1,842 research outputs found

    Monolayer graphene bolometer as a sensitive far-IR detector

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    In this paper we give a detailed analysis of the expected sensitivity and operating conditions in the power detection mode of a hot-electron bolometer (HEB) made from a few {\mu}m2^2 of monolayer graphene (MLG) flake which can be embedded into either a planar antenna or waveguide circuit via NbN (or NbTiN) superconducting contacts with critical temperature ~ 14 K. Recent data on the strength of the electron-phonon coupling are used in the present analysis and the contribution of the readout noise to the Noise Equivalent Power (NEP) is explicitly computed. The readout scheme utilizes Johnson Noise Thermometry (JNT) allowing for Frequency-Domain Multiplexing (FDM) using narrowband filter coupling of the HEBs. In general, the filter bandwidth and the summing amplifier noise have a significant effect on the overall system sensitivity. The analysis shows that the readout contribution can be reduced to that of the bolometer phonon noise if the detector device is operated at 0.05 K and the JNT signal is read at about 10 GHz where the Johnson noise emitted in equilibrium is substantially reduced. Beside the high sensitivity (NEP < 10−20^{-20} W/Hz1/2^{1/2}, this bolometer does not have any hard saturation limit and thus can be used for far-IR sky imaging with arbitrary contrast. By changing the operating temperature of the bolometer the sensitivity can be fine tuned to accommodate the background photon flux in a particular application. By using a broadband low-noise kinetic inductance parametric amplifier, ~100s of graphene HEBs can be read simultaneously without saturation of the system output.Comment: 9 pages. 6 figure, SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, Montr\'eal, Quebec, Canada, 22-27 June, 201


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    As the silicon-based semiconductor integrated circuits led by Moore's Law approaching their physical limits, the search for a new generation of nanoelectronic and nanophotonic devices is becoming a hot topic in this post-Moore era. The strontium titanate-based complex oxide heterostructure appears to be a promising alternative due to its diverse emergent properties. Being able to control the metal-insulator transition at the polar/nonpolar LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface using conductive atomic force microscopy (c-AFM) lithography has made LaAlO3/SrTiO3, in particular, an attractive platform. Expanding the class of heterostructures which can be controlled at nanoscale dimensions is important for alternative oxide-based nanodevices. In this dissertation, the writing and erasing of nanostructures at the nonpolar/nonpolar oxide interface of CaZrO3/SrTiO3 using c-AFM lithography is investigated. Conducting nanostructures as narrow as 1.2 nm at room temperature is achieved. Low-temperature transport measurements based on these nanostructures provide insight into the electronic structure of the CaZrO3/SrTiO3 interface. Such extreme nanoscale control, with dimensions comparable to most single-walled carbon nanotubes, holds great promise for oxide-based nanoelectronic devices. Nanophotonic devices operating at terahertz frequencies, on the other hand, offer unique information for many applications. In this dissertation, broadband nanoscale terahertz generators based on c-AFM lithography defined LaAlO3/SrTiO3 nanojunctions are proved to be able to detect the plasmonic response of a single gold nanorod. By femtosecond pulse shaping using a home-built pulse shaper, over 100 THz bandwidth selective difference frequency generation at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 nanojunctions is also demonstrated, which has great potential in both studying fundamental light-matter interaction and realizing selective control of rotational or vibrational resonances in nanoparticles. With this unprecedented control of THz field, the two-dimensional (2D) material graphene and its coupling with the quasi-2D LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface are also under investigation. The preliminary data shows evidence for graphene response up to 60 THz. These results help to fill the terahertz gap as well as offer new opportunities for oxide-based nanophotonic devices or even hybrid optoelectronic integrated circuits

    Full characterization and analysis of a terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a NbN hot electron bolometer

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    We present a complete experimental characterization of a quasioptical twin-slot antenna coupled small area (1.0×0.15 µm^2) NbN hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer compatible with currently available solid state tunable local oscillator (LO) sources. The required LO power absorbed in the HEB is analyzed in detail and equals only 25 nW. Due to the small HEB volume and wide antenna bandwidth, an unwanted direct detection effect is observed which decreases the apparent sensitivity. Correcting for this effect results in a receiver noise temperature of 700 K at 1.46 THz. The intermediate frequency (IF) gain bandwidth is 2.3 GHz and the IF noise bandwidth is 4 GHz. The single channel receiver stability is limited to 0.2–0.3 s in a 50 MHz bandwidth

    Development of highly sensitive nanoscale transition edge sensors for gigahertz astronomy and dark matter search

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    Terahertz and sub-terahertz band detection has a key role both in fundamental interactions physics and technological applications, such as medical imaging, industrial quality control and homeland security. In particular, transition edge sensors (TESs) and kinetic inductance detectors (KIDs) are the most employed bolometers and calorimeters in the THz and sub-THz band for astrophysics and astroparticles research. Here, we present the electronic, thermal and spectral characterization of an aluminum/copper bilayer sensing structure that, thanks to its thermal properties and a simple miniaturized design, could be considered a perfect candidate to realize an extremely sensitive class of nanoscale TES (nano-TES) for the giga-therahertz band. Indeed, thanks to the reduced dimensionality of the active region and the efficient Andreev mirror (AM) heat confinement, our devices are predicted to reach state-of-the-art TES performance. In particular, as a bolometer the nano-TES is expected to have a noise equivalent power (NEP) of 5×10−205\times10^{-20} W/Hz\sqrt{\mathrm{Hz}} and a relaxation time of ∼10\sim 10 ns for the sub-THz band, typical of cosmic microwave background studies. When operated as single-photon sensor, the devices are expected to show a remarkable frequency resolution of 100 GHz, pointing towards the necessary energy sensitivity requested in laboratory axion search experiments. Finally, different multiplexing schemes are proposed and sized for imaging applications.Comment: 12 page, 7 figure

    Local SiC photoluminescence evidence of non-mutualistic hot spot formation and sub-THz coherent emission from a rectangular Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} mesa

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    From the photoluminescence of SiC microcrystals uniformly covering a rectangular mesa of the high transition temperature TcT_c superconductor Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta}, the local surface temperature T(r)T({\bm r}) was directly measured during simultaneous sub-THz emission from the N∼103N\sim10^3 intrinsic Josephson junctions (IJJs) in the mesa. At high bias currents II and low bath temperatures Tbath≲ 35T_{\rm bath}\lesssim~35 K, the center of a large elliptical hot spot with T(r)>TcT({\bm r})> T_c jumps dramatically with little current-voltage characteristic changes. The hot spot doesn't alter the ubiquitous primary and secondary emission conditions: the ac Josephson relation and the electromagnetic cavity resonance excitation, respectively. Since the intense sub-THz emission was observed for high Tbath≳ 50T_{\rm bath}\gtrsim~50 K in the low II bias regime where hot spots are absent, hot spots can not provide the primary mechanisms for increasing the output power, the tunability, or for promoting the synchronization of the NN IJJs for the sub-THz emission, but can at best coexist non-mutualistically with the emission. No T(r)T({\bm r}) standing waves were observed

    Focal plane arrays for submillimeter waves using two-dimensional electron gas elements: A grant under the Innovative Research Program

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    This final report describes a three-year research effort, aimed at developing new types of THz low noise receivers, based on bulk effect ('hot electron') nonlinearities in the Two-Dimensional Electron Gas (2DEG) Medium, and the inclusion of such receivers in focal plane arrays. 2DEG hot electron mixers have been demonstrated at 35 and 94 GHz with three orders of magnitude wider bandwidth than previous hot electron mixers, which use bulk InSb. The 2DEG mixers employ a new mode of operation, which was invented during this program. Only moderate cooling is required for this mode, to temperatures in the range 20-77 K. Based on the results of this research, it is now possible to design a hot electron mixer focal plane array for the THz range, which is anticipated to have a DSB receiver noise temperature of 500-1000K. In our work on this grant, we have found similar results the the Cronin group (resident at the University of Bath, UK). Neither group has so far demonstrated heterodyne detection in this mode, however. We discovered and explored some new effects in the magnetic field mode, and these are described in the report. In particular, detection of 94 GHz and 238 GHz, respectively, by a new effect, 'Shubnikov de Haas detection', was found to be considerably stronger in our materials than the cyclotron resonance detection. All experiments utilized devices with an active 2DEG region of size of the order of 10-40 micrometers long, and 20-200 micrometers wide, formed at the heterojunction between AlGaAs and GaAs. All device fabrication was performed in-house. The materials for the devices were also grown in-house, utilizing OMCVD (Organo Metallic Chemical Vapor Deposition). In the course of this grant, we developed new techniques for growing AlGaAs/GaAs with mobilities equalling the highest values published by any laboratory. We believe that the field of hot electron mixers and detectors will grow substantially in importance in the next few years, partly as a result of the opportunity given us through this grant, which represents the major effort in the US so far. We note, however, that parallel research on hot electron mixers in thin film superconductors in Russia, and recently in Sweden, have demonstrated mixing up to 1 THz, with the potential for low-noise receivers for frequencies up to many THz. The three groups recently assessed the relative adtantages of 2DEG and superconducting film mixers in a joint paper (Kollberg et al., 1992; see Appendix II)
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