5 research outputs found

    Numerical investigation of aeroelastic mode distribution for aircraft wing model in subsonic air flow

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    In this paper, the numerical results on two problems originated in aircraft wing modeling have been presented. The first problem is concerned with the approximation to the set of the aeroelastic modes, which are the eigenvalues of a certain boundary-value problem. The affirmative answer is given to the following question: can the leading asymptotical terms in the analytical formulas be used as reasonably accurate description of the aeroelastic modes? The positive answer means that these leading terms can be used by engineers for practical calculations. The second problem is concerned with the flutter phenomena in aircraft wings in a subsonic, incompressible, inviscid air flow. It has been shown numerically that there exists a pair of the aeroelastic modes whose behavior depends on a speed of an air flow. Namely, when the speed increases, the distance between the modes tends to zero, and at some speed that can be treated as the flutter speed these two modes merge into one double mode

    Boundary feedback stabilization of a flexible wing model under unsteady aerodynamic loads

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    This paper addresses the boundary stabilization of a flexible wing model, both in bending and twisting displacements, under unsteady aerodynamic loads, and in presence of a store. The wing dynamics is captured by a distributed parameter system as a coupled Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beam model. The problem is tackled in the framework of semigroup theory, and a Lyapunov-based stability analysis is carried out to assess that the system energy, as well as the bending and twisting displacements, decay exponentially to zero. The effectiveness of the proposed boundary control scheme is evaluated based on simulations.Comment: Published in Automatica as a brief pape

    Reduction of boundary value problem to Possio integral equation in theoretical aeroelasticity

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    The present paper is the first in a series of works devoted to the solvability of the Possio singular integral equation. This equation relates the pressure distribution over a typical section of a slender wing in subsonic compressible air flow to the normal velocity of the points of a wing (downwash). In spite of the importance of the Possio equation, the question of the existence of its solution has not been settled yet. We provide a rigorous reduction of the initial boundary value problem involving a partial differential equation for the velocity potential and highly nonstandard boundary conditions to a singular integral equation, the Possio equation. The question of its solvability will be addressed in our forthcoming work. Copyright (C) 2008 A. V. Balakrishnan and M. A. Shubov

    C0-Semigroup Methods for Delay Equations

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    In der Dissertation werden Werkzeuge zur Analyse von Wohlgestelltheit und Asymptotik von Integro-Differential- und Verzögerungsgleichungen entwickelt. Im ersten Teil der Arbeit (Kapitel 1 und 2) werden Methoden zur Bestimmung der Modulhalbgruppe (kleinste dominierende C0-Halbgruppe) einer C0-Halbgruppe zur Verfügung gestellt, die unter anderem auf Volterra-Halbgruppen (die aus Integro-Differentialgleichungen hervorgehen) und Evolutionshalbgruppen (Rückkopplungsgleichungen mit Zeitverzögerung, Transport in Netzwerken) angewendet werden. Im Mittelpunkt des zweiten Teils (Kapitel 3 und 4) steht ein Integro-Differentialgleichungstyp, der Schwingungsphänomene von Tragswerksflächen im Unterschallbereich beschreibt. Das besondere dieser Gleichung ist das Auftreten der Zeitableitung der gesuchten Funktion im Integralterm. Es werden eine Reihe von Wohlgestelltheitskriterien hergeleitet, welche Wohlgestelltheit der Gleichung liefern, ohne das es möglich ist, durch partielle Integration die Zeitableitung im Integralterm zu beseitigen und dadurch die Gleichung auf einen bekannten Integro-Differentialgleichungstyp zurückzuführen. Die entwickelten Methoden eignen sich auch für die Herleitung neuer Wohlgestelltheitskriterien für andere Verzögerungsgleichungen. Entsprechende Resultate werden in Kapitel 4 hergeleitet.In the dissertation tools for the analysis of well-posedness and asymptotic behaviour of integro-differential equations and delay equations are developed. In the first part (chapter 1 and 2) methods for the determination of the modulus semigroup (smallest dominating C0-semigroup) of a C0-semigroup are provided and applied to various examples such as Volterra semigroups and evolution semigroups and transport evolution equations in networks. The main interest of the second part (chapter 3 and 4) is a type of an integro-differential equation which occurs in the modelling of the flutter of airfoils at subsonic speed. The remarkable property of the equation is the time derivative of the sought function in the integral term. A number of well-posedness criteria are proved for which integration by parts is not possible. The developed methods are also suitable for the derivation of new well-posedness results for other delay semigroups. Corresponding criteria are presented in chapter 4