18 research outputs found

    Fully residually free pro-p groups

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    AbstractWe prove that the pro-p completion of the orientable surface group of genus d is residually free pro-p if d is even or p=2. The case when p≠2, odd d>1 is still open

    On the finite presentation of subdirect products and the nature of residually free groups

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    We establish {\em{virtual surjection to pairs}} (VSP) as a general criterion for the finite presentability of subdirect products of groups: if Γ1,...,Γn\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_n are finitely presented and S<Γ1×...×ΓnS<\Gamma_1\times...\times\Gamma_n projects to a subgroup of finite index in each Γi×Γj\Gamma_i\times\Gamma_j, then SS is finitely presentable, indeed there is an algorithm that will construct a finite presentation for SS. We use the VSP criterion to characterise the finitely presented residually free groups. We prove that the class of such groups is recursively enumerable. We describe an algorithm that, given a finite presentation of a residually free group, constructs a canonical embedding into a direct product of finitely many limit groups. We solve the (multiple) conjugacy problem and membership problem for finitely presentable subgroups of residually free groups. We also prove that there is an algorithm that, given a finite generating set for such a subgroup, will construct a finite presentation. New families of subdirect products of free groups are constructed, including the first examples of finitely presented subgroups that are neither FP{\rm{FP}}_\infty nor of Stallings-Bieri typeComment: 44 pages. To appear in American Journal of Mathematics. This is a substantial rewrite of our previous Arxiv article 0809.3704, taking into account subsequent developments, advice of colleagues and referee's comment

    On the profinite rigidity of free and surface groups

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    Let SS be a finitely generated free or surface group. We establish a Tits alternative for groups in the finite, soluble and pp-genus of SS. This generalises (and gives a new proof of) the analogous result of Baumslag for parafree groups. Then we study applications to profinite rigidity. A well-known question of Remeslennikov asks whether a finitely generated residually finite GG with profinite completion G^S^\widehat G\cong \widehat S is necessarily GSG\cong S. We give a positive answer when GG belongs to a class of groups Hab\mathcal{H}_{ab} that has a finite abelian hierarchy starting with finitely generated residually free groups. This strengthens previous results of Bridson, Corner, Reid and Wilton. Then we show that one-relator groups in the genus of SS are hyperbolic and virtually special. Lastly, we prove that S×ZnS\times {\mathbb Z}^n is profinitely rigid within finitely generated residually free groups.Comment: 35 page

    Propriedades homológicas de finitude

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    Orientador: Dessislava Hristova KochloukovaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matemática Estatística e Computação CientíficaResumo: Consideramos problemas nas teorias de grupos discretos, álgebras de Lie e grupos pro-p. Apresentamos resultados relacionados sobretudo a propriedades homológicas de finitude de tais estruturas algébricas. Primeiramente, discutimos Sigma-invariantes de produtos entrelaçados de grupos discretos. Descrevemos completamente o invariante Sigma1, relacionado à herança por subgrupos da propriedade de ser finitamente gerado, e descrevemos parcialmente o invariante Sigma2, relacionado à herança por subgrupos da propriedade de admitir uma apresentação finita. Aplicamos tais resultados ao estudo de números de Reidemeister de isomorfismos de certos produtos entrelaçados. Na sequência definimos e estudamos uma versão da construção de comutatividade fraca de Sidki na categoria de álgebras de Lie sobre um corpo de característica diferente de dois. Tal construção pode ser vista como um funtor que recebe uma álgebra de Lie g e retorna um certo quociente chi(g) da soma livre de duas cópias isomorfas de g. Demonstramos resultados sobre a preservação de certas propriedades algébricas por tal funtor e mostramos que o multiplicador de Schur de g é um subquociente de chi(g). Mostramos em particular que, para uma álgebra de Lie livre g de posto ao menos três, chi(g) é finitamente apresentável mas não é de tipo FP3 , e tem dimensão cohomológica infinita. Por fim, consideramos também uma versão da construção de comutatividade fraca na categoria de grupos pro-p para um número primo fixado p. Mostramos que tal construção também preserva diversas propriedades algébricas, como ocorre nos casos de grupos discretos e álgebras de Lie. Para tanto estudamos também produtos subdiretos de grupos pro-p; em particular demonstramos uma versão do Teorema (n ? 1) ? n ? (n + 1)Abstract: We consider problems in the theories of discrete groups, Lie algebras, and pro-p groups. We present results related mainly to homological finiteness properties of such algebraic structures. First, we discuss Sigma-invariants of wreath products of discrete groups. We give a complete description of the Sigma1-invariant, which is related to the inheritance of the property of being finitely generated by subgroups. We also describe partially the invariant Sigma2, which is related to the inheritance of finite presentability by subgroups. We apply such results in the study of Reidemeister numbers of isomorphisms of certain wreath products. Then we define and study a version of Sidki¿s weak commutativity construction in the category of Lie algebras over a field whose characteristic is not two. Such construction can be seen as a functor that receives a Lie algebra g and returns a certain quotient chi(g) of the free sum of two isomorphic copies of g. We prove some results on the preservation of certain algebraic properties by this functor, and we show that the Schur multiplier of g is a subquotient of chi(g). We show in particular that, for a free Lie algebra g with at least three free generators, chi(g) is finitely presentable but not of type FP3 , and has infinite cohomological dimension. Finally, we also consider a version of the weak commutativity construction in the category of pro-p groups for a fixed prime number p. We show that such construction also preserves several algebraic properties, as occurs in the cases of discrete groups and Lie algebras. To this end, we also study subdirect products of pro-p groups. In particular we prove a version of the (n ? 1) ? n ? (n + 1) TheoremDoutoradoMatematicaDoutor em Matemática2015/22064-6; 2016/24778-9FAPES