308 research outputs found

    Eilenberg theorems for many-sorted formations

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    A theorem of Eilenberg establishes that there exists a bijection between the set of all varieties of regular languages and the set of all varieties of finite monoids. In this article after defining, for a fixed set of sorts SS and a fixed SS-sorted signature Σ\Sigma, the concepts of formation of congruences with respect to Σ\Sigma and of formation of Σ\Sigma-algebras, we prove that the algebraic lattices of all Σ\Sigma-congruence formations and of all Σ\Sigma-algebra formations are isomorphic, which is an Eilenberg's type theorem. Moreover, under a suitable condition on the free Σ\Sigma-algebras and after defining the concepts of formation of congruences of finite index with respect to Σ\Sigma, of formation of finite Σ\Sigma-algebras, and of formation of regular languages with respect to Σ\Sigma, we prove that the algebraic lattices of all Σ\Sigma-finite index congruence formations, of all Σ\Sigma-finite algebra formations, and of all Σ\Sigma-regular language formations are isomorphic, which is also an Eilenberg's type theorem.Comment: 46 page

    Relational Galois connections between transitive fuzzy digraphs

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    Fuzzy-directed graphs are often chosen as the data structure to model and implement solutions to several problems in the applied sciences. Galois connections have also shown to be useful both in theoretical and in practical problems. In this paper, the notion of relational Galois connection is extended to be applied between transitive fuzzy directed graphs. In this framework, the components of the connection are crisp relations satisfying certain reasonable properties given in terms of the so-called full powering

    On tractability and congruence distributivity

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    Constraint languages that arise from finite algebras have recently been the object of study, especially in connection with the Dichotomy Conjecture of Feder and Vardi. An important class of algebras are those that generate congruence distributive varieties and included among this class are lattices, and more generally, those algebras that have near-unanimity term operations. An algebra will generate a congruence distributive variety if and only if it has a sequence of ternary term operations, called Jonsson terms, that satisfy certain equations. We prove that constraint languages consisting of relations that are invariant under a short sequence of Jonsson terms are tractable by showing that such languages have bounded relational width

    Linear representations of regular rings and complemented modular lattices with involution

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    Faithful representations of regular ∗\ast-rings and modular complemented lattices with involution within orthosymmetric sesquilinear spaces are studied within the framework of Universal Algebra. In particular, the correspondence between classes of spaces and classes of representables is analyzed; for a class of spaces which is closed under ultraproducts and non-degenerate finite dimensional subspaces, the latter are shown to be closed under complemented [regular] subalgebras, homomorphic images, and ultraproducts and being generated by those members which are associated with finite dimensional spaces. Under natural restrictions, this is refined to a 11-11-correspondence between the two types of classes
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