462,687 research outputs found

    EBSLG Annual General Conference, 18. - 21.05.2010, Cologne. Selected papers

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    Am 18.-21. Mai 2010 fand in der UniversitĂ€ts- und Stadtbibliothek (USB) Köln die „Annual General Conference“ der European Business Schools Librarians Group (EBSLG) statt. Die EBSLG ist eine relativ kleine, aber exklusive Gruppe von Bibliotheksdirektorinnen und –direktoren bzw. Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekaren in Leitungspositionen aus den Bibliotheken fĂŒhrender Business Schools. Im Mittelpunkt der Tagung standen zwei Themenschwerpunkte: Der erste Themenkreis beschĂ€ftigte sich mit Bibliotheksportalen und bibliothekarischen Suchmaschinen. Der zweite Themenschwerpunkt Fragen der Bibliotheksorganisation wie die Aufbauorganisation einer Bibliothek, Outsourcing und Relationship Management. Der vorliegende Tagungsband enthĂ€lt ausgewĂ€hlte TagungsbeitrĂ€ge

    Designing IS service strategy: an information acceleration approach

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    Information technology-based innovation involves considerable risk that requires insight and foresight. Yet, our understanding of how managers develop the insight to support new breakthrough applications is limited and remains obscured by high levels of technical and market uncertainty. This paper applies a new experimental method based on “discrete choice analysis” and “information acceleration” to directly examine how decisions are made in a way that is behaviourally sound. The method is highly applicable to information systems researchers because it provides relative importance measures on a common scale, greater control over alternate explanations and stronger evidence of causality. The practical implications are that information acceleration reduces the levels of uncertainty and generates a more accurate rationale for IS service strategy decisions

    Computational support for early stage architectural design

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    The concepts underlying 'scenario-based' design are introduced. From the analysis of a number of struc-tured interviews with practicing designers, key design scenarios are identified. These scenarios are then generalised and outline guidelines developed for structuring early stage design

    Strategy Constancy Amidst Implementation Differences: Interaction-Intensive Versus Memory-Intensive Adaptations To Information Access In Decision-Making

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    Over the last two decades attempts to quantify decision-making have established that, under a wide range of conditions, people trade-off effectiveness for efficiency in the strategies they adopt. However, as interesting, significant, and influential as this research has been, its scope is limited by three factors; the coarseness of how effort was measured, the confounding of the costs of steps in the decision-making algorithm with the costs of steps in a given task environment, and the static nature of the decision tasks studied. In the current study, we embedded a decision-making task in a dynamic task environment and varied the cost required for the information access step. Across three conditions, small changes in the cost of interactive behavior led to changes in the strategy adopted for decision-making as well as to differences in how a step in the same strategy was implemented

    An aesthetic for sustainable interactions in Product-Service Systems?

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    Copyright @ 2014 Greenleaf Publishing.Eco-efficient Product-Service Systems (PSS, in which the economic interest of the stakeholders involved in the offer continuously foster the optimisation of environmental resource consumption) represent a promising approach to sustainability. However, despite their potential win–win characteristics, the application of this concept is still limited. One key reason is that eco-efficient PSSs are often radical innovations and their adoption usually challenges existing customers’ habits (cultural barriers), companies’ organisations (corporate barriers), and regulative framework (regulative barriers). Starting from these considerations this chapter first investigates the barriers that affect the attractiveness and acceptance of eco-efficient PSS alternatives. A debate is then opened on the aesthetics of eco-efficient PSSs and the way in which aesthetics could enhance specific inner qualities of eco-efficient PSSs, i.e. facilitating and enhancing their wider diffusion. Through the analysis of several case studies, and integrating insights from semiotics, the chapter then outlines several research hypotheses on how the aesthetic elements of an eco-efficient PSS could facilitate user attraction, acceptance and satisfaction

    The Decision to Reactivate a First-Generation Soviet Nuclear Power Plant: Conceptual and Decision-Analytic Frameworks

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    Explores a variety of factors that led to reopening the Armenian Metsamor facility notwithstanding general agreement that this is unwarranted technologically

    NH DES Site Specific Program Policy Alternatives

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    In New Hampshire, the Department of Environmental Services’ (NH DES) Site Specific Program, which enforces Administrative Rule Env-Ws 415 pursuant to RSA 485, is the primary mechanism for regulating stormwater runoff from development sites to surface waters. Rule Env-Ws 415 expires June 30, 2004. Although Program staff will recommend renewing the current Rule to continue regulatory authority over the short term, NH DES has also expressed an intention to organize a committee that will renew and revise Env-Ws 415 during the course of 2004 and 2005. The purpose of this report is to provide NH DES with applicable stormwater management policy alternatives for consideration during the revision of Env-Ws 415 and the Site Specific Program. When approached for suggestions on how the NHEP could assist NH DES staff with the Rule revision process, NH DES requested assistance with identifying consistently referenced and credible citations for best management practice recommendations, particularly those that promote infiltration, in other states. A list of references cited by best management practices manuals is included as an appendix to this paper
