11 research outputs found

    Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling for Tailoring Metric Thresholds

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    Software is highly contextual. While there are cross-cutting `global' lessons, individual software projects exhibit many `local' properties. This data heterogeneity makes drawing local conclusions from global data dangerous. A key research challenge is to construct locally accurate prediction models that are informed by global characteristics and data volumes. Previous work has tackled this problem using clustering and transfer learning approaches, which identify locally similar characteristics. This paper applies a simpler approach known as Bayesian hierarchical modeling. We show that hierarchical modeling supports cross-project comparisons, while preserving local context. To demonstrate the approach, we conduct a conceptual replication of an existing study on setting software metrics thresholds. Our emerging results show our hierarchical model reduces model prediction error compared to a global approach by up to 50%.Comment: Short paper, published at MSR '18: 15th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories May 28--29, 2018, Gothenburg, Swede

    Desarrollo de una aplicación móvil utilizando el framework MEAN Stack e IONIC: Un estudio de caso en una compañía de transporte

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    The use of mobile applications has become a relevant transactional component within an organization. For this reason, a mobile information system for route management was developed within the heavy transport company Torres Revelo S.A, based on the agile SCRUM development methodology and the MEAN Stack and Ionic framework based on JavaScript. In this project, it was subjected to a usability test based on the ISO / IEC 25010 standard, taking intelligibility, learning, operability, protection against user errors, aesthetics, and accessibility as references. A 26-question questionnaire was used with the Nielsen method, applying to a total of 73 users throughout the prototype-based application development process. By tabulating the results obtained, the chi-square test was applied to determine that the mobile and web application is easy to use, learn, and allow the user to trace the shortest route. These processes allow for better information management within the company.La utilización de aplicaciones móviles se ha convertido en un componente relevante transaccional dentro de una organización. Por tal motivo, se desarrolló un sistema móvil informativo para la gestión de rutas dentro de la compañía de transporte pesado Torres Revelo S.A, basado en la metodología ágil de desarrollo SCRUM y el framework MEAN Stack e Ionic basados en JavaScript. En este proyecto, se sometió a una prueba de usabilidad en función a la norma ISO/IEC 25010, tomando como referencias la inteligibilidad, aprendizaje, operabilidad, protección frente a errores de usuario, estética y accesibilidad. Se utilizó un cuestionario de 26 preguntas con el uso del método de Nielsen, aplicando a un total de 73 usuarios en todo el proceso del desarrollo de la aplicación, basado en prototipos. Al tabular los resultados obtenidos, se aplicó la prueba de chi cuadrado para determinar que la aplicación móvil y web es fácil de usar, aprender y permite al usuario realizar la trazabilidad de la ruta más corta. Estos procesos permiten tener una mejor gestión de la información dentro de la compañía

    Software Development Analytics in Practice: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Context:Software Development Analytics is a research area concerned with providing insights to improve product deliveries and processes. Many types of studies, data sources and mining methods have been used for that purpose. Objective:This systematic literature review aims at providing an aggregate view of the relevant studies on Software Development Analytics in the past decade (2010-2019), with an emphasis on its application in practical settings. Method:Definition and execution of a search string upon several digital libraries, followed by a quality assessment criteria to identify the most relevant papers. On those, we extracted a set of characteristics (study type, data source, study perspective, development life-cycle activities covered, stakeholders, mining methods, and analytics scope) and classified their impact against a taxonomy. Results:Source code repositories, experimental case studies, and developers are the most common data sources, study types, and stakeholders, respectively. Product and project managers are also often present, but less than expected. Mining methods are evolving rapidly and that is reflected in the long list identified. Descriptive statistics are the most usual method followed by correlation analysis. Being software development an important process in every organization, it was unexpected to find that process mining was present in only one study. Most contributions to the software development life cycle were given in the quality dimension. Time management and costs control were lightly debated. The analysis of security aspects suggests it is an increasing topic of concern for practitioners. Risk management contributions are scarce. Conclusions:There is a wide improvement margin for software development analytics in practice. For instance, mining and analyzing the activities performed by software developers in their actual workbench, the IDE

    The Vision of the Main Mobile Apps Related to Caravanning: an Analysis of the Reviews Focusing on Users and Developers

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    Mobile applications (apps) are becoming an essential tool when it comes to sightseeing. There is even a specific category for trips in the leading app stores. These are no strangers to the rise of the itinerant travel style, the caravans. The study aims to understand the situation of the main caravanning apps in Spain. We have carried out a web scraping methodology using a sample of 1,601 Spanish reviews of the main apps related to caravanning. The most interesting findings, among others, are that we are getting to know a sector that up to now was unknown and that even has not been affected by the pandemic crisis. Besides, the paper has demonstrated that developers do not follow the right strategies in caravanning apps. The paper also shows users' most crucial concerns about these apps. Therefore, managers of caravanning apps could improve their strategies by focusing their attention on users' concerns and, most important, reviews to respondThis publication has been possible thanks to the support of Spain's Ministry of Universities which has granted David Perea with a Margarita Salas grant for the training of young PhD included in the grants for the requalification of the Spanish University System 2021-2023, financed by the European Union Next Generation E

    What people complain about drone apps? a large-scale empirical study of Google play store reviews

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    Within the past few years, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) or drones manufacture and purchase. It is expected to proliferate further, penetrating into every stream of life, thus making its usage inevitable. The UAV’s major components are its physical hardware and programming software, which controls its navigation or performs various tasks based on the field of concern. The drone manufacturers launch the controlling app for the drones in mobile app stores. A few drone manufacturers also release development kits to aid drone enthusiasts in developing customized or more creative apps. Thus, the app stores are also expected to be flooded with drone-related apps in the near future. With various active research and studies being carried out in UAV’s hardware field, no effort is dedicated to studying/researching the software side of UAV. Towards this end, a large-scale empirical study of UAV or drone-related apps of the Google Play Store Platform is conducted. The study consisted of 1,825 UAV mobile apps, across twenty-five categories, with 162,250 reviews. Some of the notable findings of the thesis are (a) There are 27 major types of issues the drone app users complain about, (b) The top four complaints observed are Functional Error (27.9%), Device Compatibility (16.8%), Cost (16.2%) and Connection/Sync (15.6%), (c) The top four issues for which the UAV manufactures or Drone app developers provide feedback to user complaints are Functional Error (40.9%), Cost (33.3%), Device Compatibility (23.1%) and ConnectionSync (16%), (d) Developers respond to the most frequently occurring complaints rather than the most negatively impacting ones