9 research outputs found

    Statistical Maintenance Time Estimation Based on Stochastic Differential Equation Models in OSS Development Project

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    At present, the method of earned value management is often applied to the actual software projects in various IT companies. Also, open source software (OSS) are used under the various situations, because the OSS are useful for many users to make a cost reduction, standardization of systems, and quick delivery. Many OSS are developed under the peculiar development style known as bazaar method. According to the bazaar method, many faults are detected and fixed by developers around the world, and the fixed result will be reflected in the next release. In this paper, we discuss an OSS effort estimation model by using a conventional stochastic differential equation model. Moreover, we propose an optimal maintenance problem based on the proposed effort estimation model. Then, we discuss the optimal maintenance problem minimizing the maintenance effort and satisfying the earned value requirement, simultaneously. In addition, we also propose a method of judging whether the optimal maintenance time is an appropriate time from the viewpoint of the transition probability distribution of the cumulative number of maintenance effort, because proper management of maintenance effort affects software quality. Furthermore, several numerical examples of optimal maintenance time problem with earned value requirement are shown by using the effort data under actual OSS projec

    Software Development Analytics in Practice: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Context:Software Development Analytics is a research area concerned with providing insights to improve product deliveries and processes. Many types of studies, data sources and mining methods have been used for that purpose. Objective:This systematic literature review aims at providing an aggregate view of the relevant studies on Software Development Analytics in the past decade (2010-2019), with an emphasis on its application in practical settings. Method:Definition and execution of a search string upon several digital libraries, followed by a quality assessment criteria to identify the most relevant papers. On those, we extracted a set of characteristics (study type, data source, study perspective, development life-cycle activities covered, stakeholders, mining methods, and analytics scope) and classified their impact against a taxonomy. Results:Source code repositories, experimental case studies, and developers are the most common data sources, study types, and stakeholders, respectively. Product and project managers are also often present, but less than expected. Mining methods are evolving rapidly and that is reflected in the long list identified. Descriptive statistics are the most usual method followed by correlation analysis. Being software development an important process in every organization, it was unexpected to find that process mining was present in only one study. Most contributions to the software development life cycle were given in the quality dimension. Time management and costs control were lightly debated. The analysis of security aspects suggests it is an increasing topic of concern for practitioners. Risk management contributions are scarce. Conclusions:There is a wide improvement margin for software development analytics in practice. For instance, mining and analyzing the activities performed by software developers in their actual workbench, the IDE

    Use and misuse of the term "Experiment" in mining software repositories research

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    The significant momentum and importance of Mining Software Repositories (MSR) in Software Engineering (SE) has fostered new opportunities and challenges for extensive empirical research. However, MSR researchers seem to struggle to characterize the empirical methods they use into the existing empirical SE body of knowledge. This is especially the case of MSR experiments. To provide evidence on the special characteristics of MSR experiments and their differences with experiments traditionally acknowledged in SE so far, we elicited the hallmarks that differentiate an experiment from other types of empirical studies and characterized the hallmarks and types of experiments in MSR. We analyzed MSR literature obtained from a small-scale systematic mapping study to assess the use of the term experiment in MSR. We found that 19% of the papers claiming to be an experiment are indeed not an experiment at all but also observational studies, so they use the term in a misleading way. From the remaining 81% of the papers, only one of them refers to a genuine controlled experiment while the others stand for experiments with limited control. MSR researchers tend to overlook such limitations, compromising the interpretation of the results of their studies. We provide recommendations and insights to support the improvement of MSR experiments.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish project: MCI PID2020-117191RB-I00.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Systematic Mapping Study of Empirical Studies Performed with Collections of Software Projects

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    Contexto: los proyectos software son insumos comunes en los experimentos de la Ingeniería del Software, aunque estos muchas veces sean seleccionados sin seguir una estrategia específica, lo cual disminuye la representatividad y replicación de los resultados. Una opción es el uso de colecciones preservadas de proyectos software, pero estas deben ser vigentes y con reglas explícitas que aseguren su actualización a lo largo del tiempo. Objetivo: realizar un estudio secundario sistematizado sobre las estrategias de selección de los proyectos software en estudios empíricos para conocer las reglas tenidas en cuenta, el grado de uso de colecciones de proyectos, los metadatos extraídos y los análisis estadísticos posteriores realizados. Método: se utilizó un mapeo sistemático para identificar estudios publicados desde enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2020. Resultados: se identificaron 122 estudios de los cuales el 72% utilizó reglas propias para la selección de proyectos y un 27% usó colecciones de proyectos existentes. Asimismo, no se encontraron evidencias de un marco estandarizado para la selección de proyectos, ni la aplicación de métodos estadísticos que se relacionen con la estrategia de recolección de las muestras.Context: software projects are commonresources in Software Engineering experiments,although these are often selected without following a specific strategy, which reduces the representativeness and replication of the results. An option is the use of preserved collections of software projects, but these must be current, with explicit guidelines that guarante etheir updating over a long period of time. Goal: to carry out a systematic secondary study about the strategies to select software projects in empirical studies to discover the guidelines taken into account, the degree of use of project collections, the meta-data extracted and the subsequent statistical analysis conducted. Method: A systematic mapping study to identify studies published from January 2013 to December 2020. Results: 122 studies were identified, of which the 72% used their own guidelines for project selection and the 27% used existent project collections. Likewise, there was no evidence of a standardized framework for the project selection process, nor the application of statistical methods that relates with the sample collection strategy.Fil: Carruthers, Juan Andrés. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Cs.exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Informatica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Diaz Pace, Jorge Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Irrazábal, Emanuel Agustín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Cs.exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Informatica; Argentin

    A Systematic Mapping Study of Empirical Studies Performed with Collections of Software Projects

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    Contexto: los proyectos software son insumos comunes en los experimentos de la Ingeniería del Software, aunque estos muchas veces sean seleccionados sin seguir una estrategia específica, lo cual disminuye la representatividad y replicación de los resultados. Una opción es el uso de colecciones preservadas de proyectos software, pero estas deben ser vigentes y con reglas explícitas que aseguren su actualización a lo largo del tiempo. Objetivo: realizar un estudio secundario sistematizado sobre las estrategias de selección de los proyectos software en estudios empíricos para conocer las reglas tenidas en cuenta, el grado de uso de colecciones de proyectos, los metadatos extraídos y los análisis estadísticos posteriores realizados. Método: se utilizó un mapeo sistemático para identificar estudios publicados desde enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2020. Resultados: se identificaron 122 estudios de los cuales el 72% utilizó reglas propias para la selección de proyectos y un 27% usó colecciones de proyectos existentes. Asimismo, no se encontraron evidencias de un marco estandarizado para la selección de proyectos, ni la aplicación de métodos estadísticos que se relacionen con la estrategia de recolección de las muestras.Context: software projects are commonresources in Software Engineering experiments,although these are often selected without following a specific strategy, which reduces the representativeness and replication of the results. An option is the use of preserved collections of software projects, but these must be current, with explicit guidelines that guarante etheir updating over a long period of time. Goal: to carry out a systematic secondary study about the strategies to select software projects in empirical studies to discover the guidelines taken into account, the degree of use of project collections, the meta-data extracted and the subsequent statistical analysis conducted. Method: A systematic mapping study to identify studies published from January 2013 to December 2020. Results: 122 studies were identified, of which the 72% used their own guidelines for project selection and the 27% used existent project collections. Likewise, there was no evidence of a standardized framework for the project selection process, nor the application of statistical methods that relates with the sample collection strategy.Fil: Carruthers, Juan Andrés. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Cs.exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Informatica; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Diaz Pace, Jorge Andres. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tandil. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software. Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Instituto Superior de Ingeniería del Software; ArgentinaFil: Irrazábal, Emanuel Agustín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Cs.exactas Naturales y Agrimensura. Departamento de Informatica; Argentin

    Machine Learning And Deep Learning Based Approaches For Detecting Duplicate Bug Reports With Stack Traces

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    Many large software systems rely on bug tracking systems to record the submitted bug reports and to track and manage bugs. Handling bug reports is known to be a challenging task, especially in software organizations with a large client base, which tend to receive a considerable large number of bug reports a day. Fortunately, not all reported bugs are new; many are similar or identical to previously reported bugs, also called duplicate bug reports. Automatic detection of duplicate bug reports is an important research topic to help reduce the time and effort spent by triaging and development teams on sorting and fixing bugs. This explains the recent increase in attention to this topic as evidenced by the number of tools and algorithms that have been proposed in academia and industry. The objective is to automatically detect duplicate bug reports as soon as they arrive into the system. To do so, existing techniques rely heavily on the nature of bug report data they operate on. This includes both structural information such as OS, product version, time and date of the crash, and stack traces, as well as unstructured information such as bug report summaries and descriptions written in natural language by end users and developers

    Software development process mining: discovery, conformance checking and enhancement

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    Context. Modern software projects require the proper allocation of human, technical and financial resources. Very often, project managers make decisions supported only by their personal experience, intuition or simply by mirroring activities performed by others in similar contexts. Most attempts to avoid such practices use models based on lines of code, cyclomatic complexity or effort estimators, thus commonly supported by software repositories which are known to contain several flaws. Objective. Demonstrate the usefulness of process data and mining methods to enhance the software development practices, by assessing efficiency and unveil unknown process insights, thus contributing to the creation of novel models within the software development analytics realm. Method. We mined the development process fragments of multiple developers in three different scenarios by collecting Integrated Development Environment (IDE) events during their development sessions. Furthermore, we used process and text mining to discovery developers’ workflows and their fingerprints, respectively. Results. We discovered and modeled with good quality developers’ processes during programming sessions based on events extracted from their IDEs. We unveiled insights from coding practices in distinct refactoring tasks, built accurate software complexity forecast models based only on process metrics and setup a method for characterizing coherently developers’ behaviors. The latter may ultimately lead to the creation of a catalog of software development process smells. Conclusions. Our approach is agnostic to programming languages, geographic location or development practices, making it suitable for challenging contexts such as in modern global software development projects using either traditional IDEs or sophisticated low/no code platforms.Contexto. Projetos de software modernos requerem a correta alocação de recursos humanos, técnicos e financeiros. Frequentemente, os gestores de projeto tomam decisões suportadas apenas na sua própria experiência, intuição ou simplesmente espelhando atividades executadas por terceiros em contextos similares. As tentativas para evitar tais práticas baseiam-se em modelos que usam linhas de código, a complexidade ciclomática ou em estimativas de esforço, sendo estes tradicionalmente suportados por repositórios de software conhecidos por conterem várias limitações. Objetivo. Demonstrar a utilidade dos dados de processo e respetivos métodos de análise na melhoria das práticas de desenvolvimento de software, colocando o foco na análise da eficiência e revelando aspetos dos processos até então desconhecidos, contribuindo para a criação de novos modelos no contexto de análises avançadas para o desenvolvimento de software. Método. Explorámos os fragmentos de processo de vários programadores em três cenários diferentes, recolhendo eventos durante as suas sessões de desenvolvimento no IDE. Adicionalmente, usámos métodos de descoberta e análise de processos e texto no sentido de modelar o fluxo de trabalho dos programadores e as suas características individuais, respetivamente. Resultados. Descobrimos e modelámos com boa qualidade os processos dos programadores durante as suas sessões de trabalho, usando eventos provenientes dos seus IDEs. Revelámos factos desconhecidos sobre práticas de refabricação, construímos modelos de previsão da complexidade ciclomática usando apenas métricas de processo e criámos um método para caracterizar coerentemente os comportamentos dos programadores. Este último, pode levar à criação de um catálogo de boas/más práticas no processo de desenvolvimento de software. Conclusões. A nossa abordagem é agnóstica em termos de linguagens de programação, localização geográfica ou prática de desenvolvimento, tornando-a aplicável em contextos complexos tal como em projetos modernos de desenvolvimento global que utilizam tanto os IDEs tradicionais como as atuais e sofisticadas plataformas "low/no code"

    Software Engineering in the Age of App Stores: Feature-Based Analyses to Guide Mobile Software Engineers

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    Mobile app stores are becoming the dominating distribution platform of mobile applications. Due to their rapid growth, their impact on software engineering practices is not yet well understood. There has been no comprehensive study that explores the mobile app store ecosystem's effect on software engineering practices. Therefore, this thesis, as its first contribution, empirically studies the app store as a phenomenon from the developers' perspective to investigate the extent to which app stores affect software engineering tasks. The study highlights the importance of a mobile application's features as a deliverable unit from developers to users. The study uncovers the involvement of app stores in eliciting requirements, perfective maintenance and domain analysis in the form of discoverable features written in text form in descriptions and user reviews. Developers discover possible features to include by searching the app store. Developers, through interviews, revealed the cost of such tasks given a highly prolific user base, which major app stores exhibit. Therefore, the thesis, in its second contribution, uses techniques to extract features from unstructured natural language artefacts. This is motivated by the indication that developers monitor similar applications, in terms of provided features, to understand user expectations in a certain application domain. This thesis then devises a semantic-aware technique of mobile application representation using textual functionality descriptions. This representation is then shown to successfully cluster mobile applications to uncover a finer-grained and functionality-based grouping of mobile apps. The thesis, furthermore, provides a comparison of baseline techniques of feature extraction from textual artefacts based on three main criteria: silhouette width measure, human judgement and execution time. Finally, this thesis, in its final contribution shows that features do indeed migrate in the app store beyond category boundaries and discovers a set of migratory characteristics and their relationship to price, rating and popularity in the app stores studied