is around 98% and 94% respectively


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    IndiaFace recognition is a pattern recognition task performed specifically on faces. It can be described as classifying a face either “known” or unknown, after comparing with stored known individuals. It is also desirable to have a system that has the ability of learning to recognize unknown faces. Computational models of face recognition must address several difficulat problems. This difficulty arises from the face that faces must be represented in a way that best utilizes the available face information to distinguish a particular face fro all other faces. Faces pose a particularly difficult in this respect because all faces are similar to one another in that they contain the same set of features such as eyes, nose mouth arranges in roughly the same manner. There are several types of face recogniton systems discussed in the literature. Geometry and templates, Template matching, Dynamic Deformable Templates, Independent Component Analysis, Wavelets, Gabor Fisher Classifiers, Hidden Markow Models and Neural Network. This survey will be very useful for any future scholars to work in this domain using all the collected references

    Apparent and real age estimation in still images with deep residual regressors on APPA-REAL database

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    International audienceAfter decades of research, the real (biological) age estimation from a single face image reached maturity thanks to the availability of large public face databases and impressive accuracies achieved by recently proposed methods. The estimation of " apparent age " is a related task concerning the age perceived by human observers. Significant advances have been also made in this new research direction with the recent Looking At People challenges. In this paper we make several contributions to age estimation research. (i) We introduce APPA-REAL, a large face image database with both real and apparent age annotations. (ii) We study the relationship between real and apparent age. (iii) We develop a residual age regression method to further improve the performance. (iv) We show that real age estimation can be successfully tackled as an apparent age estimation followed by an apparent to real age residual regression. (v) We graphically reveal the facial regions on which the CNN focuses in order to perform apparent and real age estimation tasks

    What else does your biometric data reveal? A survey on soft biometrics

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    International audienceRecent research has explored the possibility of extracting ancillary information from primary biometric traits, viz., face, fingerprints, hand geometry and iris. This ancillary information includes personal attributes such as gender, age, ethnicity, hair color, height, weight, etc. Such attributes are known as soft biometrics and have applications in surveillance and indexing biometric databases. These attributes can be used in a fusion framework to improve the matching accuracy of a primary biometric system (e.g., fusing face with gender information), or can be used to generate qualitative descriptions of an individual (e.g., "young Asian female with dark eyes and brown hair"). The latter is particularly useful in bridging the semantic gap between human and machine descriptions of biometric data. In this paper, we provide an overview of soft biometrics and discuss some of the techniques that have been proposed to extract them from image and video data. We also introduce a taxonomy for organizing and classifying soft biometric attributes, and enumerate the strengths and limitations of these attributes in the context of an operational biometric system. Finally, we discuss open research problems in this field. This survey is intended for researchers and practitioners in the field of biometrics

    Klasifikacija dvodeminezionalnih slika lica za razlikovanje djece od odraslih osoba na temelju antropometrije

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    Classification of face images can be done in various ways. This research uses two-dimensional photographs of people's faces to detect children in images. Algorithm for classification of images into children and adults is developed and existing algorithms are analysed. This algorithm will also be used for age estimation. Through analysis of the state of the art researchon facial landmarks for age estimationand combination with changes that occur in human face morphology during growth and aging, facial landmarks needed for age classification and estimation of humans are identified. Algorithm is based on ratios of Euclidean distances between those landmarks. Based on these ratios, children can be detected and age can be estimated.Slike lica mogu biti klasificirane na različite načine. Ovo istraživanje koristi dvodimenzionalne fotografije ljudskih lica za detekciju djece na slikama. Kreiran je novi algoritam za klasifikaciju fotografija ljudskih lica u dvije grupe, djeca i odrasli. Algoritam će se također koristiti za procjenu dobi osoba na slici te će biti analizirani postojeći algoritmi. Kroz analizu literature o karakterističnim točkama korištenih u procjeni dobi i kombinacijom dobivenih karakterističnih točaka s morfološkim promjenama tokom odrastanja i starenja, definirane su karakteristične točke potrebne za klasifikaciju i procjenu dobi. Algoritam se bazira na omjerima Euklidskih udaljenosti između identificiranih karakterističnih točaka