150 research outputs found

    Good Random Matrices over Finite Fields

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    The random matrix uniformly distributed over the set of all m-by-n matrices over a finite field plays an important role in many branches of information theory. In this paper a generalization of this random matrix, called k-good random matrices, is studied. It is shown that a k-good random m-by-n matrix with a distribution of minimum support size is uniformly distributed over a maximum-rank-distance (MRD) code of minimum rank distance min{m,n}-k+1, and vice versa. Further examples of k-good random matrices are derived from homogeneous weights on matrix modules. Several applications of k-good random matrices are given, establishing links with some well-known combinatorial problems. Finally, the related combinatorial concept of a k-dense set of m-by-n matrices is studied, identifying such sets as blocking sets with respect to (m-k)-dimensional flats in a certain m-by-n matrix geometry and determining their minimum size in special cases.Comment: 25 pages, publishe

    Classification of large partial plane spreads in PG(6,2)PG(6,2) and related combinatorial objects

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    In this article, the partial plane spreads in PG(6,2)PG(6,2) of maximum possible size 1717 and of size 1616 are classified. Based on this result, we obtain the classification of the following closely related combinatorial objects: Vector space partitions of PG(6,2)PG(6,2) of type (31641)(3^{16} 4^1), binary 3×43\times 4 MRD codes of minimum rank distance 33, and subspace codes with parameters (7,17,6)2(7,17,6)_2 and (7,34,5)2(7,34,5)_2.Comment: 31 pages, 9 table

    Flat-containing and shift-blocking sets in F2rF_2^r

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    For non-negative integers rdr\ge d, how small can a subset CF2rC\subset F_2^r be, given that for any vF2rv\in F_2^r there is a dd-flat passing through vv and contained in C{v}C\cup\{v\}? Equivalently, how large can a subset BF2rB\subset F_2^r be, given that for any vF2rv\in F_2^r there is a linear dd-subspace not blocked non-trivially by the translate B+vB+v? A number of lower and upper bounds are obtained

    Optimal Binary Subspace Codes of Length 6, Constant Dimension 3 and Minimum Distance 4

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    It is shown that the maximum size of a binary subspace code of packet length v=6v=6, minimum subspace distance d=4d=4, and constant dimension k=3k=3 is M=77M=77; in Finite Geometry terms, the maximum number of planes in PG(5,2)\operatorname{PG}(5,2) mutually intersecting in at most a point is 7777. Optimal binary (v,M,d;k)=(6,77,4;3)(v,M,d;k)=(6,77,4;3) subspace codes are classified into 55 isomorphism types, and a computer-free construction of one isomorphism type is provided. The construction uses both geometry and finite fields theory and generalizes to any qq, yielding a new family of qq-ary (6,q6+2q2+2q+1,4;3)(6,q^6+2q^2+2q+1,4;3) subspace codes

    Projective divisible binary codes

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    For which positive integers n,k,rn,k,r does there exist a linear [n,k][n,k] code CC over Fq\mathbb{F}_q with all codeword weights divisible by qrq^r and such that the columns of a generating matrix of CC are projectively distinct? The motivation for studying this problem comes from the theory of partial spreads, or subspace codes with the highest possible minimum distance, since the set of holes of a partial spread of rr-flats in PG(v1,Fq)\operatorname{PG}(v-1,\mathbb{F}_q) corresponds to a qrq^r-divisible code with kvk\leq v. In this paper we provide an introduction to this problem and report on new results for q=2q=2.Comment: 10 pages, 3 table

    Codes, arrangements, matroids, and their polynomial links

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    Codes, arrangements, matroids, and their polynomial links Many mathematical objects are closely related to each other. While studying certain aspects of a mathematical object, one tries to find a way to "view" the object in a way that is most suitable for a specific problem. Or, in other words, one tries to find the best way to model the problem. Many related fields of mathematics have evolved from one another this way. In practice, it is very useful to be able to transform a problem into other terminology: it gives a lot more available knowledge and that can be helpful to solve a problem. This thesis deals with various closely related fields in discrete mathematics, starting from linear error-correcting codes and their weight enumerator. We can generalize the weight enumerator in two ways, to the extended and generalized weight enumerators. The set of generalized weight enumerators is equivalent to the extended weight enumerator. Summarizing and extending known theory, we define the two-variable zeta polynomial of a code and its generalized zeta polynomial. These polynomials are equivalent to the extended and generalized weight enumerator of a code. We can determine the extended and generalized weight enumerator using projective systems. This calculation is explicitly done for codes coming from finite projective and affine spaces: these are the simplex code and the first order Reed-Muller code. As a result we do not only get the weight enumerator of these codes, but it also gives us information on their geometric structure. This is useful information in determining the dimension of geometric designs. To every linear code we can associate a matroid that is representable over a finite field. A famous and well-studied polynomial associated to matroids is the Tutte polynomial, or rank generating function. It is equivalent to the extended weight enumerator. This leads to a short proof of the MacWilliams relations for the extended weight enumerator. For every matroid, its flats form a geometric lattice. On the other hand, every geometric lattice induces a simple matroid. The Tutte polynomial of a matroid determines the coboundary polynomial of the associated geometric lattice. In the case of simple matroids, this becomes a two-way equivalence. Another polynomial associated to a geometric lattice (or, more general, to a poset) is the Möbius polynomial. It is not determined by the coboundary polynomial, neither the other way around. However, we can give conditions under which the Möbius polynomial of a simple matroid together with the Möbius polynomial of its dual matroid defines the coboundary polynomial. The proof of these relations involves the two-variable zeta polynomial, that can be generalized from codes to matroids. Both matroids and geometric lattices can be truncated to get an object of lower rank. The truncated matroid of a representable matroid is again representable. Truncation formulas exist for the coboundary and Möbius polynomial of a geometric lattice and the spectrum polynomial of a matroid, generalizing the known truncation formula of the Tutte polynomial of a matroid. Several examples and counterexamples are given for all the theory. To conclude, we give an overview of all polynomial relations