957 research outputs found

    Low-Memory Algorithms for Online and W-Streaming Edge Coloring

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    For edge coloring, the online and the W-streaming models seem somewhat orthogonal: the former needs edges to be assigned colors immediately after insertion, typically without any space restrictions, while the latter limits memory to sublinear in the input size but allows an edge's color to be announced any time after its insertion. We aim for the best of both worlds by designing small-space online algorithms for edge-coloring. We study the problem under both (adversarial) edge arrivals and vertex arrivals. Our results significantly improve upon the memory used by prior online algorithms while achieving an O(1)O(1)-competitive ratio. In particular, for nn-node graphs with maximum vertex-degree Δ\Delta under edge arrivals, we obtain an online O(Δ)O(\Delta)-coloring in O~(nΔ)\tilde{O}(n\sqrt{\Delta}) space. This is also the first W-streaming edge-coloring algorithm for O(Δ)O(\Delta)-coloring in sublinear memory. All prior works either used linear memory or ω(Δ)\omega(\Delta) colors. We also achieve a smooth color-space tradeoff: for any t=O(Δ)t=O(\Delta), we get an O(Δ(logΔ)2t)O(\Delta (\log \Delta)^2 t)-coloring in O~(nΔ/t)\tilde{O}(n\sqrt{\Delta/t}) space, improving upon the state of the art that used O~(nΔ/t)\tilde{O}(n\Delta/t) space for the same number of colors. The improvements stem from extensive use of random permutations that enable us to avoid previously used colors. Most of our algorithms can be derandomized and extended to multigraphs, where edge coloring is known to be considerably harder than for simple graphs.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figur

    When Algorithms for Maximal Independent Set and Maximal Matching Run in Sublinear Time

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    Maximal independent set (MIS), maximal matching (MM), and (Delta+1)-(vertex) coloring in graphs of maximum degree Delta are among the most prominent algorithmic graph theory problems. They are all solvable by a simple linear-time greedy algorithm and up until very recently this constituted the state-of-the-art. In SODA 2019, Assadi, Chen, and Khanna gave a randomized algorithm for (Delta+1)-coloring that runs in O~(n sqrt{n}) time, which even for moderately dense graphs is sublinear in the input size. The work of Assadi et al. however contained a spoiler for MIS and MM: neither problems provably admits a sublinear-time algorithm in general graphs. In this work, we dig deeper into the possibility of achieving sublinear-time algorithms for MIS and MM. The neighborhood independence number of a graph G, denoted by beta(G), is the size of the largest independent set in the neighborhood of any vertex. We identify beta(G) as the "right" parameter to measure the runtime of MIS and MM algorithms: Although graphs of bounded neighborhood independence may be very dense (clique is one example), we prove that carefully chosen variants of greedy algorithms for MIS and MM run in O(n beta(G)) and O(n log{n} * beta(G)) time respectively on any n-vertex graph G. We complement this positive result by observing that a simple extension of the lower bound of Assadi et al. implies that Omega(n beta(G)) time is also necessary for any algorithm to either problem for all values of beta(G) from 1 to Theta(n). We note that our algorithm for MIS is deterministic while for MM we use randomization which we prove is unavoidable: any deterministic algorithm for MM requires Omega(n^2) time even for beta(G) = 2. Graphs with bounded neighborhood independence, already for constant beta = beta(G), constitute a rich family of possibly dense graphs, including line graphs, proper interval graphs, unit-disk graphs, claw-free graphs, and graphs of bounded growth. Our results suggest that even though MIS and MM do not admit sublinear-time algorithms in general graphs, one can still solve both problems in sublinear time for a wide range of beta(G) << n. Finally, by observing that the lower bound of Omega(n sqrt{n}) time for (Delta+1)-coloring due to Assadi et al. applies to graphs of (small) constant neighborhood independence, we unveil an intriguing separation between the time complexity of MIS and MM, and that of (Delta+1)-coloring: while the time complexity of MIS and MM is strictly higher than that of (Delta+1) coloring in general graphs, the exact opposite relation holds for graphs with small neighborhood independence

    Best of Two Local Models: Local Centralized and Local Distributed Algorithms

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    We consider two models of computation: centralized local algorithms and local distributed algorithms. Algorithms in one model are adapted to the other model to obtain improved algorithms. Distributed vertex coloring is employed to design improved centralized local algorithms for: maximal independent set, maximal matching, and an approximation scheme for maximum (weighted) matching over bounded degree graphs. The improvement is threefold: the algorithms are deterministic, stateless, and the number of probes grows polynomially in logn\log^* n, where nn is the number of vertices of the input graph. The recursive centralized local improvement technique by Nguyen and Onak~\cite{onak2008} is employed to obtain an improved distributed approximation scheme for maximum (weighted) matching. The improvement is twofold: we reduce the number of rounds from O(logn)O(\log n) to O(logn)O(\log^*n) for a wide range of instances and, our algorithms are deterministic rather than randomized

    Fast Local Computation Algorithms

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    For input xx, let F(x)F(x) denote the set of outputs that are the "legal" answers for a computational problem FF. Suppose xx and members of F(x)F(x) are so large that there is not time to read them in their entirety. We propose a model of {\em local computation algorithms} which for a given input xx, support queries by a user to values of specified locations yiy_i in a legal output yF(x)y \in F(x). When more than one legal output yy exists for a given xx, the local computation algorithm should output in a way that is consistent with at least one such yy. Local computation algorithms are intended to distill the common features of several concepts that have appeared in various algorithmic subfields, including local distributed computation, local algorithms, locally decodable codes, and local reconstruction. We develop a technique, based on known constructions of small sample spaces of kk-wise independent random variables and Beck's analysis in his algorithmic approach to the Lov{\'{a}}sz Local Lemma, which under certain conditions can be applied to construct local computation algorithms that run in {\em polylogarithmic} time and space. We apply this technique to maximal independent set computations, scheduling radio network broadcasts, hypergraph coloring and satisfying kk-SAT formulas.Comment: A preliminary version of this paper appeared in ICS 2011, pp. 223-23

    Optimal Online Edge Coloring of Planar Graphs with Advice

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    Using the framework of advice complexity, we study the amount of knowledge about the future that an online algorithm needs to color the edges of a graph optimally, i.e., using as few colors as possible. For graphs of maximum degree Δ\Delta, it follows from Vizing's Theorem that O(mlogΔ)O(m\log \Delta) bits of advice suffice to achieve optimality, where mm is the number of edges. We show that for graphs of bounded degeneracy (a class of graphs including e.g. trees and planar graphs), only O(m)O(m) bits of advice are needed to compute an optimal solution online, independently of how large Δ\Delta is. On the other hand, we show that Ω(m)\Omega (m) bits of advice are necessary just to achieve a competitive ratio better than that of the best deterministic online algorithm without advice. Furthermore, we consider algorithms which use a fixed number of advice bits per edge (our algorithm for graphs of bounded degeneracy belongs to this class of algorithms). We show that for bipartite graphs, any such algorithm must use at least Ω(mlogΔ)\Omega(m\log \Delta) bits of advice to achieve optimality.Comment: CIAC 201

    Streaming and Massively Parallel Algorithms for Edge Coloring

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    A valid edge-coloring of a graph is an assignment of "colors" to its edges such that no two incident edges receive the same color. The goal is to find a proper coloring that uses few colors. (Note that the maximum degree, Delta, is a trivial lower bound.) In this paper, we revisit this fundamental problem in two models of computation specific to massive graphs, the Massively Parallel Computations (MPC) model and the Graph Streaming model: - Massively Parallel Computation: We give a randomized MPC algorithm that with high probability returns a Delta+O~(Delta^(3/4)) edge coloring in O(1) rounds using O(n) space per machine and O(m) total space. The space per machine can also be further improved to n^(1-Omega(1)) if Delta = n^Omega(1). Our algorithm improves upon a previous result of Harvey et al. [SPAA 2018]. - Graph Streaming: Since the output of edge-coloring is as large as its input, we consider a standard variant of the streaming model where the output is also reported in a streaming fashion. The main challenge is that the algorithm cannot "remember" all the reported edge colors, yet has to output a proper edge coloring using few colors. We give a one-pass O~(n)-space streaming algorithm that always returns a valid coloring and uses 5.44 Delta colors with high probability if the edges arrive in a random order. For adversarial order streams, we give another one-pass O~(n)-space algorithm that requires O(Delta^2) colors

    Local Conflict Coloring

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    Locally finding a solution to symmetry-breaking tasks such as vertex-coloring, edge-coloring, maximal matching, maximal independent set, etc., is a long-standing challenge in distributed network computing. More recently, it has also become a challenge in the framework of centralized local computation. We introduce conflict coloring as a general symmetry-breaking task that includes all the aforementioned tasks as specific instantiations --- conflict coloring includes all locally checkable labeling tasks from [Naor\&Stockmeyer, STOC 1993]. Conflict coloring is characterized by two parameters ll and dd, where the former measures the amount of freedom given to the nodes for selecting their colors, and the latter measures the number of constraints which colors of adjacent nodes are subject to.We show that, in the standard LOCAL model for distributed network computing, if l/d \textgreater{} \Delta, then conflict coloring can be solved in O~(Δ)+logn\tilde O(\sqrt{\Delta})+\log^*n rounds in nn-node graphs with maximum degree Δ\Delta, where O~\tilde O ignores the polylog factors in Δ\Delta. The dependency in~nn is optimal, as a consequence of the Ω(logn)\Omega(\log^*n) lower bound by [Linial, SIAM J. Comp. 1992] for (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring. An important special case of our result is a significant improvement over the best known algorithm for distributed (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-coloring due to [Barenboim, PODC 2015], which required O~(Δ3/4)+logn\tilde O(\Delta^{3/4})+\log^*n rounds. Improvements for other variants of coloring, including (Δ+1)(\Delta+1)-list-coloring, (2Δ1)(2\Delta-1)-edge-coloring, TT-coloring, etc., also follow from our general result on conflict coloring. Likewise, in the framework of centralized local computation algorithms (LCAs), our general result yields an LCA which requires a smaller number of probes than the previously best known algorithm for vertex-coloring, and works for a wide range of coloring problems

    Polynomial expansion and sublinear separators

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    Let C\mathcal{C} be a class of graphs that is closed under taking subgraphs. We prove that if for some fixed 0<δ10<\delta\le 1, every nn-vertex graph of C\mathcal{C} has a balanced separator of order O(n1δ)O(n^{1-\delta}), then any depth-kk minor (i.e. minor obtained by contracting disjoint subgraphs of radius at most kk) of a graph in C\mathcal{C} has average degree O((k polylog k)1/δ)O\big((k \text{ polylog }k)^{1/\delta}\big). This confirms a conjecture of Dvo\v{r}\'ak and Norin.Comment: 6 pages, no figur