96 research outputs found

    Generalized Debye Sources Based EFIE Solver on Subdivision Surfaces

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    The electric field integral equation is a well known workhorse for obtaining fields scattered by a perfect electric conducting (PEC) object. As a result, the nuances and challenges of solving this equation have been examined for a while. Two recent papers motivate the effort presented in this paper. Unlike traditional work that uses equivalent currents defined on surfaces, recent research proposes a technique that results in well conditioned systems by employing generalized Debye sources (GDS) as unknowns. In a complementary effort, some of us developed a method that exploits the same representation for both the geometry (subdivision surface representations) and functions defined on the geometry, also known as isogeometric analysis (IGA). The challenge in generalizing GDS method to a discretized geometry is the complexity of the intermediate operators. However, thanks to our earlier work on subdivision surfaces, the additional smoothness of geometric representation permits discretizing these intermediate operations. In this paper, we employ both ideas to present a well conditioned GDS-EFIE. Here, the intermediate surface Laplacian is well discretized by using subdivision basis. Likewise, using subdivision basis to represent the sources, results in an efficient and accurate IGA framework. Numerous results are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the approach

    Iso-geometric Integral Equation Solvers and their Compression via Manifold Harmonics

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    The state of art of electromagnetic integral equations has seen significant growth over the past few decades, overcoming some of the fundamental bottlenecks: computational complexity, low frequency and dense discretization breakdown, preconditioning, and so on. Likewise, the community has seen extensive investment in development of methods for higher order analysis, in both geometry and physics. Unfortunately, these standard geometric descriptors are C0C^0 at the boundary between patches with a few exceptions; as a result, one needs to define additional mathematical infrastructure to define physical basis sets for vector problems. In stark contrast, the geometric representation used for design is higher-order differentiable over the entire surface. Geometric descriptions that have C2C^{2}-continuity almost everywhere on the surfaces are common in computer graphics. Using these description for analysis opens the door to several possibilities, and is the area we explore in this paper. Our focus is on Loop subdivision based isogeometric methods. In this paper, our goals are two fold: (i) development of computational infrastructure necessary to effect efficient methods for isogeometric analysis of electrically large simply connected objects, and (ii) to introduce the notion of manifold harmonics transforms and its utility in computational electromagnetics. Several results highlighting the efficacy of these two methods are presented

    Isogeometric Boundary Elements in Electromagnetism: Rigorous Analysis, Fast Methods, and Examples

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    We present a new approach to three-dimensional electromagnetic scattering problems via fast isogeometric boundary element methods. Starting with an investigation of the theoretical setting around the electric field integral equation within the isogeometric framework, we show existence, uniqueness, and quasi-optimality of the isogeometric approach. For a fast and efficient computation, we then introduce and analyze an interpolation-based fast multipole method tailored to the isogeometric setting, which admits competitive algorithmic and complexity properties. This is followed by a series of numerical examples of industrial scope, together with a detailed presentation and interpretation of the results

    An isogeometric boundary element method for electromagnetic scattering with compatible B-spline discretizations

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    We outline the construction of compatible B-splines on 3D surfaces that satisfy the continuity requirements for electromagnetic scattering analysis with the boundary element method (method of moments). Our approach makes use of Non-Uniform Rational B-splines to represent model geometry and compatible B-splines to approximate the surface current, and adopts the isogeometric concept in which the basis for analysis is taken directly from CAD (geometry) data. The approach allows for high-order approximations and crucially provides a direct link with CAD data structures that allows for efficient design workflows. After outlining the construction of div- and curl-conforming B-splines defined over 3D surfaces we describe their use with the electric and magnetic field integral equations using a Galerkin formulation. We use Bézier extraction to accelerate the computation of NURBS and B-spline terms and employ H-matrices to provide accelerated computations and memory reduction for the dense matrices that result from the boundary integral discretization. The method is verified using the well known Mie scattering problem posed over a perfectly electrically conducting sphere and the classic NASA almond problem. Finally, we demonstrate the ability of the approach to handle models with complex geometry directly from CAD without mesh generation

    Advanced Numerical Modelling of Discontinuities in Coupled Boundary ValueProblems

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    Industrial development processes as well as research in physics, materials and engineering science rely on computer modelling and simulation techniques today. With increasing computer power, computations are carried out on multiple scales and involve the analysis of coupled problems. In this work, continuum modelling is therefore applied at different scales in order to facilitate a prediction of the effective material or structural behaviour based on the local morphology and the properties of the individual constituents. This provides valueable insight into the structure-property relations which are of interest for any design process. In order to obtain reasonable predictions for the effective behaviour, numerical models which capture the essential fine scale features are required. In this context, the efficient representation of discontinuities as they arise at, e.g. material interfaces or cracks, becomes more important than in purely phenomenological macroscopic approaches. In this work, two different approaches to the modelling of discontinuities are discussed: (i) a sharp interface representation which requires the localisation of interfaces by the mesh topology. Since many interesting macroscopic phenomena are related to the temporal evolution of certain microscopic features, (ii) diffuse interface models which regularise the interface in terms of an additional field variable and therefore avoid topological mesh updates are considered as an alternative. With the two combinations (i) Extended Finite Elemente Method (XFEM) + sharp interface model, and (ii) Isogeometric Analysis (IGA) + diffuse interface model, two fundamentally different approaches to the modelling of discontinuities are investigated in this work. XFEM reduces the continuity of the approximation by introducing suitable enrichment functions according to the discontinuity to be modelled. Instead, diffuse models regularise the interface which in many cases requires even an increased continuity that is provided by the spline-based approximation. To further increase the efficiency of isogeometric discretisations of diffuse interfaces, adaptive mesh refinement and coarsening techniques based on hierarchical splines are presented. The adaptive meshes are found to reduce the number of degrees of freedom required for a certain accuracy of the approximation significantly. Selected discretisation techniques are applied to solve a coupled magneto-mechanical problem for particulate microstructures of Magnetorheological Elastomers (MRE). In combination with a computational homogenisation approach, these microscopic models allow for the prediction of the effective coupled magneto-mechanical response of MRE. Moreover, finite element models of generic MRE microstructures are coupled with a BEM domain that represents the surrounding free space in order to take into account finite sample geometries. The macroscopic behaviour is analysed in terms of actuation stresses, magnetostrictive deformations, and magnetorheological effects. The results obtained for different microstructures and various loadings have been found to be in qualitative agreement with experiments on MRE as well as analytical results.Industrielle Entwicklungsprozesse und die Forschung in Physik, Material- und Ingenieurwissenschaft greifen in einem immer stärkeren Umfang auf rechnergestützte Modellierungs- und Simulationsverfahren zurück. Die ständig steigende Rechenleistung ermöglicht dabei auch die Analyse mehrskaliger und gekoppelter Probleme. In dieser Arbeit kommt daher ein kontinuumsmechanischer Modellierungsansatz auf verschiedenen Skalen zum Einsatz. Das Ziel der Berechnungen ist dabei die Vorhersage des effektiven Material- bzw. Strukturverhaltens auf der Grundlage der lokalen Werkstoffstruktur und der Eigenschafen der konstitutiven Bestandteile. Derartige Simulationen liefern interessante Aussagen zu den Struktur-Eigenschaftsbeziehungen, deren Verständnis entscheidend für das Material- und Strukturdesign ist. Um aussagekräftige Vorhersagen des effektiven Verhaltens zu erhalten, sind numerische Modelle erforderlich, die wesentliche Eigenschaften der lokalen Materialstruktur abbilden. Dabei kommt der effizienten Modellierung von Diskontinuitäten, beispielsweise Materialgrenzen oder Rissen, eine deutlich größere Bedeutung zu als bei einer makroskopischen Betrachtung. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zwei unterschiedliche Modellierungsansätze für Unstetigkeiten diskutiert: (i) eine scharfe Abbildung, die üblicherweise konforme Berechnungsnetze erfordert. Da eine Evolution der Mikrostruktur bei einer derartigen Modellierung eine Topologieänderung bzw. eine aufwendige Neuvernetzung nach sich zieht, werden alternativ (ii) diffuse Modelle, die eine zusätzliche Feldvariable zur Regularisierung der Grenzfläche verwenden, betrachtet. Mit der Kombination von (i) Erweiterter Finite-Elemente-Methode (XFEM) + scharfem Grenzflächenmodell sowie (ii) Isogeometrischer Analyse (IGA) + diffuser Grenzflächenmodellierung werden in der vorliegenden Arbeit zwei fundamental verschiedene Zugänge zur Modellierung von Unstetigkeiten betrachtet. Bei der Diskretisierung mit XFEM wird die Kontinuität der Approximation durch eine Anreicherung der Ansatzfunktionen gemäß der abzubildenden Unstetigkeit reduziert. Demgegenüber erfolgt bei einer diffusen Grenzflächenmodellierung eine Regularisierung. Die dazu erforderliche zusätzliche Feldvariable führt oft zu Feldgleichungen mit partiellen Ableitungen höherer Ordnung und weist in ihrem Verlauf starke Gradienten auf. Die daraus resultierenden Anforderungen an den Ansatz werden durch eine Spline-basierte Approximation erfüllt. Um die Effizienz dieser isogeometrischen Diskretisierung weiter zu erhöhen, werden auf der Grundlage hierarchischer Splines adaptive Verfeinerungs- und Vergröberungstechniken entwickelt. Ausgewählte Diskretisierungsverfahren werden zur mehrskaligen Modellierung des gekoppelten magnetomechanischen Verhaltens von Magnetorheologischen Elastomeren (MRE) angewendet. In Kombination mit numerischen Homogenisierungsverfahren, ermöglichen die Mikrostrukturmodelle eine Vorhersage des effektiven magnetomechanischen Verhaltens von MRE. Außerderm wurden Verfahren zur Kopplung von FE-Modellen der MRE-Mikrostruktur mit einem Randelement-Modell der Umgebung vorgestellt. Mit Hilfe der entwickelten Verfahren kann das Verhalten von MRE in Form von Aktuatorspannungen, magnetostriktiven Deformationen und magnetischen Steifigkeitsänderungen vorhergesagt werden. Im Gegensatz zu zahlreichen anderen Modellierungsansätzen, stimmen die mit den hier vorgestellten Methoden für unterschiedliche Mikrostrukturen erzielten Vorhersagen sowohl mit analytischen als auch experimentellen Ergebnissen überein

    Mathematical and computational modeling of flexoelectricity

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    We first revisit the mathematical modeling of the flexoelectric effect in the context of continuum mechanics at infinitesimal deformations. We establish and clarify the relation between the different formulations, point out theoretical and numerical issues related to the resulting boundary value problems, and present the natural extension to finite deformations. We then present a simple B-spline based computational technique to numerically solve the associated boundary value problems, which can be extended to handle unfitted meshes, hence allowing for arbitrarily-shaped geometries. Several numerical examples illustrate the flexoelectric effect in simple benchmark setups, as well as in new flexoelectric devices and metamaterials engineered for sensing or actuation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Isogeometric analysis of nonlinear eddy current problems

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