7 research outputs found

    Subring Homomorphic Encryption

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    In this paper, we construct {\em subring homomorphic encryption} scheme that is a homomorphic encryption scheme build on the decomposition ring, which is a subring of cyclotomic ring. In the scheme, each plaintext slot contains an integer in Zpl\mathbb{Z}_{p^l}, rather than an element of GF(pd)\mathrm{GF}(p^d) as in conventional homomorphic encryption schemes on cyclotomic rings. Our benchmark results indicate that the subring homomorphic encryption scheme is several times faster than HElib {\em for mod-plp^l plaintexts}, due to its high parallelism of mod-plp^l slot structure. We believe in that the plaintext structure composed of mod-plp^l slots will be more natural, easy to handle, and significantly more efficient for many applications such as outsourced data mining

    Approximate Homomorphic Encryption over the Conjugate-invariant Ring

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    The Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem over a cyclotomic ring has been the most widely used hardness assumption for the construction of practical homomorphic encryption schemes. However, this restricted choice of a base ring may cause a waste in terms of plaintext space usage. For example, an approximate homomorphic encryption scheme of Cheon et al. (ASIACRYPT 2017) is able to store a complex number in each of the plaintext slots since its canonical embedding of a cyclotomic field has a complex image. The imaginary part of a plaintext is not underutilized at all when the computation is performed over the real numbers, which is required in most of the real-world applications such as machine learning. In this paper, we are proposing a new homomorphic encryption scheme which supports arithmetic over the real numbers. Our scheme is based on RLWE over a subring of a cyclotomic ring called conjugate-invariant ring. We show that this problem is no easier than a standard lattice problem over ideal lattices by the reduction of Peikert et al. (STOC 2017). Our scheme allows real numbers to be packed in a ciphertext without any waste of a plaintext space and consequently we can encrypt twice as many plaintext slots as the previous scheme while maintaining the same security level, storage, and computational costs

    On the IND-CCA1 Security of FHE Schemes

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    Fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a powerful tool in cryptography that allows one to perform arbitrary computations on encrypted material without having to decrypt it first. There are numerous FHE schemes, all of which are expanded from somewhat homomorphic encryption (SHE) schemes, and some of which are considered viable in practice. However, while these FHE schemes are semantically (IND-CPA) secure, the question of their IND-CCA1 security is much less studied, and we therefore provide an overview of the IND-CCA1 security of all acknowledged FHE schemes in this paper. To give this overview, we grouped the SHE schemes into broad categories based on their similarities and underlying hardness problems. For each category, we show that the SHE schemes are susceptible to either known adaptive key recovery attacks, a natural extension of known attacks, or our proposed attacks. Finally, we discuss the known techniques to achieve IND-CCA1-secure FHE and SHE schemes. We concluded that none of the proposed schemes were IND-CCA1-secure and that the known general constructions all had their shortcomings.publishedVersio

    Functional Bootstrapping for FV-style Cryptosystems

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    Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) enables the computation of an arbitrary function over encrypted data without decrypting them. In particular, bootstrapping is a core building block of FHE which reduces the noise of a ciphertext thereby recovering the computational capability. This paper introduces a new bootstrapping framework for the Fan-Vercauteren (FV) scheme, called the functional bootstrapping, providing more generic and advanced functionality than the ordinary bootstrapping method. More specifically, the functional bootstrapping allows us to evaluate an arbitrary function while removing the error of an input ciphertext. Therefore, we achieve better depth consumption and computational complexity as the evaluation of a circuit can be integrated as part of the functional bootstrapping procedure. In particular, our approach extends the functionality of FV since it is even applicable to functions between different plaintext spaces. At the heart of our functional bootstrapping framework is a homomorphic Look-Up Table (LUT) evaluation method where we represent any LUT using only the operations supported by the FV scheme. Finally, we provide a proof-of-concept implementation and present benchmarks of the functional bootstrapping. In concrete examples, such as delta and sign functions, our functional bootstrapping takes about 46.5s or 171.4s for 9-bit or 13-bit plaintext modulus, respectively

    Fast norm computation in smooth-degree Abelian number fields

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    This paper presents a fast method to compute algebraic norms of integral elements of smooth-degree cyclotomic fields, and, more generally, smooth-degree Galois number fields with commutative Galois groups. The typical scenario arising in SS-unit searches (for, e.g., class-group computation) is computing a Θ(nlogn)\Theta(n\log n)-bit norm of an element of weight n1/2+o(1)n^{1/2+o(1)} in a degree-nn field; this method then uses n(logn)3+o(1)n(\log n)^{3+o(1)} bit operations. An n(logn)O(1)n(\log n)^{O(1)} operation count was already known in two easier special cases: norms from power-of-2 cyclotomic fields via towers of power-of-2 cyclotomic subfields, and norms from multiquadratic fields via towers of multiquadratic subfields. This paper handles more general Abelian fields by identifying tower-compatible integral bases supporting fast multiplication; in particular, there is a synergy between tower-compatible Gauss-period integral bases and a fast-multiplication idea from Rader. As a baseline, this paper also analyzes various standard norm-computation techniques that apply to arbitrary number fields, concluding that all of these techniques use at least n2(logn)2+o(1)n^2(\log n)^{2+o(1)} bit operations in the same scenario, even with fast subroutines for continued fractions and for complex FFTs. Compared to this baseline, algorithms dedicated to smooth-degree Abelian fields find each norm n/(logn)1+o(1)n/(\log n)^{1+o(1)} times faster, and finish norm computations inside SS-unit searches n2/(logn)1+o(1)n^2/(\log n)^{1+o(1)} times faster

    Studies on the Security of Selected Advanced Asymmetric Cryptographic Primitives

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    The main goal of asymmetric cryptography is to provide confidential communication, which allows two parties to communicate securely even in the presence of adversaries. Ever since its invention in the seventies, asymmetric cryptography has been improved and developed further, and a formal security framework has been established around it. This framework includes different security goals, attack models, and security notions. As progress was made in the field, more advanced asymmetric cryptographic primitives were proposed, with other properties in addition to confidentiality. These new primitives also have their own definitions and notions of security. This thesis consists of two parts, where the first relates to the security of fully homomorphic encryption and related primitives. The second part presents a novel cryptographic primitive, and defines what security goals the primitive should achieve. The first part of the thesis consists of Article I, II, and III, which all pertain to the security of homomorphic encryption schemes in one respect or another. Article I demonstrates that a particular fully homomorphic encryption scheme is insecure in the sense that an adversary with access only to the public material can recover the secret key. It is also shown that this insecurity mainly stems from the operations necessary to make the scheme fully homomorphic. Article II presents an adaptive key recovery attack on a leveled homomorphic encryption scheme. The scheme in question claimed to withstand precisely such attacks, and was the only scheme of its kind to do so at the time. This part of the thesis culminates with Article III, which is an overview article on the IND-CCA1 security of all acknowledged homomorphic encryption schemes. The second part of the thesis consists of Article IV, which presents Vetted Encryption (VE), a novel asymmetric cryptographic primitive. The primitive is designed to allow a recipient to vet who may send them messages, by setting up a public filter with a public verification key, and providing each vetted sender with their own encryption key. There are three different variants of VE, based on whether the sender is identifiable to the filter and/or the recipient. Security definitions, general constructions and comparisons to already existing cryptographic primitives are provided for all three variants.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    Security Infrastructure Technology for Integrated Utilization of Big Data

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    This open access book describes the technologies needed to construct a secure big data infrastructure that connects data owners, analytical institutions, and user institutions in a circle of trust. It begins by discussing the most relevant technical issues involved in creating safe and privacy-preserving big data distribution platforms, and especially focuses on cryptographic primitives and privacy-preserving techniques, which are essential prerequisites. The book also covers elliptic curve cryptosystems, which offer compact public key cryptosystems; and LWE-based cryptosystems, which are a type of post-quantum cryptosystem. Since big data distribution platforms require appropriate data handling, the book also describes a privacy-preserving data integration protocol and privacy-preserving classification protocol for secure computation. Furthermore, it introduces an anonymization technique and privacy risk evaluation technique. This book also describes the latest related findings in both the living safety and medical fields. In the living safety field, to prevent injuries occurring in everyday life, it is necessary to analyze injury data, find problems, and implement suitable measures. But most cases don’t include enough information for injury prevention because the necessary data is spread across multiple organizations, and data integration is difficult from a security standpoint. This book introduces a system for solving this problem by applying a method for integrating distributed data securely and introduces applications concerning childhood injury at home and school injury. In the medical field, privacy protection and patient consent management are crucial for all research. The book describes a medical test bed for the secure collection and analysis of electronic medical records distributed among various medical institutions. The system promotes big-data analysis of medical data with a cloud infrastructure and includes various security measures developed in our project to avoid privacy violations